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View Full Version : Shrimp for sale (free "pilot" effort)

03-06-2022, 06:08 PM
Just wanted to see if there was any interest for cherry shrimp that have been multiplying out of control in my tank. Now, I can't claim they're "purebred" because I had 6 "blueberry" shrimp in the past and they crossbred. The results were predominantly Cherries (still strong red) as well as some cool candy cane looking shrimp and some that look white/clear with some koi-like red spots. Once in a while I'll see a blueberry but not often.

I was thinking $1 per shrimp with min order of $10 (and I'd definitely add extras... hell, probably 5 extra if someone ordered $10). Before I do anything though, I have to do as many pilot efforts as possible so that I nail down best and lowest shipping method. Would love 3 folks from different parts of U.S. for Guinea pigs if up for freebies!

03-06-2022, 06:58 PM
If you ever need someone in the close range let me know, would be happy to pay.

03-06-2022, 07:12 PM
I'd love t be a Guinea pig. USPS Priority is your best bet. I can advise you on how to Best bag and pack if you want.

03-07-2022, 11:20 PM
Matt, hell yeah!

Liz, you know I'll definitely be breaking out the pen & paper for taking notes!

Bare with me while I get everything in line (Liz... I'll definitely PM you for q's I'd love to ask). But I net out a bunch weekly plus have bags already. I just need to nail down that balance of doing/using only what's needed to have shrimp arrive with enough alive per order (adding extras) yet keep shipping & material costs slooooow. Primary concern is added O2 in bags without having to contract oxygen tanks (saw O2 in aerosol looking containers... wondering if that's option).

03-08-2022, 09:46 AM
Elliot I can also be a Guinea pig

03-08-2022, 02:08 PM
Elliot, check out those Kordon breather bags on Aquabid.


03-08-2022, 02:20 PM
Do as Cliff suggested. Shrimp don't need 02.

03-08-2022, 07:49 PM
I agree. I received shrimp in the Kordon bags a few years ago. Maybe with some Purigen? I'd take some (Oregon) id you're still looking for guinea pigs.

03-09-2022, 12:16 AM
Meli, Cliff, and Steve, I'll count you 3 in as well (... sorry in case anyone after these 5 are interested in being Guinea pigs!... "GP's")

For the 5 GP volunteers, thanks!!!!! I'll pay ALL costs for each trial run. I'm targetting a no-later-date for first shipments of 4 April (a Monday). I'll strive to do earlier than that but giving myself enough buffer to nail down first trial materials, shipping option research & decision, and then execution. I'd usually strive for NLT 10-14 days from now but my dumbass got talked into coaching TWO little league teams while I already have a heavy loaded day job & start-up I work on after hours (I'm an idiot... and this damn little league is so darn needy at times that it's almost not enjoyable as a parent -- but they know to sucker me into saying "yes" when it's Friday evening and I'm unwinding with a beer, a fireball or 3, then glass of red).

03-09-2022, 12:22 AM
Thanks Elliot, no rush. Little league with the kids was obsessive. It lasted for hours, and always through the dinner hours into the early evening. "The Church of Baseball."