View Full Version : Franken-Bar-Pond

08-29-2022, 01:11 AM
So my 8 year old came home today with a 55 gallon someone put on the street (probably because of leak I found... I've repaired before and totally worth it again).

Question: Since my wife won't allow another tank in the house... yet I have my own garage (and she has her own... so I can do whatever I want ;) ...), how the heck can I keep it at above 80 for a grow out tank during the winter? While at least having the front pane visible??? I have several untested ideas, but usually I'm an idiot (calling a spade a spade).

Charleston SC winters typically aren't horrible. Garage is dry walled, decked out with electric due to previous owner, but the guy went through all that and didn't insolate... (damn't!!!!!)

08-29-2022, 09:11 PM
As a fellow idiot, I'm happy to share my dumb ideas!! I know you want to keep the front open, so maybe some spray foam insulation for the other three panes? You definitely should get a heavy glass top and at least two big heaters for redundancy. But the tough part is the front. I'd try getting one or maybe even two pieces of Lexan and cut them to fit the front of the tank. I think Lexan is a decent insulator, but it will also stay clear so you can still see the fish. And obviously I'd install the Lexan before the foam insulation in case it obstructs the front part of the tank.

08-30-2022, 12:43 AM
Shane, I immediately love you, man :shocked: I don't know what Lexan is, but would've loved being named "Lexan" because it sounds like a name that other dudes would say, "Dumb name" but inside would think "That's an untouched chick magnet, 'you've got my freak'n attention' name that if I wasn't balled-and-chained a matter of a few years before all of these "bumbles" and single sites, I'd probably still be an amateur male gigalo :P. (not being facetious... half joking, half serious).

Definitely will look into that. Wondering if thick styrofoam would work too (on all sides but front & top). Also had a random idea after I posted this... maybe insulate all sides & bottom and then use scrap wood (whether pallet wood and/or left over untreated wood) to make it an little indoor 55 gallon "pond" (using wood to dress up exterior). However, have it raised by approx 20" to 24" off floor with wood boards dressing it up from rim to the floor, have a hinged access for small, hidden sump & plumbing, hanging light/lights from ceiling, the perfect huge piece of driftwood that extends way up & out the tank near the ceiling to help conceal power plug(s) that plug into outlets on my ceiling (yet, during winter I'd have a lid of 3 glass pieces with snug fitting cutout around wood), and then make a skinny bar ledge on at least one side for pulling up a barstool, talking with friends, cocktail, watching football, yet have a darn high table bar with integrated discus pond (pond serving as grow out and or possible spawning tank at times). I'd position it so to divide
the space between my left bay and right bay closest to the doors side of the garage.

Remind me to upload pics of garage... might help with visual.

08-30-2022, 06:52 AM
We are much colder here in Iowa. But would think the best course would be to make a foam surround out if the ridgid 2" foam stuff from Home depot or Lowes. You could glue it together, tough certain adhesives will eat it away. So choose one saying it's OK for foam.
The rigid stuff is closed cell so it won't get saturated if there's any dripping. Cover the top as well. Leaving the front open is tough from an insulation stand point, but you can insulate about 3/4 or so of the surfaces.

Easiest thing might be to move wife to garage and put the tank in the house.

08-30-2022, 07:33 PM
Good point Jacob, wife and all.
But, seriously my basement right now is 75 but in Jan. ,Feb and into march the ambient Temp.
is 54 +/-.
I had 2- 75's with 300 watt heaters and they never went off during the winter .That's the reason I got out of
Discus. Fool that I am I'm getting back as of Sun. It's an addiction and my wife says I need an intervention
But where would I put her?

08-30-2022, 09:27 PM
Shane, I immediately love you, man :shocked: I don't know what Lexan is, but would've loved being named "Lexan" because it sounds like a name that other dudes would say, "Dumb name" but inside would think "That's an untouched chick magnet, 'you've got my freak'n attention' name that if I wasn't balled-and-chained a matter of a few years before all of these "bumbles" and single sites, I'd probably still be an amateur male gigalo :P. (not being facetious... half joking, half serious).

