View Full Version : Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

02-12-2021, 04:44 PM
Hi all,
I have to share some very sad news with you all. Several weeks ago Kenny called me with devastating news. I was floored, literally crushed. He has been diagnosed with Terminal Cancer recently..and its very advanced. It hit him hard and fast.

He needs to focus on his family at this time, and so is leaving the hobby to spend his remaining time with his family. He asks you to respect his privacy here and on Social Media off SimplyDiscus.

Kenny wanted me to thank all of his customers and friends for their concern the last few weeks and their Support all these years.. Kenny's Discus has Closed Permanently as a result of his condition.

He asks that you not try to contact him because in his condition he really can not reply and really needs to conserve his strength for what time he has left for his family.

Kenny has been many things to many people here at Simply.. For me he has been a dear brother and close close friend for decades. The Hobby is losing a Giant that set the bar higher than anyone I know, and we are losing a friend like no other. I know we will all miss him dearly. Life is not fair, and this is terrible proof of that.

If you all wish to post something here for Kenny, Please do, and keep him and his family in your Thoughts and Prayers. Should Kenny or his family update me I will pass it on... but please do not contact him. He does not know how much Time he has left, and that time is for his Wife, Sister and Niece.

Thank You,

02-12-2021, 05:00 PM
What terrible news. I'm so sorry to lose a dear friend.

02-12-2021, 05:25 PM
Very sad news for all of us.

02-12-2021, 05:33 PM
I am new here on SD tho quickly learned how important Kenny and the high quality Discus he has bred to sell through the many years played an important part in raising the bar and setting high standards for Discus husbandry across the country.
I am so sorry for his families loss and the Discus communities loss and especially for Kenny!

02-12-2021, 05:39 PM
I am so sorry to hear this news. Thank you for letting us know Al, we have all been worried about him. He will be greatly missed.

02-12-2021, 05:45 PM
I’m in shock. Kenny has been a huge part of the amazing experiences I’ve had here on Simply Discus. The regular interactions on Simply and social media will be hugely missed. Kenny has been an icon in the discus community and even greater friend.

I am praying for Kenny, his family and his friends during this time.


02-12-2021, 05:49 PM
This is sad news and our hearts and prayers go out to him and his family. Thank you Al for letting us know.

02-12-2021, 05:52 PM
Thank you Al. This is terrible news. So many in the hobby owe so much to Kenny.

02-12-2021, 06:01 PM
Beautiful discus from a real classy guy!!!! Always 5 STARS KENNY- YOU ARE IRREPLACEABLE!!!!! GOD BLESS FRIEND!!

02-12-2021, 06:02 PM
I have nothing I can say, I don't know what to say, I am so sorry to hear this I just hate what I just heard. God bless you man and thank you for being Kenny. Jim in Ohio

02-12-2021, 06:10 PM
That's absolutely terrible news. Kenny has provided so many nice fish to so many people on here over the years - a legend! I remember speaking with him on the phone and he wouldn't sell me fish that he knew I would not be happy with. Take care Kenny!

02-12-2021, 06:12 PM
Thanks Al for informing us so eloquently. My thoughts and prayers go out to Kenny and family. The discus world will never be the same wo Kenny. He is the epitome of niceness and decency and I’m blessed to have known him as I have. God be with you K.

02-12-2021, 06:52 PM
Kenny Discus was my first real discus purchased 10 yrs ago. This is shocking news to bear, prayers go out to his family. Love and peace for you my friend.

02-12-2021, 07:25 PM
Sorry to hear this sad news. Praying for Kenny and his family.

02-12-2021, 07:52 PM
You'll be terribly miss my friend. I wish I could visit his garage room one more time and tell him how grateful I am for all the advice. 😥😥😥

02-12-2021, 08:08 PM
This is so sad Kenny is such a great guy best customer service hands down u could get. The hobby is losing a legend that's for sure. Just not fair.

02-12-2021, 08:21 PM
So sad! An icon of this hobby. Prayers going out to Kenny and his family!

02-12-2021, 08:24 PM
Just saw this horrific news. Hit me pretty hard. So young, always sounded like a solid family man, gave anyone & everyone the time of day for help, insane amount of patience,... just a good soul, awesome person. It's just not right.

Don't want to pry one bit... but would be interested in donating money and/or time if any help needed since I used to educate & coordinate hospice. It's the bare minimum I can do. Overall, truly unreal and I'm just angry... hate seeing someone bust their *** to be good & do good... then they (and family) have to endure this.

02-12-2021, 08:36 PM
My heart is broken, not only for the selfish part of me who considers you a friend but so much more-for your family- especially your beautiful young niece I know you adore more than air. Also Forrest- so much trust there, and not only what you have done for the hobby but the example you have shown us as a human being. You are a gracious, humble, exceptional man who has never entertained a mean bone in your body. I’ll never forget a summer evening a few years ago now, at my home, in my very own backyard watching Al pacing back and forth on a call with you, helping you deal with the theft and misuse of your discus photos. Instead of letting loose with anger and retribution, you looked for peaceful, educated advice in your good friend. Two of my most favorite men in the hobby were in my backyard working out an issue together, calmly and peacefully- all I could do was supply a cold beer to one side of the conversation as I looked on.
Since my very first introduction to you I expressed to everyone that you were the kindest man I’d never met. I had plans to fly across the country this summer and shake that hand you’d told me was worn and callused from so many years in the industry.
You had moved from an acquaintance early on to a good friend. We had kept in touch over the years and I enjoyed the late night messages, laughter and screen shots illustrating your life, right up into November after I had received my last shipment from you. You pack as well as my grandmother had. I teased you about it, literally laminating the boxes with packing tape. Just a few short weeks ago we were laughing on the phone. I asked you to send me an invoice for the extra rolls of tape. That laughter- I’ll remember forever. No one will ever be able to fill your shoes. The fish you chose so carefully and sent to me are nothing short of exquisite. They are absolutely breathtaking and every time I look at them I realize they saw you last, they ate from your fingers, they were in your home.
You will remain in my heart always and I know you’ve touched countless others over the last few decades.
Kenny Chung, you mean the world to us. I hope you can hear this and not be so humble this time. Please- let it sink in and realize the impact you’ve not only made in the hobby, but to people... you’ve taught us about respect, kindness, generosity and how to treat others even if you don’t necessarily understand or agree with their thought processes- you see there is always good in everyone. Thank you for that Kenny. I wish I could have met your parents who instilled those qualities in you. The photos you showed me revealed their true character- pure joy and love on their faces. We lost parents together- your father, my mother.
Thank you for being what the world needs more of. I know in my heart there are greater things awaiting you. You’ve made a huge difference here. You are in the hearts of so many.
We laughed about you being my little brother... but you are certainly an older soul and wiser than I’ll ever be. Sending you my love and prayers.
Jenene- your big sister always-
🙏 ❤️💕💖🙏

