View Full Version : New discus

03-25-2021, 12:37 PM
Well my old pet store finally reopened their fish section. Been closed for almost 2 yrs. said to myself just looking just looking! But they had as of yesterday 1.5” super red discus. Yes the super sold me. So I bought 2. Have a qt all set up with a bn pleco in it so I was ready 😀.
http://youtu.be/Km1Lb0dcBHs still hiding so they need some time.

03-25-2021, 12:51 PM
Nice!!! They look so active

03-25-2021, 01:45 PM
Good looking fish! I like that strong vertical stripe through the eye of the one on the right. Will that one keep that look as it grows?

03-25-2021, 02:12 PM
Sorry no clue. I bought from lps who bought from a wholesaler. Lol like I said I was sold on the super��. But I will keep the thread going so everybody can see what they become.

03-28-2021, 08:41 PM
They both look amazing. Good pickup dude.

03-29-2021, 12:16 AM
Nice one Tom. Hope they grow into stunner for ya mate :thumbsup:

03-30-2021, 10:53 AM
Nice looking, like the stripe through the eye. Cant wait to see when they color up more.

04-12-2021, 10:05 AM
Well these guys have caused me a lot of grief! Seems they had something with them? In them? On them? No clue but even in there own tank in another room getting 50% daily water changes my other tanks both got cross contaminated. Cc is for real! Of course these guys have no idea what’s been going on and have been fine the whole time and growing nicely.130984130985

04-12-2021, 01:45 PM
They look so cute and happy for sure they don’t care about cross contamination at all.

04-24-2021, 11:23 PM
A month later there growing some. But still under 2”131148131149
Received these this week from Dennis discus. 3 Raffleisa and a yellow malboro 131150131151

04-24-2021, 11:36 PM
Looking good Tom!! I love the raff's, nice shape on the yellow as well!

04-26-2021, 06:25 AM
Nice new fish Tom. I'm a big fan of those raffs as well. Also the discus have grown some! For all the trouble they've been worth lol

04-26-2021, 10:09 AM
Thanks guys! Luv the raffs too! Hoping they redden up as they get older!
Yeah Shan there growing a bit and showing some of there red. All tanks are doing good now! One discus was pretty bad so it’s in a 5g qt nw with salt and rid-ich and improving daily :).

05-10-2021, 04:05 PM
Pics of the raffs today. Yellow guy seems to want to be a raff too.131229131230131231131232

05-10-2021, 09:49 PM
Very nice Tom. Looking good!

05-11-2021, 09:29 AM
Very nice Tom, those raffs are lovely

05-11-2021, 10:19 AM
Thanks guys!! Yes very happy with them! But it seems my water turns pbs bright orange. I was hoping for red like my red cover (brown base) didn’t know raffs were from pbs. My Hans red ss131235.

05-11-2021, 11:11 PM
What are you feeding Tom? Any food with enhancers (astaxanthanin is a common red enhancer) typically turn yellow fish orange.

05-12-2021, 06:27 AM
Lol knew the yellow would turn orange but was thinking the raffs would be red. Yes I feed all red enhanced foods.

05-25-2021, 12:03 AM
Discus are growing!131342131343

05-25-2021, 09:48 AM
Discus are growing!131342
Are those the trouble makers?

05-25-2021, 12:28 PM
Yes they are! They were so.d as super red discus. But we’re tiny when bought. One has doubled in size the other has grown but not as much. I added a runt blue from my other tank. Still wondering what I’ve got. They don’t seem to be the same.131344

05-25-2021, 08:40 PM
Tom the one with the black bar through the eye looks like a ghost cross...I say cross because it has some blue pattern in the dorsal which is not usually found in ghost discus.

05-25-2021, 09:44 PM
Thanks Dan will look up ghost discus!!

06-08-2021, 08:55 AM
These guys are growing.131440131441. Also moved in the runt white leopard from my other 125. Just making sure all fish are compatible:).

06-08-2021, 11:48 AM
Some nice discus. I wonder if those Raffleisa will color out the way mine did. Mine were that color when young and grow out to about 7 inches. They were Forrest discus, but not from Kenny.131443 131444 131445

06-08-2021, 12:10 PM
Those are raffleisa? Mine are suppose to be red raffleisa. Are those a different color raffleisa?

06-08-2021, 03:07 PM
They were pink spots on them like yours when they were younger. The reddish pattern slowly faded away into a more solid pinkish orange color. I would think different breeders have different lines and are not all the same pattern.

07-01-2021, 06:12 PM
Think they had a growth spurt! 131565131566. I moved 2 of the raffleisa into one of the 125.

07-12-2021, 11:08 AM
TOM! Holy fishsticks they are growing. Maybe not that yellow one but oh do I love his coloration so much

08-01-2021, 04:28 PM
Well they’ve all grown. I’ve moved the 3 raffs into one of the 125s and they’re doing fine.131694131695131696. All are around 5” now but look nothing like what was expected. Last looks like a panda.

08-01-2021, 05:34 PM
The yellow marlboro doesn’t look like a Marlboro anymore and also not yellow. Was looking like a raff for awhile but has now grown some white bars. Not sure what it will be.131697. And the first 2 I’ve had for 4months now and are both growing nicely.131698131699. Still wondering what these are.