Definitely will look into that. Wondering if thick styrofoam would work too (on all sides but front & top). Also had a random idea after I posted this... maybe insulate all sides & bottom and then use scrap wood (whether pallet wood and/or left over untreated wood) to make it an little indoor 55 gallon "pond" (using wood to dress up exterior). However, have it raised by approx 20" to 24" off floor with wood boards dressing it up from rim to the floor, have a hinged access for small, hidden sump & plumbing, hanging light/lights from ceiling, the perfect huge piece of driftwood that extends way up & out the tank near the ceiling to help conceal power plug(s) that plug into outlets on my ceiling (yet, during winter I'd have a lid of 3 glass pieces with snug fitting cutout around wood), and then make a skinny bar ledge on at least one side for pulling up a barstool, talking with friends, cocktail, watching football, yet have a darn high table bar with integrated discus pond (pond serving as grow out and or possible spawning tank at times). I'd position it so to divide
the space between my left bay and right bay closest to the doors side of the garage.

Remind me to upload pics of garage... might help with visual.

Elliot, you are a true tank design philosopher! The indoor pond sounds bad-***. I also think Jacob's suggestion of moving the wife to the garage is a solid option - I'm thinking of trying that one myself! You have to make sure name your next fish "Lexan". ;)

08-31-2022, 02:07 AM
Jacob, Brady, Shane.... *** have you guys been all my life?

Meanwhile, had Little League practice I had to coach today... wife had headed up to bedroom early and missed today's opportunity to lock her in HER garage (which her garage sucks... no personality, no organization, nor any "reason" in that one. Maybe that's why she's always in mine).
I'll ask my best friend (pic below) if I can borrow his collar tomorrow...

... remote control has a tried & true 300m range. I'll hit the "beep" button as a warning just one time... then skipping "vibrate" warning and going straight to the orange button with the lightening bolt ;)

08-31-2022, 09:47 PM
HA HA!! I told my wife that joke and she didn't think it was funny. LOL Great dog BTW. Since we're sharing dog pics, here's mine:
As you can see, they're super stressed-out.

09-01-2022, 08:36 AM

09-01-2022, 06:10 PM
We have 3 shelties.
They are the best

09-03-2022, 01:27 AM
Early-on pics of garage. Still working layout but even more "personality" now than these early pics. Unsure average ambient temp here in winter.

Day time: 48-55
Night: 38-44 (total guesses because it can be as low as 28 or as high as low 60s between late December to late March).







09-03-2022, 08:38 AM
What about spraying insulation foam into the cavity walls?

09-03-2022, 10:13 AM
Ok just reading this :). First: your 8 year old came home with a 55g tank!! Is he part hulk? Got to see a pic of your boy! Think you may have a candidate for strongest man soon! Damn all mine ever came home with were turtles! And they live very long lives! Got my first 125 because of them (not free!!! And they definitely didn’t carry it).

Brady I don’t think you’ll find a tank big enough to keep the wife ! My grandson keeps sticking his head out of his tank133432!

Likeing this thread :). Here’s my dogs!133433 realized something just now. My dogs are 7 and 5 great companion’s and just loving dogs. And after going thur about 1k fish pics I found these from January. I may have a problem. Nahh!

Always amazed at the layout of your house and why nothing falls! HELP FRANCIS!!! My neck hurts!!

And right here at the last post what’s been going through my mind the whole time. Thanks wuvarien! And not just that put a wall up so you don’t have to look at her mess :) (insulate it!!).

09-03-2022, 07:16 PM
Haaaaa! Not the Hulk... more like the master manipulator. He tracked down 2 friends and a cloth-type wagon then pulled it back to the house. My wife said, " Go look
in my garage and see what Sully pulled home. It's an aquarium... I told him you wouldn't want it but just go check it out." I gave him a big hug, she punched herself in the face, and then I told the other two boys to get lost.

