View Full Version : Eggs turning white and fungus plus tds issues

10-04-2020, 07:27 AM
Hi Guys,
Brand new here and i am in desperate need of advice, I had no idea this site existed and have learnt so much already.

Anywho, I have been trying to breed discus since the start of this year, I have had multiple luck with batches since but in the last 3 months everything has stopped, first it started with the fry not being able to attach i turn off the system and lower the water level to half and leave an airstone in there and still nothing i lost so many batches beacuse of this, But now my biggest problem is the eggs keep going white, I have got a small amount of flow in the tanks from the sump, I think the issue may be the water..

my tap water is about 7.2 and has 7GH and the tds is about 240 and my tank temp is 30c
I thought i would try discus buffer from seachem, it has dropped my ph to 6.7 but has made my tds go through the roof, I checked this morning and it was sitting at 580-600!!! Is this normal for discus buffer? This is my third day using it. ( i think i will stop ) i think i will need to do almost a 100 percent water change to try and clear up this tds issue

I have just set up an ibc tub today so i can age my water as i have a water tank that i havent been using ( i know silly me ) i filled it about 60 percent tank water and the other 40 with tap water. how ever the ph is sitting at 7.5 but the the gh is 3 and tds is 67 ( the tank water is about 30 tds without the tap water mixture)

I just dont know what i should do with the ph and i do not want to add discus buffer to it, Ive watched youtube videos and everyone recommends a ph of 5.8 to 6.5 for breeding any advice with the ph and also using the rain water as I never have before would be greatly appreciated.

10-04-2020, 08:33 AM
G'day, and welcome!
Are you working with wild or domestic discus strains?

10-04-2020, 05:28 PM
Hey thanks for the reply ! They are domestic

10-04-2020, 06:33 PM
Skip the Discus Buffer.


10-04-2020, 08:49 PM
Skip the Discus Buffer.


Thanks Cliff,

Is it normal for the discus buffer to make the tds so high?

Also do you recommend anything for using the water tank water? should i be mixing it with half tap? is there anything i should add to it like discus trace

10-04-2020, 10:36 PM
I'm taking a second look at your post, and it seems your temperature is a little high too.


10-04-2020, 11:17 PM
Yeah, I have been reading stuff on here and since adjusted to 28c, Is that right? Thanks again