View Full Version : Algae Turf Scrubber PH swing

09-28-2020, 09:26 PM

I have an ATS running on my 110g tank. I have some Tetras and Cories currently in the tank. I have discus fish coming from Hans soon.

Its kinda hard to tell exactly from the picture, but the PH goes up from 8pm to 8am when I'm running the ATS. Then falls during the day when it is off and the display lights are on.
I have a few water changes that barely move the PH during this graph. I have a 50g 40% water storage tank with pump, air stone, heater than allow easy aged water changes.

Im not sure an ATS is good for a discus system and it is some work to keep clean. I ran a reef tank for several years and this is equipment that I just have.
This tank I'm all about keeping it simple. I am considering removing the ATS.

The Pros seem to be:
Slight better water quality as the ATS will put out Nitrates and such
Maybe better O2 as there is a water fall screen inside the ATS - with an overflow and a sump this may not matter
Maybe less algea issues in display - currently not bad, but the tank is only 6-8 weeks running

The Cons seem to be:
Slightly moving PH
Some work to maintaine

Does 0.2 ish daily PH swing matter ? I looking for input to decide what to do.

09-28-2020, 10:38 PM
I recommend the KISS approach. I keep a heater and sponge filters in my tanks - and the fish. :)

09-29-2020, 02:39 PM
I monitor with GHL computer and leave my scrubber on 24/7.
I haven’t seen such swings but my tap water comes out much lower than yours. Around 7.1

10-04-2020, 11:18 PM
I increased my photo period and the swings settled down a bit. I may move up to 24 hours. The daily swing seems under 0.1 now. I hate to give up on the ATS as the tank seemed pretty stable currently. I don’t need to clean much other than vacuuming.