View Full Version : Breeding tank size , temporary.

03-22-2022, 10:46 AM

I have a pair in a 24"x18"x18", which is my preferred size tank for a pair.

I have another pair coming soon, and here in Australia its just not that easy to find another tank the same size (24"x18"x18") delivered in time .

I do have though a 24"x12"x15" already running, would this be suitable until i can source my preferred tank.

Or would i be better off getting a 3 ft instead for the time being?


03-22-2022, 11:18 AM
I think the smaller is fine for breeding. You'll just need to transfer the fry to a larger tank by the time they're about a month old.

03-22-2022, 11:52 AM
Thanks for the reply, i do have larger tanks but they are 4fts and currently have juvi's in them (not from my breeding) and will get some baby transfer tanks (3fts) asap.

I was just concerned that the 24'x12"x15" may be to small for the new pair until my new tanks arrive , as most people recommend 20-25gal or bigger, and i think this tank is about 19 gal.

But as mentioned this is temporary and i keep up with my water changes.