02-12-2021, 08:39 PM
Oh no...Not Kenny? How can this be true? I will keep him and his family in my heart.

02-12-2021, 08:39 PM
I'm so sad. I keep purchasing fish from him whenever I can. I also plan in the near future, after pandemic, I will visit his fish warehouse. :( this is the huge loss for the Discus community.

02-12-2021, 08:48 PM
Kenny I didn't know you personally, but did know of your kindness and commitment to you customers through their fabulous reviews...my heart felt prayers go out to you, your wife and niece :sorry:

02-12-2021, 08:53 PM
Kenny and I were friends long ago when he was a hobbyist and then first starting his business. When I returned to the hobby after stepping away for several years, I was amazed at the growth of his business and the outstanding service he promoted. Whenever people talk about quality and integrity, eyes always turned to Kenny and Forrest. What a great guy!!

02-12-2021, 08:55 PM
I read this out loud to my wife with shaking in my voice. Kenny, I paused and prayed for you and your family.

Kenny and this forum is what brought me back into the hobby after many years absent. Kenny was patient, kind, and treated me with the utmost respect regarding my purchase of 8 discus. I eventually just let him pick out what to send me. I was not disappointed in any fashion. Kenny treated me as if I were his first and only customer. His follow-up was A+++.

Thank you Kenny. May you be graced in comfort and strength. I will remember you in the upcoming days and weeks.


02-12-2021, 09:22 PM
I am sadden to hear of this terrible news today. I've known Kenny for a great number of years, a wonderful person and an Icon in the Discus hobby. My family and I are sending our prayers to Kenny and his family. God Bless you my friend.

02-12-2021, 10:14 PM
I didn't know Kenny personally, but I am familar with the outstanding reputation he's had here on Simply forever.

it's always heartbreaking when good folks go through hard times. It feels so unfair.

02-12-2021, 10:59 PM
Kenny is special. I will not add to what already has been said but rather feel an elevated appreciation of those Kenny fish that I now have swimming large and healthy in my tanks. They will serve as a constant reminder of a great businessman and person.

Second Hand Pat
02-12-2021, 11:02 PM
Kenny, I will miss you and hope your time with your family is filled with love and peace. You will be missed terribly. I wish all folks could use you as a measuring stick as you are truly a great man and true friend. You make the world a better place.
Peace to you my friend,

02-12-2021, 11:10 PM
Hello fellow hobbyists

This is very sad news. It’s been 8 years since I’ve be kept discus and Kenny was a fabulous person to work with. He made the hobby so much better and was a most trusted person. I had hope to contact Kenny again

I will miss him as hobbyist but as a truly friendly and honest person. I will pray for him and his family. God has blessed Kenny and will do so again.


02-13-2021, 12:27 AM
A couple of years ago, I asked Kenny for a pic of himself. I wanted to know what the nicest most gentle speaking guy on the phone who sold me such awesome fish and gave me such great advice long after a fish sale looked like. I am posting this pic so as to put an image with the man we all speak so highly of. I hope I’m not offending anyone as I do this with warmth. If I errored in doing so, please delete as a moderator on this Forum sees fit. Looking at the pic has helped me through this. Respectfully with regret, Bill

02-13-2021, 12:43 AM
I don't think your post will offend anyone. Thanks for sharing!

02-13-2021, 12:45 AM
This is devastating news. Kenny treated me like I was his only customer. Always had time to talk, helped me with any issues. Picked and packed the perfect discus for me. When I got back into the hobby little over two years ago, I couldn't stop myself from buying some discus from him each month. Waited anxiously for his monthly listing. Kenny never disappoints. Kenny, you are a great friend. Enjoyed talking discus with you. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you!!

Darren's Discus
02-13-2021, 01:10 AM
Thinking of you and you're family Kenny my friend.

02-13-2021, 01:32 AM
Non-fair!!! Why sad thing like to hit nice guy!!

02-13-2021, 01:59 AM
I am genuinely heart broken. He sold me my first discus right out of college almost 15 years ago. I hadn't bought a thing for almost ten years until October last year and he treated me like I was the only customer he ever had. I have never experienced anything like him as a business person, I can only imagine knowing him closely in real life.

Praying for him and his family, and absolutely respecting his wishes and hope everyone else does.

02-13-2021, 06:54 AM
i am so bummed... Kenny was so helpful when we ordered our first set of Discus...Darn it makes me sad

02-13-2021, 10:17 AM
That is indeed terrible news, enjoyed dealing with him, always nice.

02-13-2021, 11:15 AM
I saw Jenene's stories about Kenny... really good stuff. Saw short ones by others... one about how Kenny made them feel like they were his first and only customer. 100% agree! I felt the same way.

