View Full Version : Discus mating->eating behavior Q

12-14-2020, 10:52 PM

I have a new discus 5.5” (looks to be male) that I added to my existing 110g tank that had 4 adult ~6” discus and 2 juvies.

Right from the time I added the new discus he started getting picked on by the alpha adult discus in the tank almost nonstop. However the new discus ate well in beginning inspire of bullying. However after 1 week the new discus has started this mating dance and cleaning branches trying to mate with 4 separate discus in the tank each time failing. I haven’t seen eggs been layed but must have happened given the constant branch cleaning and mating dance. The bully from alpha is very much there but the new discus is fighting back each time.

Problem I have is that for last 3 weeks since the mating exercise is on, the new discus is not eating anything. Each time I see the mate of the weeks leave the branch/spot and come out to eat when I am feeding. The new discus doesn’t seem interested in eating and starting to lose weight.

I have tried bumping temp from 84->86, rearranging the branches in tank etc. each time same thing. The new discus gets into cleaning branch/objects near same end of tank and starts the mating dance with some new discus and continues to be bullied by the alpha.

I am worried of this discus starving itself and was looking for any ideas on how I could make it eat.