View Full Version : How to do that? is the main question.

04-28-2021, 02:47 PM
Hi, everyone sort of new to this hobby... what I mean is that I did have a fresh water tank when I was "young" and now that I am bored and the wife gives me that strange look...:angry: its time to start that hobby once again.:)

Basic knowledge is everywhere and of course confusing by reading websites/articles and watching Youtube videos…

Note: I don’t have an Aquarium/Tank setup as yet...

What I read/watched so far...

1.Water change
3.pH (dGH,dKH)
5.Water change
6.Beneficial Bactria

My Problem/issue/understanding:

1.Water change-every day/week (Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates Test Result Levels) 0,0 and ?
Q: Nitrate normal 5 to 10 and 20 to 50PPM too high.
What Level are Discus normally happy/kept @ ?
2. Temp all over the place (27C/82F or 28C/84F or 30C/86F)
Q: Why not keep Discus Temp @ 84.5F in between for those -+ water changes?
3.pH 7
But Its all over the place 6,6.5,7,7.5 to 7.8 as long its @ ??
Need to test my Tap water. If it is high?
Q:How to Reduce or Increase pH or “Dude” leave it alone and just change your water % how much ?
Q: How does pH behave in an established Tank?

And what the heck is with (dGH,dKH) conductivity 500µS/800µS?
Water Hardness=120 PPM? Phosphate below 1. or 1.2 mg per litre ,TDS around 100 -150
kH between 1-3,gH 6,connectivity x2 etc.)

I mean seriously dude? what the heck? I might as well open a Discus Medical Centre/Hospital? :D

4.Foods not much of a problem the less you feed the better (as long as you are not breeding because those Fry will need feeding 4/5 times a day)

Avoid no live bloodworms = NO
brine shrimps = ok, frozen black worms = ok, dry foods = ok
Beef Heart depends? maybe once a week ? I don’t know?

5.Water Change Yep every other day/week that water has to be clean/pristine.
6. Beneficial Bacteria- never wash filters under the Tap water or clean/empty your Tank out 100%

How to do that? is the main question.

04-28-2021, 03:36 PM
OMG, SH-etc. You are making it sound so difficult. All I did was set up a tank with tap water and added Discus. I read up on all the rules here but mostly I just changed a ton of water until the sponge filters catch up with the bio load. (sometimes a good supplier will give you a cycled filter free if you need one.) I will answer your questions that I can answer according to I have learned over the years.

Water change every day, at least 30% in a BB tank. I want my nitrate at 5. Some folks say 10, but I disagree.

I keep mine at 82 and they are comfortable with that. If you want your electric bill to be more, there is nothing wrong with 84.5

Any pH is fine as long as the incoming water is within .4 pH as the water in the tank. If you have a greater pH swing you will need to age the water before you introduce it to the tank. You can find out what your pH swing is by putting an air stone in a bucket and add straight tap water, let it bubble for 12 hrs and check to see if the pH of the aged water is the same pH as your water straight from the tap. Or you can do what I did and use tap and watch the fish for 6 or 8 weeks and see if they start acting less happy. If you watch the fish they will tell you if something is wrong.

Don't mess with your pH. Ph will go lower in an established tank if it isn't getting adequate WC. Otherwise it should be stable.

TDS and kH only matter if you want to breed.

Beef heart is dirty so you will have to feel like doing more WC. It does make young fish grow so it's a trade off. What I feed is pellets twice a day and freeze dried tubifex once daily. Most people here thing that tubifex is a no no but I disagree.

I already answered question number 5.

I rinse my sponge filters in a tub of dechlorinated water when they are filthy.

How you do what is necessary depends on your set up.

This is the best I can do. Any more questions?

04-28-2021, 07:03 PM
Hi Liz,etc. you are right WTH do they sound & make it look so difficult... its just puts you off keeping Discus?

Once I setup the tank... I was thinking of using Fritz Zyme 7 and in go the Discus :)

I agree water change is a must when you say 30% everyday do mean until the tank is established/Cycled?

“Temp 82F” agree would also be suitable for plants nothing crazy (simple scape)
pH agree leave it alone stop messing around. :mad:

“TDS and kH only matter if you want to breed.” Thanks for that information got me worried I thought I had to go to University to get a PhD.:confused:

“Beef Heart” I would agree not that I know just buy watching videos BH makes a bloody mess?

Regarding BB Tank I was thinking something similar to this setup: Here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttHo__vnlcY) ? :)

04-28-2021, 07:36 PM
Just call me Liz or Mama Bear. Much easier than spelling Streithorst.