Anyone else care to share any good stories about Kenny? Long threads are threads I usually skip some postings and skim through too fast but this is the first one where I have read every single post. I don't do much technology and this is the only website/forum that I've been a part of ( I don't even have Facebook) --- I didn't realize how folks that I have encountered here really do make this site what it is and I never thought overtime that I would become emotionally attached to a lot of you who have helped me out. I didn't realize it until now with this terrible news. I never met Kenny and person but talk to him over the phone multiple times. He instantly made me feel like everything was going to be okay. Especially when making my first discus order ever that required shipping and I remember at the time being shocked by the price but he made me realize it was the smart option pretty darn fast and reassured me that not just the discus from him, BUT discus from any of the sponsors on here were better/safer/mute-point on price in the long run than buying them elsewhere. Then we would get off The discus topic and enjoy talking even though I knew he was busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

I know this is my second post on this thread and I will stop but I would really love to hear anyone else's stories with him if you care to share.

Kenny, by saying you will be missed is a drastic understatement ...God blessed us all when he created you brother.

02-13-2021, 01:09 PM
I spent many hours w Kenny on the phone over the years, but this one (really two calls) was one of both usefulness to me as well as one of dedication, patience, concern, and friendliness on his part.

Long after getting fish from him, two fish developed ragged/split outer edges of several fins. If left unfixed, this would lead to split fins going all the way to the body....after which it would be too late to remedy and would become permanent. Kenny calmly (with his always gentle friendly voice) walked me through what to do......getting a clean baking pan, a soft towel, and warm water. I was to lay the towel on the pan, add warm water in til there was 1/4” or so of water making the towel a bed of sorts in shallow water. Then I had to net a fish, keep the fish in the net and proceed to carefully lift the damaged fin slightly above the body and cut off the frayed/split edge of the fin in a straight line with sharp scissors. This took only a couple of minutes per fish to do and when I returned it, it was just fine. He assured me this would not hurt the fish and a new section of fin would grow back in short order.......and, sure enough, that was the case. The fins in question are perfect to this day. Immediately after I completed the task, Kenny requested I again call him to report how it went or if I had more questions. He even remembered months later that I had done this and asked how the fish were doing. This took time/expertise on his part and was not a part of a sale......he was simply caring to help a discus nut like me best care for fish. I could also cite other examples of how he helped me with things, but this one stands out and what I learned from him will last forever.....as well as my admiration of such an altruistic man.
I hope something like this is what you intended Elliot. I, too, would love to read of all the experiences of others with Kenny. Lastly, Elliot......both your posts are awesome......don’t feel as though you should limit yourself to only two. Kenny has wonderfully added greatly to the hobby and thus, posts should be encouraged. By doing so, we’re celebrating our appreciation of all the many positive ways Kenny has impacted our lives.

02-13-2021, 03:18 PM
I still can't get myself to accept this news of what Kenny is going through. Absolutely heartbroken to imagine what he's going through right now- he's quite young and had it all- a wife and a niece, and has to leave them. Hope he can relax well and spend every moment enjoying his life. As for my personal experience with him, I was one of the lucky few who got to meet Kenny in person. Since I lived near him, I was able to drop by his place to pick up some fish. The first time I visited was during a cold and rainy december day. I remember taking the exit off SF and parking in front of his house. I didn't expect much looking at the barred windows in his neighborhood. But when I walked up to his front door, I was greeted by Kenny's wholehearted voice. He welcomed me into his fishroom, which was a converted garage in his house. I was in awe of how he was able to maintain such a operation in such a place- remember these are typical SF three story homes on the hills that you always see in the pictures. While I was in the fishroom, I could just remember Kenny running up and down the stairs, filling out orders for his customers in his second floor office. His cell phone would also sound seemingly every minute and he would be chatting with customers. During the 30 mins or so I was in his place, he was never standing still. He always was moving about, packing some fish into bags for his customers or calling and texting his friends. Even then, he took the time to patiently answer my newbie questions and fish and showed me one by one which fish he recommended. I still cringe at the dumb novice questions I asked him which took time away from his more pressing tasks, but he'd always answer them with great detail and never compromised. One thing that struck me most when I was there was the busyness of the place. A customer walked in almost every ten minutes. I can still picture that day as he was chatting in English to one American customer and then talking in Cantonese to another chinese customer at the same time. I was seriously impressed on how he was able to manage such high demands and yet was able to interact with people so sincerely. Through all the work he did, he still placed his customers as his priority and would never let you down. He just had that infectious positive energy. Kenny truly is one of those kindhearted souls you only meet once in a while. Wish him the best.

above design
02-13-2021, 04:40 PM
This sucks so bad. Kenny has been the nicest professional I can remember dealing with. Even more so, hes a genuinely good person. Just devastating to hear this.

02-13-2021, 09:02 PM
Thanks for letting us know Al... I'm speechless... ����

Kenny... I'm praying for you and your family... ����


02-13-2021, 09:47 PM
incredibly sad news

Vinni Smith
02-13-2021, 11:10 PM
I talked to Kenny one time on the phone.
Very nice man!
I am sorry to hear this.

02-14-2021, 10:46 AM
Just WOW!. So very sorry to hear this.

02-14-2021, 11:23 AM
Devastating not much more to say

02-14-2021, 01:23 PM
Wow haven't been on here in a long time since I haven't kept discus in years due to space constraints. Purchased my first discus from Kenny about 10 years ago while I was still living in AZ. I still remember Kenny personally calling me after I received the fish to make sure everything was OK. That was the best customer service I have ever received in this hobby. He always answered emails in a timely manner as well. I have since been living in the bay area the last 8 years and have always wanted to make the trip to his house to just meet the man himself and see his operation in person. I still get his monthly or so emails on his current shipments and would browse ever one of them. My thoughts go out to him, his family and the discus community. You will be missed greatly Kenny!

02-14-2021, 02:00 PM
I only got to talk to kenny a few times. I was building my 1st discus tank in over 10 years. He was so kind helpful and friendly. He was supportive and kind. Truly, he is not just a fan of discus but a fan of fans of discus. My prayers and thoughts are with you Kenny!