I thought about spray insulation but if it didn't work then would suck to remove. Had a quote by professional and no less than $3400 at best.

09-15-2022, 08:06 PM
Elliot, it looks cool so far! I'm with Tom - I wish the pics wouldn't auto-rotate when you post them.

09-16-2022, 05:59 PM
Shane, I forgot! (Re: autorotate)

Sorry boss!

Meanwhile, I've had to cut out all silicone to re-do it. Someone didn't know how before me so I'm still removing silicone since I know it's pointless to re-do until 100% clean.

Going to start stealing old pallets to use for the woodwork. I love the spray foam idea and might line with wax paper... actually, maybe luan in case foam eats wax paper.

09-21-2022, 08:12 PM
Sounds awesome. Please post the pics as it starts to come together.

09-21-2022, 10:10 PM
Will do, Shane! I just re-sealed the tank. Stupidly I did a first attempt at resealing with not enough sealant on hand and I knew it wouldn't work.

Did a leak test and the 55gal still leaks. So then I took the time to stripped all silicone out of the bottom and each of the four corner joints of side panes. 36 hours ago, re-sealed it the way I should've done the first time.

Planning to re-leak test Friday afternoon (through Sunday). From there, I'll borrow someone else's vehicle when I "snatch&grab" pallets from the nearby Food Lion ;) that's what I will use for the wood.

09-22-2022, 08:52 AM
I just skimmed this old thread so maybe you covered it already, but as far the tank itself, have you seen this old thread? I still insulate my tanks with Reflectix and I'm still sold on it. As long at you only care about viewing the front it's gret. I even have it only on the back side of bow front and it helps a lot to retain heat.


09-22-2022, 11:10 AM
I just skimmed this old thread so maybe you covered it already, but as far the tank itself, have you seen this old thread? I still insulate my tanks with Reflectix and I'm still sold on it. As long at you only care about viewing the front it's gret. I even have it only on the back side of bow front and it helps a lot to retain heat.


Brian, I looked it up and the same thing is now $30. a roll from Amazon.

09-22-2022, 11:29 AM
It comes in several lengths and sizes. A 2'x25' roll at Lowes is $25, way more than needed for a 55G. All anyone had in stock when that post was created was 16" wide so I had to splice it. I still use pretty low powered heaters on my tanks, 50w in my 20g's, 75w in my 30g's and 150-200w in my 55's.

09-22-2022, 10:19 PM
Brian, THAT'S info I definitely need! Hell yeah! I was thinking of only having one END viewable. Planning on framing out a "window" on the exposed end of it.

09-27-2022, 08:21 PM
Will do, Shane! I just re-sealed the tank. Stupidly I did a first attempt at resealing with not enough sealant on hand and I knew it wouldn't work.

Did a leak test and the 55gal still leaks. So then I took the time to stripped all silicone out of the bottom and each of the four corner joints of side panes. 36 hours ago, re-sealed it the way I should've done the first time.

Planning to re-leak test Friday afternoon (through Sunday). From there, I'll borrow someone else's vehicle when I "snatch&grab" pallets from the nearby Food Lion ;) that's what I will use for the wood.

"Snatch & Grab" at the Food Lion! Sounds like an adventure - LOL!!

08-13-2023, 08:25 PM
Alright... time to slap some *** and knock the dust off of an almost year old thread. Franken-high-top-pond is under construction. I was going to wait until the contest but, I randomly started going at it since I had all sorts of different with boards that I needed to get rid of or do something with.136156




My helpers... (... so you know this is going to be awesome...;) )

08-13-2023, 08:35 PM
And I will not get offended with any questions or comments on my choices. My wife is already laughing at me and not happy that I will not have either one of the long sides of the tank open for viewing. Only the very top and one little cut out on one end (as depicted... well, hopefully understandably depicted).

