View Full Version : They Made It

02-23-2021, 09:49 PM
All my discus fish in the 125-gallon tank survived the Texas winter storm here in San Antonio, Tx. last week. Next to little or no electric power for three days and the outside temperature no higher than 30F degrees. The house was cold and dark, but they pulled through, many folks here in Texas lost a lot of fish because of the winter storm. Check my video: https://youtu.be/RP4H83xLM6k

02-23-2021, 10:17 PM
That's great to hear, Roland. I watched a bunch of Youtube videos about how Texans were handling the loss of water and power and wondered how discus keepers would faring.

About twenty years ago, we had a similar situation in Minnesota. Straight line winds took out the power (and most of the trees around here) for 5 days. It was cold, but it wasn't winter. Water temperature in my tanks dropped to 70F. But everyone survived as well. The commonality between our tanks appear to be bare bottom, super clean and low stocking density.

02-23-2021, 10:56 PM
Congratulations Roland! We are glad that you are safe as well.

02-24-2021, 08:58 AM
I've been worried about all the fish people in TX. I'm happy for you and your Discus.

Second Hand Pat
02-24-2021, 09:11 AM
Hi Roland, glad both you and the fish made it through. The fish look great. I feel for the folks in Texas. What a rough go.

Vinni Smith
02-24-2021, 10:21 AM
That is a bad story with a good ending, Roland.
So glad for you and the fish.

My sister-in-law lives in a motorhome in Texas near Fort Worth.
She was blowing thru propane like nothin'.
She has a job so she could not just drive up here.

I really felt sorry for all those folks.
We were cold and frozen in here in Nashville, but thank God we never lost power.
Last time we lost power for 3 days but it was in the spring.
We have a lot of goats and birds with heated water bowls.
Not sure how we would have handled that.

BTW, Roland is my grandson's name.
Good name!

02-24-2021, 10:45 AM
Glad to here you got through that. Tank and discus look great! Next you may want to get a generator. Here on Long Island it’s needed and now that so many were out of power they will be hard to find.