02-14-2021, 02:12 PM
this is very sad news, he is always helpful. hope & wish a fast recovery.

02-14-2021, 02:13 PM
Wish you the best, Kenny. Miracles happen everyday all around us. Keep your hopes up and hope you are able to make the best of what's in front of you.

02-14-2021, 02:28 PM
Bless you Kenny. Bless your family. This is a journey we all must take. May the Creator hear these words. Forever.


02-14-2021, 02:42 PM
Thank you for the opportunity leave a note to Kenny. Kenny thank you so much for all the fantastic fish and great advice throughout the years. All me prayers and warm wishes to you and your family. You are simply the best.

02-14-2021, 02:46 PM
Kenny, please stay strong! No matter what No matter where, stay strong and peaceful. If you have to go somewhere, believe that it’s only will be a better place. Thank you Kenny, you are a grate man for the hobby!

02-14-2021, 02:48 PM
I literally just read the news. I'm absolutely floored like the rest of you. I never got the opportunity to meet Kenny but we spoke at length many times over the 2.5 yrs we have known each other. We became friends as a result not only for his Discus but the passion he has for people! Unmatched...losing a true friend, but never in Spirit. I am so happy he was patient with me, I now have 2 generations of his incredible Discus. Kenny will never be truly gone!!! Kenny bro, I'm going to miss you so much. I am struggling to write this so let me close by telling Kenny & his Family thank you for all the good memories! We love you and send all the best & blessings.

One thing Kenny taught me was the 3 P's...Patients, Passion & Perseverance...I'll see you again someday Kenny! Blessings my friend!

Orange Crush
02-14-2021, 02:52 PM
This is very very sad news. I bought my 1st discus from Kenny 10 years ago. He is an amazing human being. So kind, generous, and helpful. He clearly has a passion for discus. My love goes to him and his family on this Valentine's Day.

02-14-2021, 02:56 PM
Very sad. 😞

02-14-2021, 03:01 PM
I’ll be praying 🙏 for you Kenny. Keep fighting!

02-14-2021, 03:14 PM
You were an awesome vendor and awesome steward of the hobby, Kenny.

02-14-2021, 03:15 PM
May he enjoy enough time with his family and friends to create a few more positive memorable moments that they can all cherish.

Time is fleeting. We all need to make the best of it and have no regrets living life.

Prayers to him and his family.

02-14-2021, 03:19 PM
This is terrible news. Kenny had been a giant in our hobby and all through it he maintained a calm and humility that is to be admired. I never met Kenny but have talked with him on he phone several times and he couldn't have been nicer. He always answered questions and was free to give advice. I wish Kenny well and will pray for a miracle on his behalf. I pray too that his days be peaceful and pain free.

02-14-2021, 03:33 PM
I'm very sad to hear this news. Kenny is a great guy and always willing to help us, in the hobby, any way he could. My prayers are with him, his wife, sister, niece and all the many people how care deeply for him.

02-14-2021, 03:55 PM
This is just horrible, horrible news. I myself lost my dad to cancer last year and it was hell. If I ever meet cancer, Im going to cut its heart out.

02-14-2021, 04:02 PM
Kenny is an icon in the discus world but he is also a very kind and good friend. Many never got to meet him —so often wished I could but even still on the phone and online his great qualities shown through. I began to pray for him quite a while ago. God put him on my heart. I pray he will have peace and rest and even joy in the midst of his suffering and all those around him would be blanketed in God’s sovereignty.

02-14-2021, 04:19 PM
These are really sad news, had the pleasure and privilege to meet Kenny in person who are considered my friend what a gentlemen and great human been. this is a real blow! in shock words can't express. I will miss you my friend , thanks for all your teaching , knowledge and above all your friendship.

02-14-2021, 05:34 PM
I am really in shock, I know Kenny more than 17 years before he started Kenny's discus. I stopped by his garage to chat and picked up a few discus at least a 2 to 3 times a year except the last 2 years. Life is so unfair, how can this happen to Kenny. The last time I talked to Kenny was 2 weeks after his surgery, since then I never got to chance to talk to him again. My dear brother, we will pray for you and miracle does happen, please please hang in there. We all love you. Please hang in there my good brother, I don't want to have to miss you.

God bless you and family,

02-14-2021, 05:49 PM
I’m so sorry to read this and as I wish my deepest condolences to Kenny and his family. Kenny is an awesome Discus breeder and keeper! We are surely going to muss him and will never forget him!

02-14-2021, 05:49 PM
I had the privilege of talking with Kenny a few times and also purchasing some Discus from him. I consider him a friend as well having had conversations regarding the fish and also life in general. Found him to be a great mentor and very generous with his time and knowledge. My Kenny discus are my most prized amongst my fish. Kenny I will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. Thank you for the guidance and thoughtfulness you put into my last purchase from you. You have set an example for others to follow. May God bless you and keep you now and always.

02-14-2021, 06:38 PM
My heart is very sad, but I believe Kenny is going to a better place. We will miss him dearly. I got so much advise from Kenny and he has always been kind and quick to help, even calling when needed. I never met Kenny, but many conversations on the phone made me feel like I knew him well. Both of us going through similar health issues at the same time. I've prayed for his recovery before and even though his prognosis is not good this time, I still will pray for a recovery and peace for him and his family. Kenny you are in our prayers, now and always.

02-14-2021, 07:04 PM
Dear Kenny,
Sorry to hear this bad news. Hong Kong is going to lost another superstar, GOAT(Greatness Of All Time) of Discus. Being in this hobby for 30 years, the first time coming to your place we already click. Yor are like Tom Brady in football, LeBron James in basketball.
Talking discus stories, people that we know Jack Watley, Bing Sieto, Waynn Ng. All the big hitters in the business. Meeting you is like meeting Jesus in heaven.
Great guy, you will be missed.