Since this is your first time keeping Discus I would suggest going BB until you learn the difference between stressed Discus and happy Discus. But what you decide is to do is totally up to you.

04-29-2021, 09:47 AM
The reason for so many different approaches on discus keeping is because so many people are doing it in different way.
Being a beginner keep it simple. Test your tap water and let it sit for 24 hrs and test again. If you have a ph swing after waiting it’s best to age your water. Most phs will work you just don’t want it to change quickly in your tank. Your tap water may be fine and you just may need prime to remove chlorine from it.
Bare bottom is the best way to start. Again many people change water different ways. For small young discus I change daily 50+%. Once they get to 4-5” I change every other day and 6” or more every 2days. With bare bottom (bb) you could add some drift wood with some anubias on it.
Foods: again so many choices freeze dried black or tubifex worms, good high protein flake foods or pellets and frozen blood worm and brime shrimp as treats are all I use.
As to temp they’re good in 82-86. I’ve kept mine at 86 and because of a recent illness that ran through my tanks was advised to lower it to 82. Because bacteria spreads in higher temps. All worked out well for me. But now I’m thinking is it good to be able to drop the temp or is it better just to keep at 82?

Just know these are not easy fish to keep. Read a lot of the threads here and ask questions. A great thread here is Shan’s First Discus Journey. Good luck!!

04-29-2021, 10:51 AM
Shan had a much much harder time than most people including me had when they started. But he was determined and persistent and was able to figure everything out. No he's one of the ones here able to give good advice.

04-29-2021, 11:35 AM
Hi Iminit, agree we do things in a different way is the reason we are able to fly on Mars today!
Yes, Keep it simple BB that is where most beginners mess up with Discus.
My tap water comes from a Lake but will TEST to check pH.
Changing water will be a “mission” these Python “contraptions” cost arm and a leg Here (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000255NXM/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000255NXM&linkCode=as2&tag=kavemanaquati-20&linkId=7d9957d24e9f8f9bd104e3d4d851e760)
Food agree and whatever this guy is feeding Here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBmjoA0JE5Y)
Temp 82F is good its like JW-G said “if they are able to keep discus in Alaska you can keep Discus where you live.” :)

04-29-2021, 11:56 AM
If your water comes from a lake you will probably be good to go but check it anyway. It most certainly will contain Chloramines so you will absolutely have to use prime. My water contains just chlorine so all I have to do is let the the chlorine gas off as it bubbles in the water storage container.

04-29-2021, 01:57 PM
If your water comes from a lake you will probably be good to go but check it anyway. It most certainly will contain Chloramines so you will absolutely have to use prime. My water contains just chlorine so all I have to do is let the the chlorine gas off as it bubbles in the water storage container.

I always like to check my water just incase. I feel like this process is really important.

04-29-2021, 02:20 PM
Water changes are like marriage. After awhile you get used to it and its no longer a pain

04-29-2021, 06:21 PM
If your water comes from a lake you will probably be good to go but check it anyway. It most certainly will contain Chloramines so you will absolutely have to use prime. My water contains just chlorine so all I have to do is let the the chlorine gas off as it bubbles in the water storage container.

Prime is definitely on the shopping list

Water Quality

The water supply to my area can vary from soft to moderately soft.

What do make of this:


04-29-2021, 06:28 PM
Water changes are like marriage. After awhile you get used to it and its no longer a pain


04-30-2021, 06:40 AM
We have soft water so I have to keep some dried coral in the tank or filter to buffer the water, keeping it consistent so ph doesn't crash.

04-30-2021, 01:29 PM
We have soft water so I have to keep some dried coral in the tank or filter to buffer the water, keeping it consistent so ph doesn't crash.

As long as one has knowledge of water chemistry and why? one should be good to go and those Discus are not cheap!:)

05-03-2021, 07:27 AM
Good advice here. If you are just starting out - feel free to message me for my number I can help you directly texting very often with any question. No question is stupid

05-03-2021, 09:32 AM
Python is just the name of that system. Aqueon also make one that’s cheaper. Same set up just a different name.

05-05-2021, 09:48 PM
Thank you for your contributions here. They are very informational.

05-06-2021, 12:18 PM
Python is just the name of that system. Aqueon also make one that’s cheaper. Same set up just a different name.

Aqueon 7.6m (water changer) £41.55 (from Fish/p UK) :Dand the Python 7.5m (No Spill WC) £46.58 (AmzUK) :D

05-06-2021, 01:13 PM
DIY Python water changer