The other longside will have 2 hinged doors and the other short side will be butted up against a wall (so It'll probably be 1-solid scrap piece in my pile of crap).

I'll be adding a rim, staining it, clear coating it, possibly wet sanding... hell, who knows. I just couldn't get rid of the 55 gallon and I had planned on building a high top in my garage (...why not make the wooden SOB a "pond" as well? LOL)

08-13-2023, 09:48 PM
Started on the other side (which will have doors)136161

08-13-2023, 09:51 PM
Looks fun Elliot.. interesting ! Maybe compromise with your wife.. put a porthole in the front.:) I've visited your neck of the woods.. with all the pirate lore theres got to be some portholes laying around.:)

On the heating bit.. with your wood insulated tank.. a regular electric heater will be fine... however if you want fancy. You are in perfect Solar areas.. theres tons of diy solar water heater plans out there. I would think even a passive one would work for you... theres also thermostat controlled solar 12v heaters but thats going be costly.. the passive one I made up here in CT as a hot tube warmer cost me $35 in parts and used a few 2x4s , scrap plywood , a discarded clear glass shower door and a small dc circulating pump (optional).

This is pretty close to.what I used..


You'd just need to run the heated water to an insulated holding tank and . Connect that to your fishtank with a thermostat control of some sort.

Then you truly would have a unique grow out tank.:)

08-14-2023, 12:23 AM
OMG... I'm soooo sorry, Al,... but you
you're thinking similar thoughts as me (and Al screams, "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!...."). I'm starting to get more and more into solar ;)

As for the porthole, I thought about that and was even going to use all pallet wood but then it got to the point where I realized that once I build this, a pile of centralized crap in my garage will then disappear due to motivation to put an awesome piece in there. So right now my garage is in the phase of going to make it worse before it gets better (...and I'm ready to get it back in order so I can break on woodwork, pick back up on painting since I'm behind on paintings, and have it ready by week 2 or 3 of college football! ... go 'Eers!... Take me Home, Country Roads!)

Poor man's panoramic below






08-14-2023, 05:00 AM
Two words come to mind..

" ordered chaos" :)

An old friend described my basement fishroom as such...when I had one. I hereby bestow it on you.:)


08-16-2023, 12:07 AM
Two words come to mind..

" ordered chaos" :)

An old friend described my basement fishroom as such...when I had one. I hereby bestow it on you.:)


Al, needless to say (but saying anyways),... I AM HONORED :) Maybe Wayfair will see it, feel the idea, may get better looking than mine, and then sell it for another million while I'm farting around... well, just walking around farting in my garage ;P

08-20-2023, 04:59 PM
Sanding time (and I'm not going for perfection... intentionally will have imperfections like gaps, uneven/non-flush corners, etc...)



08-20-2023, 08:41 PM
Stained the "base piece". Time for the ledge for cocktails, rim the top, and make the doors for the rear access-side (the side with the big square hole).136227




08-20-2023, 10:29 PM
Alright, done for the night. Cocktail ledge is attached. Doors & Rim (and trim around "porthole") left along with a tad bit more staining136231


08-23-2023, 02:23 AM



08-25-2023, 07:47 PM
Looking good Elliot! Did yiu decide what kind of discus will be housed in the mancave palace?

08-25-2023, 11:26 PM
Looking good Elliot! Did yiu decide what kind of discus will be housed in the mancave palace?

Gooooood question, Al... No idea yet (yikes)

08-29-2023, 01:42 AM



08-30-2023, 09:50 PM
Hey, I think I'm going to paint the INSIDE of the tank (so no "mirror affect" when looking through porthole). Been researching & investigating with Krylon spray paint keep coming up. That true? I'm paranoid... but I always trust what feedback I get here (...even when feedback is, "Elliot, you're an idiot" :P)

08-31-2023, 12:22 AM
Never used krylon paint but I did read up on it awhile ago... my understanding is only the Krylon fusion line is aquarium safe but its meant for plastics not glass.I could be wrong there.