02-14-2021, 07:07 PM
So sad to hear this! We are praying for u!
May u have peace and comfort in this difficult time! 🙏🙏

02-14-2021, 09:49 PM
Praying for you Kenny!

02-14-2021, 09:53 PM
Devastating. Hell of a man who did things RIGHT. Prayers for you Kenny and your family.

Kingdom Come Discus
02-14-2021, 09:58 PM
Such hard news this is for all, especially those of us he has been so kind to help! People like me, who thought they knew the hobby well. I had many problems while a sponsor here! Kenny helped me and gave me advice on how to handle upset people! A roll model he is, not just with the Discus, he is the definition of good people! I love you Kenny, and thanks for your willingness to always help!

02-14-2021, 10:23 PM
Very sad. Just started with discus in June last year, and purchased from you. Such a wonderful experience. If not for COVID, I could have met you in person when I picked up the fish from you. Prayers for you and your family.

DC Discus
02-14-2021, 10:41 PM
Wishing the best for his family!

I've met and shook Kenny's hand on multiple occasions and I can say he was the most passionate and kind person I've met in the discus hobby, a great person! He would gladly share any and all his experiences in the hobby so you as a hobbyist could succeed! Between Kenny, Jack Wattley, and Bing Seto I've been fortunate to have learned and communicated with the best of the best!

Best wishes all!

02-14-2021, 10:58 PM
Kenny you and your family are in my prayers. You are such a wonderful man and taught me so much about discus. You will be missed greatly. Just know that you are loved and a legend to so many of us.


02-14-2021, 11:46 PM
It is amazing how you never met someone and yet know that he is the best you could know. I am so sorry that I did not have the chance to follow through with Kenny to have his discus. It was my plan for years, but somehow, I thought he’d always there. Will pray for Kenny and his family.

02-15-2021, 12:40 AM
May all the thoughts and prayers forever be felt and known towards you Kenny, this man who has spent his time and
love for this hobby and made many customers happy about owning Discus.

02-15-2021, 01:33 AM
Thank you, Kenny, for making so many of us smile over the years. Your fish have always been beautiful, of course, but it's your fanatical attention to quality and service which is most remarkable. Thank you for being so great!

02-15-2021, 02:08 AM
I still can not believe this... I feel terribly sad. I wish him the best. Thanks for letting us know Al..

02-15-2021, 04:28 AM
This news makes my heart ache so much. Praying for you my friend!


02-15-2021, 05:20 AM
I only had the pleasure of speaking with Kenny once on the phone but he was an absolute pleasure to speak with. My heart goes out to him and his family. I lost my father to pancreatic cancer on January 1st 2017 and it happened so fast, we had only found out my dad was sick in mid-September. Cherish every moment with your loved ones.

02-15-2021, 11:46 AM
Thanks Al for the update.
It is devastating news and I am greatly saddened not being able to say hi and bye to him in person again. 😢
Kenny is an icon in the Discus hobby. The quality of his Discus fish and customer service is unmatched. He is number one hands down.
I’ve known Kenny for about 15 years and the last time I saw him was about 6 years ago when I visited his garage with my 2 year old son. I used to visit him almost every time he had a new Discus shipment. And I would either buy discus from him or just pick his brain because he was so knowledgeable about Discus.
He will be greatly missed and my prayers goes out to him and his family. Take care my friend!😢

02-15-2021, 11:53 AM
To say I am floored and heart broken is a gross understatement, I'm sure the same goes for everyone else that had the pleasure of working with Kenny. Kenny being the amazing guy he is, helped me get into this amazing hobby of keeping discus. The first time I called Kenny, I was just an ambitious 14 year old who dreamt of keeping and breeding high quality discus. He told me that if I am passionate enough and keep up the maintenance I could achieve my dream, with that said, he guided me and eventually shipped me my first discus. I am 22 now and have been keeping discus ever since, being in contact and buying from Kenny multiple times over the years. The last time I purchased discus from Kenny, I had intentions of breeding (in which he knew) and managed to somehow ship me a breeding pair, writing on the box "Matt, I did my best to select you a M/F pair, with hopes of future breeding success". Within a few weeks of being in the tank, the pair started to lay eggs and produced multiple batches of fry:fish: . I want to thank you Kenny for everything you taught me during our phone calls and emails, and for the memories/experiences I will never forget. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during these tough times.

02-15-2021, 11:55 AM
Kenny is a legend - I can't believe this is really happening!

02-15-2021, 12:10 PM
Heartbreaking news. Poor Kenny. I just bought my first ever discus from his November shipment. He was so helpful, knowledgeable, and incredibly kind. The best in the business, no question! You will be forever missed Kenny. You are in my heart and prayers, please take care. :cry:

02-15-2021, 12:26 PM
Absolutely devastated to hear this news. Kenny has been a great companion in the hobby. His dedication and customer service has always been top notch and goes above and beyond. When I was looking to complete my group this past November, I got in touch with Kenny asking about his Curipera Crosses and 3R intermediates. He didn't have them in November, but said that he spoke with Forrest and was getting some in his December shipment. I made my pre-order that day. A few weeks later, he said that they were coming in a bit larger than I had pre-ordered, but he was still going to honor his original prices and I received larger discus than I paid for. This story, while small, just goes to show how incredible of an individual he is.

Kenny - I am hoping for the best for you, and hope that you will be able to spend your final time enjoying your family and close friends.

02-15-2021, 01:04 PM
Very sad news. Today, exactly 1 year ago on Feb 15, 2020 I received a shipment of Discus from Kenny. Not only did he guide everyone in their choices, but always honored and respected everyone he contacted. My prayers go out to Kenny and his family.

