View Full Version : New Discus hanging out on the bottom of tank & hiding behind driftwood.

09-26-2021, 06:45 AM
So this is my first time keeping discus. Ive kept lots of fish before and currently keep a few other tanks however i've heard so much about how these guys are really sensitive so I'm playing it safe and posting here (first post aswell). There about 4 inch discus, that was their first night at my house. I wakeup around 6am and turned on the lights and they all seemed to be hiding until I switched it to the moon light (blue only) they were also kinda dark and stunned (im guessing they were sleepy?) The temp is 86-88, tank has been running over a year with a 307 & deep substrate. Neutral PH (I made sure to ask the store what they keep them at and they said they buffer their hard water down to neutral & temp at 86). On my fluval 307 I have a spray bar and the flow turned relatively soft. I also have an airstone running 24/7

Only stock in the tank right now are 9 Harlequin rasbora ditherfish and threee 3" discus (I realize it's not ideal, however I plan to buy two or four 4" fish once the current fish i have reach 4". I also didn't wanna take a chance with the ammonia.

What could be causing my fish to be all spooky/lethargic? Is this just them being grumpy from the move (since it hasn't even been a full day) or should I be going into helicopter parent mode?

09-26-2021, 08:04 AM
Well there new. Discus will take awhile to adjust to a new home. Leave the light off and just let the room light or sunlight on the tank for the first 24hrs. Pictures of your tank and discus will help. What are you planing to feed them?

09-26-2021, 10:01 AM
Okay and I was planning to feed them a variety of stuff frozen blood worms, tetra min/xtreme community flakes, krill flakes/pellets. Anything you'd suggest? Also here is a pic I took yesterday night.131958

09-26-2021, 10:16 AM
Here is a good video for any beginner. http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?122038-Are-you-new-to-discus-WATCH-THIS-VIDEO!

09-26-2021, 10:57 AM
Your discus look great! Nice selection from a pet store. Will take them a bit to get used to you coming to the tank. The food your using is good but I’d limit the blood worms to just a treat once or twice a week. I feed freeze dried black worms,tetra color crisps,a mixture of flake foods and sera granules. Being your tank is planted you will need to change water more. I do 50% twice a week now but when new I changed that much daily. This gets them used to your water and helps them grow bigger.