View Full Version : Considering a Discus tank

04-21-2021, 09:01 PM
Hi, I'm close to pulling the trigger on a beautiful 180gal. (72"x18"x30") tank with 300W heater, 714 gal/hr pump, 2 36" LED bars, sump filtration, and aquascaping by using a thin layer (approx 1/2") of white gravel, driftwood, slate, and dragon stones. Thinking of stocking the tank with approximately 10-12 Discus, cardinal tetras, blue ram, a handful of cory catfish, some plecos and snails. I was considering having some live plants in pots, but after reading suggestions on this forum think that I will hold off on that or just put some artificial plants in there.

It will be the first tank that I've had in ten years. I've had other tanks before, but have always appreciated Discus the most but was unable to start due to time constraints and money. Now I've got a little more of both, and this nice new tank can be considered my mid-life crisis. :cool:

I'm beginning to get nervous about whether to begin the journey of a discus tank altogether, but feel like it's kind-of now or never. Does anyone have any recommendations that I should consider before starting on this adventure? Or should I be talked out of it? Just curious...thanks in advance.

04-21-2021, 10:25 PM
I would go for it. But, I am no pro, wait for the opinions of others.

04-21-2021, 10:49 PM
I’d say ‘go for it’. As far as recommendations go.......you already have done what I would have recommended......doing your research at this site. I’ve been into fish for 55+ years and I still pick up ideas and suggestions from this Forum. Keep us informed.

04-22-2021, 09:14 AM
Ok my suggestion is start with a smaller tank. 55g or 75g. Use it as a grow out tank and later a qt tank. You will need one anyway. Buy your first group small and grow them out. While growing them you can set up the 180 and get it ready. If while growing them you decide it’s not for you don’t buy the 180. Read up on discus and know your water. Buy a test kit.

04-22-2021, 10:03 AM
The most significant need for discus is the ability to change water and keep the tank clean. You need to have a system in place to manage that to ensure success. Good luck.

04-22-2021, 11:04 AM
Hi Isamuel,

Willie and Iminit are right on. Quality water is the key. Ease of maintenance makes this goal much less stressful. A 75 is much easier than a 120 or 180. A 75 is probably the best bet for a grow out. If your parameters get out of whack the 75 is easier to adjust.

A bare bottom is easiest to clean but aesthetically not my favorite. So my advice is the same as those above. Get a 75 AND the 180. Grow out in the 75 while gaining experience and learning to "read" your fish.

A planted 120 or 180 is problematic if troubles arise. A biotope (120/180) with a sump/refugium (your 75?) is my goal. It is a sort of "best of both worlds."

Discus are perfect for a midlife rebirth. BEAUTIFUL but CHALLENGING
Hee hee, John (SNOOKN21) has nice medium Beruri Blues and Tefe Greens, ;)

04-22-2021, 11:07 AM
My input would be to stay away from Dragon Stone as it has many sharp edges. Occasionally discus will spook and crash around the tank. Sharp rock or wood pieces can cause great harm in situations like that.

04-22-2021, 11:51 AM
My input would be to stay away from Dragon Stone as it has many sharp edges. Occasionally discus will spook and crash around the tank. Sharp rock or wood pieces can cause great harm in situations like that.

I agree with Daniel here. I had lots of Seiryu stone in my display and on the occasion that the fish got spooked there was always collateral damage. It always cleared up in a few days, but it's always best not to risk it in the first place. I've seen a lot of good uses of large river rock (the smooth stuff) and larger pieces of wood. I'd stay away from anything remotely pointy.

04-22-2021, 03:54 PM
Hi, I'm close to pulling the trigger on a beautiful 180gal. (72"x18"x30") tank with 300W heater, 714 gal/hr pump, 2 36" LED bars, sump filtration, and aquascaping by using a thin layer (approx 1/2") of white gravel, driftwood, slate, and dragon stones. Thinking of stocking the tank with approximately 10-12 Discus, cardinal tetras, blue ram, a handful of cory catfish, some plecos and snails. I was considering having some live plants in pots, but after reading suggestions on this forum think that I will hold off on that or just put some artificial plants in there.

It will be the first tank that I've had in ten years. I've had other tanks before, but have always appreciated Discus the most but was unable to start due to time constraints and money. Now I've got a little more of both, and this nice new tank can be considered my mid-life crisis. :cool:

I'm beginning to get nervous about whether to begin the journey of a discus tank altogether, but feel like it's kind-of now or never. Does anyone have any recommendations that I should consider before starting on this adventure? Or should I be talked out of it? Just curious...thanks in advance.

Whichever you choose, have a plan and system for making large regular water changes a breeze. If it’s hard work or a chore, most people slack off. So think about how you can drain and fill that tank as easily and quickly as possible. I recommend a submersible pump and hose for draining.