View Full Version : Salt Water Softener with Discus

10-27-2020, 09:49 PM
Hello, I am trying to get some insight on having a whole home water softener installed and the effect on a Discus tank. I have a 75 gallon tank that has been housing Discus and Corys for about 3-4 years with relative success. I currently have 2 discus which seem to be pretty happy and spawn constantly but with any fry. I started with 5 and lost 3 over the years for various reasons, none of which appeared to be caused by water conditions.

I have very hard water and have started researching water softeners. I have been using a small amount of White distilled vinegar at water changes since the start to try and help "soften the water a bit". While researching salt based water softeners I found that they remove too much of the minerals needed by fish like Magnesium,etc. They also add some salt content but it appears to be negligible according to most sources, or is it?

I am looking for some first hand experience and any advice is appreciated. I would love to be able to do RO but simply don't have the space to set it up and have a water storage tank. I also have a toddler now and my free time has been severely limited so my water changes are about 50% every 5-7 days.

10-28-2020, 07:49 AM
Softeners remove all trace minerals and replace them with sodium chloride. I've known people who have used softeners with success in the beginning but who experience issues down the road. The ones I know of have installed a bypass before the softener and use the straight tap water for their water changes. Maybe you could do a mix of tap and softened water if you install the bypass?

10-28-2020, 11:18 AM
Softeners remove all trace minerals and replace them with sodium chloride. I've known people who have used softeners with success in the beginning but who experience issues down the road. The ones I know of have installed a bypass before the softener and use the straight tap water for their water changes. Maybe you could do a mix of tap and softened water if you install the bypass?

Thanks, this is what I'm afraid of! I thought about that but feel likes it also kinda defeats the purpose haha.

10-28-2020, 03:58 PM
I wouldn't do it either. Sodium Chloride should not be in Discus water unless you put it in for medicinal purposes.