View Full Version : Frustrated, seeking advice

01-30-2021, 02:51 AM
Hi everyone! I spend so many hours reading nearly everything here and you guys are great! I've tried problem solving based on all the great advice here but I lost a fish this morning (Scarlett) and I feel like I'm doing everything right but I keep having problems. So ... if it's okay, I'll try to keep it short but any advice would be great. There is so much conflicting information, I'm getting nervous.

I have a 70-gallon tank with (now) seven Discus. I lost one this morning. The filter is beautifully established. Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates aboouot 5PPM. I do about a 30% water change daily, bare bottom tank and vaccuum up everything every evening. I have two HOB filters, an AquaClear 110 and a TopFin rated for 75G.

I posted here several weeks ago about a Hex problem. I followed all advice to the letter. I raised the temp to 90, I treated the tank with metro, though I didn't really feel it was dissolving. The one fish that had stopped eating, started again and everyone seemed to be feeling better. I did the Ph test suggested and there was no swing in the Ph. After everyone started feeling better, I started lowering the temp by 1 degree every other day. Then the white, stringy poop came back. At that point, the fish were eating, so I started adding it to their food with Focus and raised the temp again. They seemed great and energetic, so I brought the temp back down to 88 but kept the meds in their food. They were all eating it but maybe I wasn't giving them enough. Scarlett was always facing the back of the tank and unhappy. I keep up with daily water changes and daily water testing.

Having lost Scarlett now, I have raised the temp to 91, dosed the tank with 3/4 teaspoon of metro, and added aquarium salt. I am determined to solve this problem and raise them to be happy and healthy. Now, I do have one fish who is just a huge bully (Biff). He goes after every fish in that tank except the runt. He is OUT OF CONTROL, attacking like crazy nowo. But, all of them are fighting. And not their usual pushing one another around. They are fighting mouth to mouth. Three separate fights at one time beating their mouths against each other. I read that the higher temp will cause them to fight. If they will all be okay, I can put up with that for 10 days.

I guess I'm just worried that they will feel better and then this will happen again. I do think I may have been under-dosing them but the required dosage of 1 gram per 20 gallons was just WAY too much medicine to fit into their food. I was giving 1.5 scoops of metroplex, 1 scoop of focus, a few drops of Garlic Guard to enough food for a feeding, once a day.

I read everything I can and I'm trying SO hard. I feel like I'm doing everything right but failing.

Sorry for the long post and for being emotional but I really, really want to save the rest of these fish and it seems the solution to the parasite is causing them all to attack one another and I'm beside myself trying to figure out all the different treatments. KUDOS to all of you who have this down. MUCH respect and many thanks for any advice.

01-30-2021, 09:33 AM
Are you dosing metro at 500 mg per 10 gallons for 12 days?

01-30-2021, 10:00 AM
Over the years of observing discus behavior plus other animals in general I have a theory that goes beyond that of territorial and aggressive behavior. Discus will partner with some, as do most all animals, or ignore some, or fight with others. Animals will play, younger ones especially, animals get bored. How do we know that for certain that the "aggressive" behaviors are only that but rather some versions of play and other boredom relieving? Also, sparing, is a form of exercise and muscular development. What I am suggesting is that which seems to concern us about our discus may not be as serious as we make it out to be but rather, to some extent, a good thing.

01-30-2021, 11:37 AM
Yeah it could be anything but key is what Liz said did you follow the directions of the metro? Go the full 10 days? Pics of the fish and tank may help.

01-30-2021, 01:08 PM

I did treat for 12 days. And they did seem to be doing better. I am not sure I was dosing it in their food correctly, as it seemed as though they would have to eat a huge amount of food to consume it all. How can you get that much medication into one feeding?

I’m not sure the photo attachments are working. My dose for the water column yesterday was one gram per 20 gallons. I do not have a gram scale but I’m going to pick one up today. Based on some other threads here I was able to get it close but using 3/4 teaspoon for the whole tank.

They seem more calm this morning and everyone has an appetite. I will go pick up a scale and do a water change and redose after that, making sure to use the correct amount.

I was wondering if one of their clan being gone, maybe threw off their pecking order and could be part of the reason for the fighting.

I appreciate you asking the time to answer. I’m sure it must feel like you see the same questions all the time. I will keep reading here and learning everything I can.

01-30-2021, 02:14 PM
I do think I may have been under-dosing them but the required dosage of 1 gram per 20 gallons was just WAY too much medicine to fit into their food. I was giving 1.5 scoops of metroplex, 1 scoop of focus, a few drops of Garlic Guard to enough food for a feeding, once a day.

Your water volume doesn't have anything to do with the dosage if your mixing into food. Only if you're dosing the water.

Dosing in Food

Feed the medicated food mix (recipe below) every day until the infection clears or up to 3 weeks. This medicated food can be refrigerated or frozen between feedings.

1 scoop MetroPlex
1 scoop Focus™
1 tbsp food (preferably pellets or frozen food)
A few drops of water if using a dry food
To enhance palatability use with GarlicGuard™ or Entice™.


So if you're adding 1.5 scoops of metro and 1 scoop of focus to 1T of food, then you're overdosing the metro by 50% according to the manufacturer, although I don't think it will hurt anything.

01-30-2021, 03:57 PM
Are you dosing with pure metronidazole? 12 days of Metro ensuring 500mg/10Gallons combined with high heat (91F)and salt 1 tablespoon/10Gallons.

01-30-2021, 04:10 PM
Thank you! I think the first time I dosed the tank my math was incorrect. From what I could tell I was dosing it in the food correctly but I always felt like even with the Focus, it was releasing into the tank at feeding time. I have a scale and will continue dosing the tank as instructed and leave the temp up for 12 days. I’m feeling more confident now. Truly appreciate the input!