02-15-2021, 01:34 PM
Very shocking news. I am at loss of words and stunned since last morning. Besides the several awesome discus I got from Kenny over the last 8+ years, I got a great friend and chance to learn discus keeping from a gem of a person. I recall eagerly waiting for Kenny’s posts on shipment preview every month and then often driving up to his house in Daly City. Kenny’s garage was my happy place! Like many hobbyist here have expressed, what made Kenny’s discus special were not the discus alone but the experience of interacting with Kenny. What a gem of a person. More than the discus, I will be missing you Kenny my friend.

It hurts that I cannot meet you in these difficult times, but pray for you and family. Stay strong and I want you to remember how many hearts you have touched in the hobby and smiles you have put on thousands of hobbyists!

I am still praying for a miracle for you. Hope and long to talk with you....

02-15-2021, 03:28 PM
I am so very sorry - I had not been in the hobby for over 10 years. When I decided to get back into the hobby, I purchased 4 discus from Kenny and then another 3 later. He was such a blessing and a help to me. He called me personally on 2 separate occasions to help me with my fish. He is a great guy and we will surely miss his presence in the hobby! I know the cancer is serious for him to step aside like this. I am praying the Lord will spare him.

02-15-2021, 03:43 PM
I am new to the hobby and this forum. Kenny's name came up all over the place if you want some quality discus and now it seems I will never get that chance. I am very very sorry to hear about the negative health news and wish Kenny is able to spend some quality time with his family.

02-15-2021, 09:50 PM
I couldnt have been more shocked and mortified hearing this news.. and I am only a client but he left such an impression on me you cant help but love that guy. I feel terrible for him, his wife, his family, you, I cannot imagine losing a friend like a man like Kenny. He is lovely and he shined! A class act. I am deeply saddened upon hearing it, it is devastating to know such a good, kind, patient and gentle soul is not going to be with us anymore. When I reached out weeks ago and he didnt reply, I knew something was terribly wrong as he would always respond.

Kenny, you left your mark on this planet and everyone loved you. The care, the customer service, the attention to detail...You will be terribly missed. Prayers to you and your family. Thank you for all you did for me when I bought the fish, your generosity and how you made all your customers happy. We all love you. Im so sorry to know I can never pick up the phone and shoot you a text of my still growing Blue Scorpions...hugs and prayers...Thank you again for everything and God Bless you.

Liz Constantine

02-16-2021, 08:24 PM
May the last days of his life be peaceful and pain free surrounded by his family.

02-17-2021, 08:06 PM
I have been so heartbroken about this. Not only is Kenny a professional, impeccable businessman, but he's been a member and friend of Simply since the beginning. I knew Kenny before he became one of the kings of the US discus business, when he was just a passionate discus keeper, breeding fish and sharing his hobby with all of us. I'm so sad that I haven't been in touch with him in the past few years. When I dipped my toes into importing, I reached out to Kenny via email and asked his opinion on a few things. A few minutes later, my phone rang. We had a long chat, and he told me I was always welcome to chat with him if I had questions or needed suggestions. He said he didn't view me as his competition and that there was room for all of us. But that's who Kenny is, and it's always the first thing that springs to mind when I think of him. It's impossible to overstate how friendly and helpful Kenny is; he's always been one to give generously of his time. I'm so sorry that he and his loved ones are going through this.

two utes
02-17-2021, 10:53 PM
I have never spoken or corresponded with you Kenny, and only know of you through Simply Discus. Over the years I have read many posts on here about your exceptional service to your customers and dedication to the hobby we all love. Im on the other side of the world here in Australia, but im sure you've touched many all around the world.

Reading other's posts I can see that you are a kind soul and have touched many with your kindness.
May you enjoy your beloved family and close friends...I bet you are smiling and thinking only of them and not yourself.

02-18-2021, 02:05 PM
Terrible. Cancer is the absolute worst.

I never had any personal dealings with him but knew his reputation. Truly sad to be losing someone like this, not just from the community but from the world.

Wish you the very best, Kenny.

02-19-2021, 11:04 AM
Very sad news indeed!!! A loss for words. My prayers go out to Kenny and his family.

02-19-2021, 06:47 PM
I am speechless. Kenny news really hit me hard. He will be missed by me and Discus community forever. My prayers to Kenny and his family. God bless you.

02-21-2021, 05:30 PM
Got chills reading the news. such a big lost in the discus community and simply discus forum.

Big Toyz NY
02-22-2021, 09:27 PM
This is absolutely terrible news. After having slacked off for a while, I decided it was time to bring my 530 gallon planted discus tank back to it's former glory. Without hesitation I knew I would be going back to Kenny for the highest quality discus. I ordered 8 discus in October and 5 more in November. Kenny contacted me to let me know the Golden Passion discus I wanted were coming in December and would hold one for me. I had to tell him that I needed to hold off because I was having a mild bacterial infection in my tank, he told me to call him and I was on the phone with him for awhile. He was very helpful and even encouraging in the advice he gave me. Kenny isn't just very knowledgeable and generous with his time, you could tell that he is a genuine nice guy.
My tank is fully recovered now and I'll never get the chance to thank Kenny again. Hopefully somebody will step in and carry on his legacy but it won't be the same. Kenny will be remembered and missed by everyone in the hobby.

02-27-2021, 01:34 AM
This took awhile for me to post.... Kenny made my discus dream come true and became a friend and mentor... god be with you my friend

03-01-2021, 09:01 PM
To all!! Just saw this on the Facebook site

03-01-2021, 09:25 PM
To all!! Just saw this on the Facebook site

Thank you so much for sharing this.

03-01-2021, 09:31 PM
Kenny sent me the link today and was really surprised by it. He would not mind this .. I think he was very humbled by the go fund me Idea.

I would encourage anyone here that can contribute there to do so....it would be nice to see the community get behind this.

Thank you all!

03-01-2021, 11:27 PM
Thank you Tom, Al, and DiscusGuy.......beautiful thing to do.

