View Full Version : Probably getting out of this hobby :( What's resale like on fully set up aquariums?

01-22-2021, 02:07 AM
Hey everyone, I've been lurking for some time now learning as I go. I love this forum and the hobby. I'm going to be putting my aquarium up for sale soon because I have to move for my job and I'm just becoming too busy with work to give this tank the love it needs. It's a heavily planted high tech 75 gallon tank with a S. Repens carpet in front that took me a couple months alone to dry start and is heavily established and lots of great background plants. Stocked with primarily discus and tetras plus a few other cool creatures. Everyone is healthy. I only use RO water that I add Equilibrium to. Easily over $4,000 invested between tank, stand, systems, plants and fish.

What's your experience selling full set up and established aquariums? Any advice for me?


01-22-2021, 07:23 AM
Welcome to the forums! Unfortunate you have to leave the hobby for now. There's always the future to come back!

As for the hobby itself - on things like tanks and equipment - they do not really hold their value.

A 75 gallon tank goes for 50-100 unless it's literally spanking brand new. S. Repens is really pretty, in fact all your plants you might be able to get selective buyers to purchase handful of stems at a time locally, so I would say 5-10 per handful of plants. That's if there are people looking. Your LFS will give you much lower prices but would buy them usually. You might be able to get back 25% of your RO system if you're lucky and the demand is high in your area. Not sure if the substrate is sellable. Usually people start with their own substrate for growing plants.

Your discus will definitely sell. Locally they may not pitch as high a price, but if you try aquabid or even the forums here, someone might pay a bit of money depending on their size and coloration.

Trying to sell everything together is also possible but a very niche market for full setups. In my experience people who can buy a full setup end up getting new stuff

01-22-2021, 09:30 AM
Unfortunately, Shan is correct. Aquarium setups aren't a good investment, especially a sweet setup like yours. There's not many people with your commitment and willingness to spend a ton of money in a tank, especially a smaller one like a 75g.

I suggest you get in contact with local aquarium clubs and see if there's an interest. If not, you may expect .10 cents on the dollar. If you sell everything separate, maybe .50 cents.

01-22-2021, 09:30 AM
Ditto what Shan says here.

My experience has been that there's not much of a market for second hand tanks, unless they're a great deal. The $1/gallon sale that Petco runs makes 75 gallon aquariums dirt cheap for brand new.

Depending on actual branding of hardware and such (since you said high-tech planted) it's usually best to piece things out separately. This is how I would go about listing things:

- Tank & Stand together
- Lighting
- High-tech CO2 stuff (CO2 canister, regulator, etc)
- Other misc hardware separated out (RO Unit, Heaters, Themometers, misc accessories, etc)
- Livestock separated out individually
- Hardscape (wood, rocks) pieced out separately
- Provide a "buy it all" price that is super attractive, and you might get some local bites.

Like Shan said - the substrate is usually just thrown away. Depending on the substrate and how long it has been used (referring to planted tank soil), it could be past useable life and not be providing the nutrients/minerals like it would if new. Most folks would opt to go like new.

01-23-2021, 10:49 PM
I agree with them. It is not much of an investment.

01-23-2021, 11:16 PM
If you have any Ecoxotic Stunner Strips or Hydor hydrokable substrate heaters, I'd be interested in those. But like others have said, it's tough to sell a whole setup. I know for my FishNook, I would never get even 20 cents on the dollar if I tried to sell it all.... and my DIY aquarium controller..., my bill of materials on that guy is so high, I'd never get 10 cents on the dollar for it.

I don't know if you've floated your system by the members of PlantedTank.net. With photos and discriptions of your components, you might get interest there.