09-12-2021, 09:02 PM
Moved the red guy into 1 of the 125’s yesterday.131874. Doing good so far.131875. The other guys still in the 50131876

09-13-2021, 12:45 AM
your red one looks stunning. Which strain is it?

09-13-2021, 07:51 AM
No clue. Got it at local pet store at about the size of a quarter.

11-14-2021, 01:27 AM
Well did something I shouldn’t have. Went to a local store to look at discus. Someone had bought a withe discus that looked really good so I wanted to see. Been to this place before but wasn’t impressed. Funny place. It small but you have to open doors to really see what’s in it. This time I opened the right door. Took me down a flight of steps. Mind you this place is in the middle of queens Chinatown. So at the bottom of the steps (think walking into an unfinished basement) behind yet another door there are around 30 40g breeders. 10 of which are full of some really nice looking discus. Was very surprised. But I walked back upstairs and was leaving when I decided I should have one more look. So I bought this red leopard 132189. Got it home and it looked like this132190. Lost some color but hey I knew it was stressed some. Also guessed the lighting was making it look redder than it was. But I’m still very happy. This pic was right after I dropped it in. After one week it looked like this.132191 with the right lighting this 132192 I’m happy plus no sign of anything wrong. I mean this discus was eating the 2nd day. So I went back today and bought 2 more. In the week I was gone most of the leopards were sold. Only 4 left. Still found a nice one :). Than I also picked an albino red pigeon. This is also a very nice looking discus132193. For me I’m just surprised these fish look this good from a local store. The prices were reasonable and no shipping. Here’s all 3 together. 132194 Middle guys from last week. These discus are all allready around 6” and they still look young. So now time will tell what I got :).

11-14-2021, 10:26 AM
Those discus from Monster Aquarium Inc looks pretty good.

11-15-2021, 08:33 PM
Yeah I got to say they have some great looking discus! Shocked! Been a long time since I’ve seen discus like these at a lfs. White one seems to be a bit of a bully and not eating much but the 2 leopards are eating everything that I drop in.132198132199132200132201.

11-16-2021, 05:31 PM
Those discus from Monster Aquarium Inc looks pretty good.


11-29-2021, 10:33 PM
New guys are doing great! Now what tank do I put them in? I’m thinking the 2 leopards in one tank and the white in the other. 132253

12-04-2021, 09:39 PM
Well today was moving day :). The 2 leopards went in the first tank. 132263132264132265. I moved them first and all is well. Lots of bickering at first but they held there own and it looks like they’ve been accepted:). Next the white went into my second tank and seemed to think it was it’s tank (not sure if male or female but leaning now toward female). Got right involved with the biggest and longest pair.132266 when done there it checked out the rest of the occupants 132267132268132269 again all good. Should have bought 2 of the white ones!
Went back to the store again today and was let down. Same fish but conditions were not as good. Looked like the average pet store where the fish had been there too long.

12-10-2021, 12:01 AM
May i ask the store's name? I'm guessing Pet Wearhouse in Lindenhurst.

12-10-2021, 12:06 AM
I think he got them from Monster Aquarium


May i ask the store's name? I'm guessing Pet Wearhouse in Lindenhurst.

12-10-2021, 02:38 PM
Hey Jim well yes I use that Pet warehouse and the one by Roosevelt field. But these discus I got from Monster Aquarium off college pt blvd queens. A member here pointed the place out and 2 members on the Facebook site bought from them. All the fish have been good. No cc and good looking fish. Couldn’t get any info from owner on where he got them from but what he had was very similar to what Dennis discus is offering now.

12-10-2021, 04:43 PM
He gets his Discus from Vietnam, I was there a few years ago when the shipment came in. Fish are usually very nice and the prices are reasonable.

12-10-2021, 09:23 PM
Hey Jim well yes I use that Pet warehouse and the one by Roosevelt field. But these discus I got from Monster Aquarium off college pt blvd queens. A member here pointed the place out and 2 members on the Facebook site bought from them. All the fish have been good. No cc and good looking fish. Couldn’t get any info from owner on where he got them from but what he had was very similar to what Dennis discus is offering now.

Thanks for the info. Those are great looking discus. Do they have many 'oddballs' like their website states? I'm pretty well stocked now but always keep my eye opened for something a bit different.

12-10-2021, 10:37 PM
Yeah they’ve got lots of oddball. Butterfly fish,knife fish, plecos,leaf fish. Shrimp… all at very good prices and the place is clean. Just if the place looks small open doors! Discus are in the basement with some other interesting fish. There’s a parking garage on the right. No parking on the street.

12-10-2021, 11:14 PM
Yeah they’ve got lots of oddball. Butterfly fish,knife fish, plecos,leaf fish. Shrimp… all at very good prices and the place is clean. Just if the place looks small open doors! Discus are in the basement with some other interesting fish. There’s a parking garage on the right. No parking on the street.
Wow that place sounds really cool. Love knife fish, have no room for another, hopefully soon i can go with a big tank. Wish it was closer [i'm in Lindenhurst] but will have to make the trip someday.