Second Hand Pat
03-02-2021, 07:32 AM
I shared Discus Guy's FB post to the SD group to help spread the word.

03-02-2021, 11:04 AM
This one took the wind out of my sails, I just saw the post on Facebook. I’ve been away for a while and this was the last thing I thought I’d see. I am so saddened by this news. Kenny has been a rock here for years, not only providing nice fish but providing a level of customer service and friendship that is hard to match. I haven’t talked to him in quite some time, and I haven’t been here on simply in a while but I am going to sorely miss Kenny. Relax and enjoy your family Kenny, know that you have touched many more people’s lives across this platform and hobby than you can count.

03-02-2021, 03:39 PM
So sad, beautiful fish and a great dood.

03-02-2021, 06:17 PM
what is the link to give the money? Ed

Second Hand Pat
03-02-2021, 06:51 PM
To all!! Just saw this on the Facebook site

what is the link to give the money? Ed

Hi Ed, look at the link if Tom's post in the first quote.

03-03-2021, 12:47 PM
what is the link to give the money? Ed


I suspect that Kenny only asked because he's thinking of his family. Please do help them out by donating!

03-03-2021, 10:14 PM
Al’s sentiments perfectly captured my own as I remain truly devastated upon hearing this news. Before hearing this news, I thought of Kenny every day and what a truly exceptional person he is who makes this world better each time I look at my gorgeous fish. I remember his unparalleled warmth, compassion and caring that transcends distance in between. His reach to the hearts of many is wide and while I’ve never met him in person, my life is better because of him. I wish he and his family my very best during an incomprehensibly difficult time. Be well and stay strong my friends.

03-05-2021, 01:58 PM
I’m so sad to hear about Kenny’s declining health. He’s always been so kind to me and I’ve bought many fish from him over the years. Because we live close to each other he allowed me to pick my fish up from him in person and getting to see all the pretty discus in his care was something I’ll never forget. It’s truly amazing! He is a wonderful person and I’ll cherish all of the wonderful advice he’s shared with me over the years. Even texting with me until the late hours of the night when my first pair started breeding and I was having the worst time trying to set up my breeding tank. Thank you for everything Kenny - I’m forever grateful! Sending healing vibes and lots of love your way!


03-06-2021, 12:15 PM

I suspect that Kenny only asked because he's thinking of his family. Please do help them out by donating!

Imagine this........if just 10,000 of the people who read this thread each gave a mere $10, Kenny’s family would have a nice $100,000 or more for the ever-so-high cancer costs. Please donate all......I assure you I’ve already donated.

03-06-2021, 09:03 PM
Is there an update to his condition?

Second Hand Pat
03-07-2021, 02:56 PM
I am sure Al will update this thread if there is anything Kenny wants to share.

03-07-2021, 03:05 PM
I didn’t know Kenny, neither bought a fish from him. But I hear from all of you that he’s a great man and done a lot for discus community.
Count on me with a donation!

03-15-2021, 12:46 AM
I am devastated to hear this news about Kenny. Grateful for you, you got me back into the hobby. You're a stellar man Kenny.

03-20-2021, 05:25 PM
Kennyyyyyy noooooo ,, very nice man great dedication to the hobby .. so sad to hear he going thru pain ,, rest up old discus pal hope you come out of this , you are missed but not forgotten 😔

04-04-2021, 07:42 AM
Im really sorry to let you all know that we have lost our friend.Kenny has passed on and is no longer with us.My heart goes out to his family and I pray that he is at peace now.

I could not sleep at all last night after having found out
I am devastated. Kenny will never be forgotten.

Rest in Peace my friend...my brother.


04-04-2021, 11:25 AM
My deepest sincere condolences go out to his family. What a terrible loss, he will never be forgotten in the discus community, RIP my friend, God bless, love & peace out.....

04-04-2021, 10:51 PM
What a tragedy...thoughts and prayers for Mrs Kenny and his niece and extended family :(

04-11-2021, 02:55 AM
Im really sorry to let you all know that we have lost our friend.Kenny has passed on and is no longer with us.My heart goes out to his family and I pray that he is at peace now.

I could not sleep at all last night after having found out
I am devastated. Kenny will never be forgotten.

Rest in Peace my friend...my brother.


The discus world has lost a truly honorable ambassador and a dear friend, and we were shocked and deeply saddened when we read your post, Al. Kenny's legacy will live on in all of our hearts and tanks, as many of us here are blessed to be able to express our gratitude to Kenny every day when we enjoy the beautiful fish he brought into our lives.

It is thanks to the SimplyDiscus community that I discovered Kenny's Discus. My family is fortunate enough to live close to the Bay Area, and we are grateful for our time spent with Kenny in his fish room, talking about our shared passion for these amazing fish. Kenny's kindness and friendly, professional nature are well-known. He was always willing to share his knowledge and expertise, and his ability to communicate humbly and compassionately made every encounter feel like catching up with an old friend.

Kenny touched our family from the moment we met him. My son was 8-years-old at the time, we had started breeding discus as a fun bonding project, and we saw the monthly post here, picked out several fish, and placed our first order. When we arrived at his home in Daly City, Kenny recognized my son's interest in the hobby, asked him how old he was and told him that he also started raising discus at 8, he took the time to tell him all about the different fish in the room, showed him pictures of fish he had bred, encouraged him to keep breeding and exploring the hobby, and after bagging all our fish, he gave my son an incredibly large and gorgeous fish for free. Every moment we shared with Kenny is a treasured memory, and we feel very fortunate to be raising babies from adults that he picked out for us. Every morning we give thanks for the opportunity to have met such a gentle soul, and we strive to possess a measure of Kenny's humility, patience, and grace.

Our prayers go out to everyone grieving. Peace and love to Kenny's family and friends.

