View Full Version : The Full Circle Chickens

02-19-2021, 02:08 PM
I have mostly Bielefelders. The others are one each Delaware, Light Brahma, and Lavender Orpington. I love the lovely dark brown eggs the Bielefelders lay, especially the ones that are speckled. The Bielefelders are bred to be good free range chickens. Mine sure are. I built them a lovely chicken house with roosts everywhere but the darn Bielefelders prefer to roost in a holly tree when it's chicken bed time. Even in 12 degree weather with ice pellets falling from the sky, they were up in the tree rather than in their house where I put in 2 heat lamps to keep them warm.

04-20-2021, 02:59 PM
Good to see you got more chickens, we just got done dealing with possum problem. :)

04-20-2021, 04:01 PM
Even though I don't have a rooster six of the stupid things think they are incubating babies so rather than getting a dozen eggs a day I'm getting 6. This breed is not supposed to go broody. Mine didn't read the directions.

04-20-2021, 08:21 PM
Liz I just saw this thread, hard to understand them choosing a tree to sleep in when they have that nice snug house! I remember how hard you worked on their home. Good looking eggs and flowers!

04-21-2021, 10:14 AM
Even though I don't have a rooster six of the stupid things think they are incubating babies so rather than getting a dozen eggs a day I'm getting 6. This breed is not supposed to go broody. Mine didn't read the directions.

Crazy chickens, we are getting up to 16 a day. Was getting 20 before the dang possum. Kids just passed out 6 dozen to the neighbors. :) We have some cool roosters now wish I could get one to you. They sit in your lap, very gentle.