View Full Version : Discus sick with internal disease since weeks

06-12-2022, 04:24 AM
Hey Guys
My malaysian discus has had some disease since a few weeks now. It has stopepd eating and is getting darker. I dosed prazi pro twice with a one week gap in between and both times she got better, started eating, and the colors became how they originally were but two three days later she returns to the same sickly condition. The other discus in the tank seem fine and are active, colorful, and feeding well. Can someone please help understand what's wrong with my fish.

06-12-2022, 04:40 AM

06-12-2022, 09:41 AM
Hard to tell what’s up. How big is the tank how many other discus? We’re they all bought from the same place at the same time? First thing to do is remove it from the main tank. Put it in a qt tank and add salt. 2tbs per 10g . I
I,e to start with 1tbs let it get used to it than add the next the next day. Do daily water changes in the qt tank. Raise the temp to 86+. Usually the warmer water gets them eating.

06-12-2022, 10:19 AM
It is a 55g tank and has 7 discus. All were bought from the same place and I have had them for 5 months now. I am already maintaining my temperature at 86.

06-12-2022, 10:47 AM
The fish needs to be moved to a BB tank for treatment. I would lower the temp to 82 and start with 2 tablespoons of salt per 10. Do large daily WC and replace the amount of salt you removed with WC.

Brian (Jeep) is the real expert on treating disease with salt. I'm sure he will chime in later.

06-12-2022, 11:19 AM
I would start with daily 80% water changes
I would treat the entire tank as it extremely likely that the sick fish has either a protozoan, fluke of worm.

I’d first dose with levamisole. Wait a few days then go to Flubendazole.
Google wormer plus and wormer.
You can also get these medications
I never add salt to discus but, do what you want regarding Na Cl.
Protozoans, worms and flukes are rampant throughout the industry and nature.
Poor conditions lead to the outbreak.
IMO you have way too many discus in such a small aquarium

06-12-2022, 11:56 AM
What is the appropriate dosage for levamisole and flubendazole?
Also do you know of any common medicines that might contain them as currently its really hard to get proper fish medications here

06-12-2022, 12:09 PM
follow the label directions for both. Flubendazole gets worms as well as flukes and is easier on the fish than Levamisole.


06-12-2022, 01:11 PM
But why isn't Prazi Pro working?

06-12-2022, 01:38 PM
PraziPro is only good for tape worms which are rarely the problem.

06-14-2022, 05:03 PM
Prazi Pro can help with flukes and tapeworms but it's not full strength. I prefer using pure meds.

Can you tell us what your water change schedule is? The fins look a little ragged. This could be cause by poor water quality, diet or internal parasites.

The first step I would take would be to raise the temp to 93 and add 3 TBS salt per 10g for 10 days. Daily 50% water changes replacing the salt removed during water change. If there's no change after 2 weeks then I would treat with levamisole 24 hour bath. Daily water changes, wipe the entire inside of the tank and do a 50% water change after 24 hours. Repeat after one week then repeat after another week.

Be patient when medicating. Run the full course and don't be worried if you don't see immediate results. Changing or shot gunning meds too soon can cause more issues and even harm the internal organs. Fenbendazole is also and excellent med but should only be used in food and not the water column. These meds don't actually kill the parasite, they paralyze them, so the eggs are still viable and can re-infest the fish. This is why a thorough cleaning and scrubbing of the tank, and multiple treatments are recommended during maintenance.

I prefer levamisole to flubendazol because there have been reports of tail standing after using flubendazole. Both will treat the same internal parasites

06-14-2022, 05:59 PM
I was hoping that you'd show up, Brian.

06-15-2022, 11:29 AM
Thanks guys will try this and update you.