Second Hand Pat
04-11-2021, 08:31 AM
The discus world has lost a truly honorable ambassador and a dear friend, and we were shocked and deeply saddened when we read your post, Al. Kenny's legacy will live on in all of our hearts and tanks, as many of us here are blessed to be able to express our gratitude to Kenny every day when we enjoy the beautiful fish he brought into our lives.

It is thanks to the SimplyDiscus community that I discovered Kenny's Discus. My family is fortunate enough to live close to the Bay Area, and we are grateful for our time spent with Kenny in his fish room, talking about our shared passion for these amazing fish. Kenny's kindness and friendly, professional nature are well-known. He was always willing to share his knowledge and expertise, and his ability to communicate humbly and compassionately made every encounter feel like catching up with an old friend.

Kenny touched our family from the moment we met him. My son was 8-years-old at the time, we had started breeding discus as a fun bonding project, and we saw the monthly post here, picked out several fish, and placed our first order. When we arrived at his home in Daly City, Kenny recognized my son's interest in the hobby, asked him how old he was and told him that he also started raising discus at 8, he took the time to tell him all about the different fish in the room, showed him pictures of fish he had bred, encouraged him to keep breeding and exploring the hobby, and after bagging all our fish, he gave my son an incredibly large and gorgeous fish for free. Every moment we shared with Kenny is a treasured memory, and we feel very fortunate to be raising babies from adults that he picked out for us. Every morning we give thanks for the opportunity to have met such a gentle soul, and we strive to possess a measure of Kenny's humility, patience, and grace.

Our prayers go out to everyone grieving. Peace and love to Kenny's family and friends.

What a beautiful memory of Kenny and his kindness.

04-11-2021, 11:09 AM
The discus world has lost a truly honorable ambassador and a dear friend, and we were shocked and deeply saddened when we read your post, Al. Kenny's legacy will live on in all of our hearts and tanks, as many of us here are blessed to be able to express our gratitude to Kenny every day when we enjoy the beautiful fish he brought into our lives.

It is thanks to the SimplyDiscus community that I discovered Kenny's Discus. My family is fortunate enough to live close to the Bay Area, and we are grateful for our time spent with Kenny in his fish room, talking about our shared passion for these amazing fish. Kenny's kindness and friendly, professional nature are well-known. He was always willing to share his knowledge and expertise, and his ability to communicate humbly and compassionately made every encounter feel like catching up with an old friend.

Kenny touched our family from the moment we met him. My son was 8-years-old at the time, we had started breeding discus as a fun bonding project, and we saw the monthly post here, picked out several fish, and placed our first order. When we arrived at his home in Daly City, Kenny recognized my son's interest in the hobby, asked him how old he was and told him that he also started raising discus at 8, he took the time to tell him all about the different fish in the room, showed him pictures of fish he had bred, encouraged him to keep breeding and exploring the hobby, and after bagging all our fish, he gave my son an incredibly large and gorgeous fish for free. Every moment we shared with Kenny is a treasured memory, and we feel very fortunate to be raising babies from adults that he picked out for us. Every morning we give thanks for the opportunity to have met such a gentle soul, and we strive to possess a measure of Kenny's humility, patience, and grace.

Our prayers go out to everyone grieving. Peace and love to Kenny's family and friends.

Wonderfully said! He made me feel like that 8yr old when we met 3 yrs ago and I'm 52! Say hello to Heaven for us Kenny! Love you bro!

P.S. I'm going to say it....why has Kenny's Gofund Me goal not been met? This is SO Incredulous to me! Sorry if this is insensitive.

04-11-2021, 11:27 AM
wonderfully said! He made me feel like that 8yr old when we met 3 yrs ago and i'm 52! Say hello to heaven for us kenny! Love you bro!

p.s. I'm going to say it....why has kenny's gofund me goal not been met? This is so incredulous to me! Sorry if this is insensitive.

p.s. I'm going to say it....why has kenny's gofund me goal not been met? This is so incredulous to me! Sorry if this is insensitive.[/quote]


04-12-2021, 01:11 AM
I know of several hundred more coming this week. How short is it right now?

04-12-2021, 08:23 AM
Right now we're at $5,755 - with a transaction completing this week, there should be another several hundred coming in. However, even after that we're going to be some $3,900-ish short of the $10k goal. I wish there was more I could do.

04-12-2021, 12:16 PM
I feel so obligated to make sure the Goal of $10.000 is met if not more! I'm a disabled vet and get paid once a month. I will be sending more soon! Kenny has done sooooooooooooooo much for the hobby and people in general! My mission is that We will make the same impression on his family as Kenny did to All of us at one point in time! I listen to his voice mails and cry. I have every single text from 2018 when Kenny and I met & I purchased my first 8 discus! I'm fairly lost as what I will do when I reach to call Kenny. I'll just say hello Kenny we ALL have your family taken care of and say hello to Heaven for us ALL! Love you bro!


Also I am going to start working on a memorial video and I still would like all of you to send me something if you like to include in the memorial! Send pics & short vids to jackandrazz@yahoo.com

04-12-2021, 09:35 PM
I'll make another donation as well. And have been pretty bummed since hearing he passed. I hope his family, and subsequently the community here are doing as well as they all possibly can.

04-12-2021, 11:35 PM
Thank you so much! You are very appreciated.

04-14-2021, 08:09 AM
Thanks to Elliot (pastry) for purchasing my 4 3R intermediates that I received from Kenny last winter. More details about those can be found here: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?138015-Please-Save-These-Fish-(Kenny-s-Discus)!/page2

I'm including Kenny's GoFundMe information again for those that are interested in helping take care of his family: https://gofund.me/f4aecb73

04-26-2021, 04:23 PM
So sorry to all who knew him. I did not but I send my condolences to all who did. F CANCER.
I hope and pray one day soon we find a cure. ����

10-01-2021, 03:22 PM
RIP Kenny! Donate at https://www.gofundme.com/f/cancer-help-kenny-and-his-family-kennys-discus?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet