View Full Version : How many discus for balanced pecking order

04-17-2022, 10:05 PM
Good Day
I am setting up my first discus aquarium.
The question is how many discus for a balanced pecking order.
Reducing aggression and promoting growth of the school of discus.
This will give me a starting point for aquarium size.

04-17-2022, 10:52 PM
I usually go for 8 discus iso 6, even one or two got sick and needs to be in a hospital tank. I still have six discus to balance the pecking order.

04-18-2022, 02:14 PM
I usually raise Discus babies by the batch so there is too many in the aquarium to have any one being aggressive, this also makes the growth rate uniform. If your interest is to purchase different strain, then some strains have different growth rate.
Note if the aquarium too large growth rate can be uneven.


04-18-2022, 06:57 PM
Thanks I am setting up a 150g sounds like 8 to 10 4” is a good number. With a few Sterba’s, L144 pleco’s and rummie nose.
No plants but some hardscape manzanita, a few large rocks and 1-2mm white substrate plenum. Sump, with socks, bio media, carbon reactor and aqua uv sterilizer from reef aquarium. Appreciate the feedback.

04-18-2022, 07:11 PM
Cliffsdiscus do you suggest dividing the tank for a few months for even growing?
I intended to purchase all stendker brilliant Turks, leopard snakeskin, and pigeon blood red.

04-19-2022, 11:58 AM
Cliffsdiscus do you suggest dividing the tank for a few months for even growing?
I intended to purchase all stendker brilliant Turks, leopard snakeskin, and pigeon blood red.

Yes, a divider might work, I usually separate using different tanks. Growth rate usually for the pigeon blood would be the faster then
the turquoise and last would be the leopard snakeskins. The leopard snakeskins are also more particular about water quality.


04-20-2022, 10:18 PM
You can't cull dominance.

04-24-2022, 01:49 AM
...but the grass isn't always greener. No garauntee that the one that steps up doesn't become even worse. Roll of the dye... (and that's not just with fish). I'd only step in if "bully" was killing fish. But I'd ensure enough of a population first (and structure of some kind).

Sure, kill the bully... but if the next is as bad, are you going to cull it too? We can go in circles, but the tail chasing is what I'm recommending to avoid unless other measures fail. I've never had to interfere though (but I HAVE had some weaklings not make it... very few, but I already have too much crap in my tank for hiding so if they can't figure it out, then is what is).