View Full Version : Camallanus ?

08-05-2021, 06:44 PM
1. First sing of problem was my neon tetras dyeing off, (freaked me out thinking tetra disease ), got rid of all of them. then I got some White spots on my large male. and some fin damage on my other large male.( figured fighting so I separated them), then later The smallest of the discus was being picked on and started clamping. not eating. this all stared about 3 months ago and slowly progressed.

2. I have had Stringy white poop. Excess slime. Red protruding anus worms. White spots on body and fins. only a few at a time on one fish. Fin rot, tail standing and death.

3. every time I get new fish they go into a qt tank and get Wormer plus. so i had some on hand
I dosed 1 gram of cloverleaf absolute wormer plus per 100 gallons, 6 days ago resulting in the death of on of my discus. (looked good stopped clamping colors cam back). next day he was tail standing.( put him in the qt with salt and he didn't make it threw the night.)
also flushed the main tank. 75% water change and then put the drip system on at 100 gal in 24 hrs for a additional 60% daily change.
waited 48 hrs and now Im doing a second round as theres still more worms protruding in my large male and female breeding pair.

4. 100 Gal display 8 months old currently 1 pair( 6-7") and a Third wheel ( 5") 3 total, was 4, 5 days ago . and 50 gal breeder with a aged xxl sponge filter set up 2 discus ( 6" ) currently doing there thing. one fish was super emaciated when i received her 5 months ago but was since wormed and recovered

5. Water change = 25 percent eod and a charcoal kdf filtered drip system changing around 100% every 10 days.

6. display Tank is 6-7 months old and has 1" of PFS and my 3 month old breeder set up is around 3 months old with a sponge filter that has been living in the display since day one.

7. no aged water but never noticed any ph swing. if there is its minor 6.8 -7

8. as all my water is in line dechlorinated i typically just add in a little nutra fin aqua plus once a week directly to tank just to be safe.

9. temp is 85-86
ph 6.8
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
all municipal water. its very high quality

10. i did add a few plants in lava rock a few days before i went to flubendazole. thinking it would help the fish in that display hide from the breading pair but all they did was huddle closer to the big pair.

11. auto feeder 2 times daily with xl tetra color granules and was feeding the odd hikira frozen blood worm as treats.


sorry for sidways pic. this ones beyond me.

Any who. I'm ordering more flubendazole ( in Canada so its actually not easy to source, suggestions would be welcome) to treat again in 3 weeks, can I add salt with flu? should I go to levamisole? or just stay the course. . every fish I have now is eating is health is even actively breeding. but I need to get on top of things clearly.
and input would be wecolme.

08-05-2021, 06:52 PM
Oh and How many days should I leave the Flubendazole in the water before I do a change. ive read 48 hrs and that's what I usually do but last time waited three days and a fish died. and ive also seen 4 days. sooo yeah. im thinking ill just wait 48 hrs this time do a good bottom clean, 25% change. and then throw the drip on high.

08-05-2021, 07:27 PM
Photos rotated




10-19-2021, 02:51 AM
The effects of the camallanus outbreak still lingers.
two of the fish have passed the one in the photo that is expelling lots of worms has passed. kind of odd. thinking internal damage. stomach grew large, then one day just kind of freaked out, raced around and kicked the bucket.
the fry I had actually mostly made it to a couple months; but then started dying off. possibly flukes but could be from being medicated and being exposed at a young age to camallanus (witch threw some reading i learned can use fry as a vector to spread.).
Currently having a problem with my white butterfly male since the ordeal. he has not eaten. is growing a mass in his stomach. may just appear that was as he is loosing a lot of weight. starting him on quarantine tomorrow.
any suggestions for medications for him.
live in canada so meds are limited. i've done fecals that show no hex or anything of that matter in any of my fish. no internal parasites of any kind. white poop when i try epson salt. tried temp fluctuations.
I was thinking of going the force feed routine with frozen baby brine shrimp
i have levmisole. api general cure. flubendazole. malachite green. epson salt. rock salt. on hand.
water peramiters are all good soft water 6.5 ph. the guys in a mating pair and spawning once every couple weeks. but something is eating the eggs... kind of hope its him.
any who. im really kinda loosin the battle, feeling pretty defeated. any input is welcome and would be amazing.

11-06-2021, 12:24 PM
I would recommend contacting Dena Edwards at everything aquatic. I know she has successfully shipped medications to Canada but i dont know if its guaranteed. Levamisole is my preferred treatment for roundworms.