I did use Drylok once in a failed attempt at making a pseudo sand bottom ... mixed sand into the drylok...it looked pretty horrendous but I did use it for angelfish and it did not kill them.. looking on line drylok still looks to be considered not toxic... only problem is its white.. real white.

08-31-2023, 01:00 AM
Al, if I have to do all white, I'm down. Just imagine looking through the "porthole" (the only view from the side; skinny view), I'll need the inside walls & bottom to avoid "mirrors". I'd rather other colors, but if stuck with white. I'll do it.

09-02-2023, 10:04 PM



09-03-2023, 10:29 AM
Elliot I believe you need to change the title to this thread. Something that reflects the project better..

ELLIOT's Man Cave Bar Tank

Or something else.. let me know And I can change it.:)

09-03-2023, 07:57 PM
I agree, Al! But what about: "Franken-Bar-Pond"?

And can I use Krylon spray paint for INSIDE painting? Because I don't want "mirror effect" on the sides when looking through the porthole.

Painting all black on the sides yet will create a 10 substrate paint for the bottom with different tones of tans.

And this is crazy, because two nights ago a buddy of mine stop by to pick up some wood screws and had a buddy with him who lives in my neighborhood and that guy as a business where all he does is take triplet and make cool light fixtures integrated into the wood. Apparently he has a very expensive Target market and he's got plenty of business, but instead of Driftwood he really just has Kiln dried wood of all different sizes and told me to come over to his place and select a piece out that I wanted for the tank. He said he would trade me a large piece for the go-kart I am getting ready to sell. I told him two large pieces because I want one for my big tank as well. Here's my question is kiln-dried wood safe? I asked what type of blood and he said Cedar which I replied no. But, the best piece of wood I ever had in my tank was Cedar and it had definitely been leathered long enough being underwater and whatnot that instead of hurting my fish, it was probably one of several things in the tank at that time that created a horny goat weed pandamic in my tank ( every damn fish I had in there was breeding and literally multiplying with babies growing to adulthood... priscella tetras, lemon tetras, discus, rams, apistos, bn plecos, etc). But I'm still wary. That said, when I stupidly decided to remove that awesome piece of driftwood, my wife wanted a piece of it for her smaller tank at school and I got the Saw-saw out, cut into a 6-7" thick portion, and it was still Cedar through and through within the middle 3.5" of that piece. You could smell it immediately. I love the smell of Cedar but before I got smart on wood, I learned what would really screw things up for fish & that's one of them. Yet that's also proof that at a certain point, it's safe. But I had that piece in there for about five or six years.

I think I will try one piece in the new bar pond first because I don't care about the fish being put in there at the beginning. I will probably put in there the pair of angel fish that I have been trying to get rid of.

If they survive then I will probably send them to my wife's aquarium at her school 2 most likely die and then hope for a pair of my discus to start spawning again where I will use it too praise babies. Hear that or I will turn it into an mbuna tank because my youngest son's mbuna are just now getting to that point where they are starting to multiply.

09-04-2023, 08:17 AM
I'm finally getting a handle on your taste, Elliot. At first I thought you had none (forgive me) but I have come to see that your taste is funky weird, just like you. Who is in charge of the decor of your house, you or your wife?

09-04-2023, 03:57 PM
Dying laughing, Liz... literally was taking a swig of beer when I start reading your post and a little bit went down the wrong way when laughing. I love funky weird! But not in my house. That's why before we got our current house two and a half years ago, there was one thing I told my wife I would not let her do and that was interior decor. OMG, I bet my tongue for 13 years at the other house when I let her they're half of the decorating. There are times when no Rhyme or Reason works, and then there are times where no Rhyme or Reason doesn't. I never choose either, I always have a method to the madness on the inside of the house, but in her case she chose no Rhyme or Reason and didn't realize it sucked. Over the course of that time I slowly but surely try to lessen the horrendous decorating one piece at a time. Also genetic because she totally gets it from her mother who had two absolutely beautiful elongated paintings I got in Puerto rico, framed with Carolina Gamecock garnet thin pieces of basic milled composite and chopped off large amounts of each of the paintings. It got worse when I tried to figure out a way for her to finally have her own Hobby and I got her into shabby chicing and distressing wooden furniture we would get from second hand stores. Next thing you know every frame & wooden furniture started to become bright colors that were distressed. I had to try to teach her about stuff like that being more desirable within the interior as an accent piece or two. She didn't get it and just kept shabby-shaking the sh** out everything :eek:

I actually paint and do woodwork (carvings, furniture, woodburning collages). I'm slowly but surely doing the paintings for the entire house. Unfortunately, my secret, other nerdy pleasure of painting, was noticed by some people and it spread. Now have a number of paintings I have to get done for other people even though I really need to get back on the ones for the house. I'm totally grateful for how cool it is by their people that want me to do things and other stuff for them but that used to be one of my releases after the Marine Corps and it hasn't felt like that for a little while. Four more paintings and I can get back on the ones for our house.

As for FrankenBarPond, it's in my detached garage which is my garage because my wife has another garage, so essentially this is my man cave of which I don't mind funky :P. So I told my wife we're going to paint it like "the Folly Rd boat" which is a boat hull on the way to Folly Beach that anyone can paint over the previous person's stuff and paint their painting, message, or design. If it get's out of hand, then I'll just let my wife distress it ;)

09-04-2023, 05:23 PM
Elliot thats all fascinating ! :) but can you share more details on the important stuff like what beer were you drinking and what exactly are you painting? :evilgrin:

09-06-2023, 05:21 PM
LMAO... I know... I have a problem with typing novels too often :antlers:

Beer: I'm a wuss and love a good wheat or white ale but I'm also a cheap date who's good to go with a budlight, milker lite, or coors

Paintings: Here's a few







09-06-2023, 07:25 PM
Wow.. you are really good there Elliot! I cant paint worth a darn.. but thankfully I know my way around a camera.

After you get those paintings done for the homestead we should talk....lol.

Ever paint Discus? :)

09-08-2023, 08:50 PM
Thanks Al! I've drawn/sketched discus, but never painted. I'd be willing to do a discus painting and if it turned out good enough, I'd donate it. Or if folks rather have something else painted if winning a contest, I'd do it.

Second Hand Pat
09-09-2023, 06:21 AM
Darn Elliot, love your paintings. What medium are you using? I started out as an art student back in the day.

09-09-2023, 05:43 PM
THANKS PAT! I'll use canvas or wood. Acrylics for now but soon will transition to oils (around November).

I wish I took pics of all paintings I did, but here are a few more (some that are not done... 1 in particular with the photograph of the scene)










10-20-2023, 06:30 PM
"It's alive... It's ALIVE!"



10-20-2023, 08:16 PM
Cool Elliot .. congrats! Care to share what exactly did You stock it with? Bass?

10-20-2023, 09:02 PM
Temporarily with baby bass as "coal miner's canaries". Still need to trim-out portions and install proper lighting, but it's functional.

Baby bass will be released next week. Unsure what I'll stock it with for the winter

10-20-2023, 10:31 PM
These are fun..

10-20-2023, 11:45 PM
Very cool :D. ...but I assure you
, Al... there WILL be discus in there (not with bass!). It may not be until next Spring, though. Unless I get a solid pair out of my current group of discus,... then I'll use it as a grow out.

