View Full Version : Quick Newbie question

07-14-2022, 04:30 PM
This is my first post so bare with me!
About 3 days ago I went to my local fish shop after weeks of research and getting my 65gal tank ready and bought a small group of 2.5” Stendker Discus.

Since having them home the first day they weren’t interested in eating but have since taken to the food and now far across the tank for food. I have tested the water parameters and they are all fine as this tank has been established for around 3 years.

My only question is I noticed on the first day they had take to glass surfing which is why I tested my Parameters. Now on the third day they are not doing this all the time but I’d say half the time when they are not eating like pigs. Is this normal for discus in a new home? Am I worrying too much?

Thanks so much in advance

07-14-2022, 04:59 PM
Do you mean along the bottom? If the bottom isn't covered they may be spooked by the space below it. Just a thought.

07-14-2022, 05:37 PM
No it’s up and down the side walls normally the corners! I have the back and one side blacked out also. The bottom has a layer of white sand.

07-15-2022, 02:26 PM
That's normal part of settling in, sometime a whole young group would swim up and down the side of the aquarium.


07-15-2022, 05:18 PM
How long will this sort of behaviour last on average?

07-15-2022, 11:15 PM
After day 1, yeah... sounds strange to me. And trust me, I do PLENTY wrong and it still sounds weird (at least for discus/cichlids... not so much something like a kuhli leach or corydoras). Still doing it?

07-16-2022, 01:20 PM
It does seem some what abnormal but as long as there eating and water parameters are with reasonable readings
this will probably stop.
One thing I would strongly advise is too make sure you have a cover on the tank in case one of them does a runner
and ends up on the floor.