View Full Version : Serious White Algae Problem?

03-10-2021, 02:48 AM
I have a 55 gallon and a 29 gallon tank. I use Fluval filter canisters .

About the same time I noticed both my tanks got quite hazy and upon inspection I could see a lot of cottony white fluff and tiny bits floating in the tanks as well as it covered the bottoms of the tanks.

I cleaned the canisters and tubes and hooked everything back up only to have thick clouds of this white algae spew out.
So I figured out that it was in the housing and I thoroughly cleaned the housing of both canisters with very hot water till all the algae was removed.

Meanwhile I did 75% water changes twice a day.

Now 2 days later it is back as thick and awful as before!

It caused a sudden spike in ammonia last time.

What the heck is happening???

I am stressed and am wondering if I need to throw out the Fluval canisters and just use sponge filters???

Does anyone know what this is? How should I treat it? Am exasperated!

Thx.. Regina

03-10-2021, 07:59 AM
It is not algae, but biofilm. Quite common in canister hosing. Especially, in newer set ups.

03-10-2021, 09:34 AM
Did you clean the hoses? Do you have a polishing filter? If not a cheap one is the odyssea 250 with 2 sponges. It’s about $20shipped on eBay. Remove the 2 sponges and fill those chambers with floss and that will remove the white stuff.

03-10-2021, 02:50 PM
Oh Thats great news! Yes I cleaned hoses and spouts and housing.. everything! I now have a fix! Thanks Tom!!! And Thanks Mervin for the info! One less major stress in my life to contend with! Whew!!!