View Full Version : Patient 0

06-14-2022, 06:58 PM
So, I have pervious post called Discus wasting disease?, I ended up doing a necropsy on one of my fish after a recent 15 day treatment of metro(api General cure).
I'm attaching the photos of my findings as I still have Protoopalina, it looks like. they are a little thinner but still kicking inside at least one of my fish. he was week and I'm hoping that the others will be fine but I may need to run the treatment again. I was thinking I would hit them with levamisole to up there immune system then run another 14 days in the water column and or just feed black worms soaked in the general cure. kind of at a loss these little bastards are putting up one hell of a fight and I'm getting tired of it.
should I dosing api at a higher rate as its kind of week? will salt help that much? should I remove plants and just add the salt. and the liver in the fish just basically looked like a mass of blood clots internals where pretty mush just mush.
does the internals look at all like TB cyst's. am I fighting a bacterial infection?
are there other meds i should be trying?


06-15-2022, 08:09 AM
Living in Canada, it's a shame you can't locate full strength meds. Pure metro would be much better than using General Cure. If this is Protoopalina then levamisole is not the best way to proceed.

I still think your best treatment is metro. Since you don't have pure metro, you can try double dosing GC. Like I said earlier, high heat makes metro more efficient, but with Protoopalina a secondary infection is common so I would not use the heat treatment again. Do you have access to kanamycin? Kanaplex is a weaker form of the pure med. It's one of the best antibiotics for internal infections and can be used along with metro.

If you can't find kanamycin or kanaplex, do can you find anything in the "mycin" family?