View Full Version : Will this work

01-28-2021, 08:29 AM
I have a 36x15x18”tank that I intend to use for quarantine of new stock. Ideally after I have treated the fish for worms and potentially other meds (I’m still looking at options) I would like to continue use of the tank for grow out. I understand the best way to get nice healthy fish for my planted display is to grow them into adults in a bare bottom tank with heavy feeding and large daily water changes.

I can easily accommodate a 50% daily change on this tank with heated and de chlorinated water in a couple of minutes.

I guess I just want some confirmation my plan would stand up.

I will ideally hold 6 fish at a time.
Then onto grow out. I will be purchasing at 3” or so.
Feeding a mix of food around 5 times daily
50% daily water change.

All being well how long should I expect for a reasonable amount of growth to allow me to move them to DT as Adults?

I know I’m crossing a few points here but any help greatly appreciated.


01-28-2021, 10:05 AM
Discus growth rate.

lets say growth rate for a normal Discus
3.5 inches is general about 3-4 months old ( from fry not from when you buy it)
So at 6-9 months.......Discus should be at least 5 inches with proper upkeep.
At 12-15 months......they should reach 5.5 inches and by 2 years they should reach 6-7 inches.
This is dependant on many factors all of which need to be followed to allow them to reach there full potential. Different strains may applies.

01-28-2021, 10:43 AM
Looks like you have a good plan. It will take around 3-4 months to get your discus to the 4.5-5” size. What size tank will the main tank be?

01-28-2021, 11:09 AM
My main display is 78x20x24” with a 60x15x18 sump. I’m hoping to keep two groups of 6. Work on getting the first 6 conditioned and in tank then start the second.

I do have in my head are the 6 in display under stocked to cause issue whilst I work on second group or will I have aggression issues trying to introduce the second group?

01-28-2021, 11:56 AM
There will always be some pecking which differ from discus to discus. IMO I would do more than 6 but no, you shouldn't have any MAJOR aggression issues. (Unless one of your discus is just an ***)

01-28-2021, 12:09 PM
Thanks Shan

I’m kind of restricted by size of QT for conditioning and growing on prior to introducing to display. I was maybe tempted to try a group of 8 into QT with my best 6 making the display. I would then do the same again with my second batch to end up with a group of 12 in my display.

01-28-2021, 12:09 PM
This should work fine. I did similar with my first tank. But my first 6discus were tiny. 1.5” I grew them in a 45 to 2.5 and moved to a 125. Than bought a second group of 6 at the 2.5 size and kept them in the 45 for over a month and moved in the 125. So they were all pretty close in size when they met. I’ve been lucky and haven’t had the *** fish. With the size tank/sump your setting up you could easily do 8 and 8.

01-28-2021, 12:12 PM
Good news Tom thankyou. At least I’m kind of knocking on the right doors.

01-28-2021, 12:29 PM
Yes your ready. Will you be ordering discus online or buying from a local store?

01-28-2021, 12:29 PM
Good plan. I usually use a bit of a smaller tank initially and move them up to larger tanks as they grow so I can monitor or treat more easily, basically as Tom does.

If you're looking for a solid QT procedure check this link http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?135809-Al-s-Quarantine-Procedure

01-28-2021, 12:36 PM
Yes your ready. Will you be ordering discus online or buying from a local store?

I will be using my local shop who isn’t actually a Discus specialist but seems very happy with the breeder he is using based in Vietnam. I know we are recommended to go to a Discus Specialist but the guy who runs shop is very knowledgable and run Chester Zoo (big UK Zoo) aquatic department so I really do trust him and his contacts. Time will tell how the quality progresses over the coming months as I won’t be buying my discus for a few months yet so plenty of time to observe what’s coming in and be absolutely sure before committing.

01-28-2021, 03:00 PM
When buying locally talk to your guy and ask if you can be there when the fish come in. The sooner you get them the better. So instead of them sitting in his tank they go right into yours. Probably better to buy online because you get more choices and a better quality fish. Though your stores are so much better than ours. When buying online your dealing with one breeder so fish coming from the same place. Stores can get fish from different places. Wherever the wholesaler gets the best deal. This in turn can end up with fish from different places that end up in the same store tank and get each other sick. Or worse in different tanks at the store that you add to the same tank and all get sick. Read the German Asian thread.

01-28-2021, 03:24 PM
Yeah I was aware of the mixing of fish from different breeders etc. The guy I’m using really is top class so completely trust him. He is only bringing in from one supplier for the very reasons you mention. Like I say I do have time to monitor the quality he is receiving and should there be any issues they are likely to display before I’m spending my money.
I’m lucky I have soft water here plus a dedicated discus breeder who is only 20miles away should I choose to use him instead.

02-02-2021, 11:44 AM
If you can do a 50% water change in a couple of minutes, why not do a 100% water change instead? The difference in growth will be significantly better.

02-02-2021, 12:32 PM
If you can do a 50% water change in a couple of minutes, why not do a 100% water change instead? The difference in growth will be significantly better.

I don’t know would be my initial answer. I’m new to discus so still reading and learning.

My logic around my 50% change is I have a tank that will hold enough for that size change where I can easily decloranate, aerate and heat in advance of daily change. I could possibly do up to around 70% with that method.

The other thing I had in mind was keeping a steady bacterial balance in the tank. My thoughts around such large daily changes would be it upsetting the balance of the tank?

Like I say new and happy to take in all opinions and advice.

02-02-2021, 01:52 PM
Yr quarantine tank 36x15x18=159.26 liters(42.8 gallons) IMO I would get 8-10 3 ins and grow them there till they reach 4 ins with 5 feeds a day and with massive water changes daily.....even you lose one or two discus during that period you still have a group of shoaling fish.

02-02-2021, 02:25 PM
If you can the more the better. It’s a grow out tank so your not really worried about bacteria. It will still be in the filters. I did 50%+ daily. But I’m not going for size just healthy fish. For size the more water changed the better.

02-02-2021, 02:35 PM
Cheers guys, deffinately taking these points on board. I will try to see if I can have my water change tank accommodate a bit more so I could maybe get a 75% change so at least I have the option to do larger if I want.