12-07-2023, 11:39 PM
Sorry it's been forever. Meanwhile, I told my son he had to put the juvenile largemouth bass back in the neighborhood retention pond before the first cold snap. So then it was empty and I was trying to figure out what to do and the next thing I know I see two mystery fish in there. Turns out to be a sun catfish and a bicher/*****er/bircher (?)... basically two fish I don't care I have my house the worst of all, they get too big in my opinion for even my big tank because I like to see tons of space and see Fish interact rather than have one or two giant fish in a ginormous tank that still seems to be a tiny prison cell for what they really need. Turns out my wife bought my youngest son those fish didn't even research them at a time. I just got rid of them tonight because my youngest son was dumb enough to say he would give up his mbuna colony in order to have a tank for those two fish. That thing still isn't big enough for them but whatever, not my problem. Plus, mbuna are my second love (discus numero uno!) and they'll look damn good in the franken-bar-pond!

Nothing worth taking a pic of just yet, but should have them PLUS 12 more (I ordered) by the 19th. I have white tops (afras), super red hongi, auratus, and ... crap... I can't remember the name of the new group that I just ordered.

Now.... should they do okay in my garage and drive, from the first time I have a another spawn from a pair of discus in the big tank, then the mbuna colony might be relocated for awhile ;) (...and I have a newly formed pair! An awesome brilliant turq female which I always thought was going to turn out to be a male plus it's nearly solid and very bright turquoise
... with an Ica Heckle x Red Cover male).

12-08-2023, 10:41 AM
So to translate and abbreviate..:evilgrin: your new name is "fish shuffler"? :)

Looking forward to pics my friend and fingers crossed on those discus pairs!


12-09-2023, 05:09 PM
My youngest son literally has me doing way too much shuffling. He is a double edged sword: forces me lately to shuffle his fish around yet at least this time around, I get fish that I would love to have in my garage for Heathers to be entertained when having people over as well as just myself. But I cannot believe my wife is literally picking up a 60 gallon fish tank to keep in her garage for him for his upcoming birthday since a month ago she wasn't thinking and purchased four different predator fish that will be way too big for any of the Little tanks or plastic bins that he has filled up with water whenever I'm not looking and starts populating with any aquatic creature he can get his hands on. I asked her if she had taken any drugs while drinking when I found out she bought the bicher (and then a few days later I see two baby Oscars).

Remember, we have two separate garages. So I told her it is not going in his room because the only tank other than my show tank in Franken bar that I will maintain is the mbuna tank in his room. It's bizarre because when we got married she only allowed me to have one show tank and now she is a contributor to his addiction of tank after tank after tank. He definitely got my jeans but then he's even better because he can manipulate her when I can't even get her to get off a damn ipad.

12-15-2023, 11:43 PM
Added a few more mbuna. 1 male auratus, 1 female auratus, 1 1" auratus, 2 white top afra males. There were already 6 baby auratus in there. I had to move them so 11 new 1.25-2" mbuna can grow in son's tank (4 super red hongi, 3 more white tops, and 4 Nkhomo Limes).

There are a ton

of rocks in Franken-bar-pond but can't tell in these pics due to adding more sand. The mom auratus has little ones in her mouth. Need to hurry up and multiply in order to dilute aggression.





12-16-2023, 09:25 AM
My youngest son literally has me doing way too much shuffling. He is a double edged sword: forces me lately to shuffle his fish around yet at least this time around, I get fish that I would love to have in my garage for Heathers to be entertained when having people over as well as just myself. But I cannot believe my wife is literally picking up a 60 gallon fish tank to keep in her garage for him for his upcoming birthday since a month ago she wasn't thinking and purchased four different predator fish that will be way too big for any of the Little tanks or plastic bins that he has filled up with water whenever I'm not looking and starts populating with any aquatic creature he can get his hands on. I asked her if she had taken any drugs while drinking when I found out she bought the bicher (and then a few days later I see two baby Oscars).

Remember, we have two separate garages. So I told her it is not going in his room because the only tank other than my show tank in Franken bar that I will maintain is the mbuna tank in his room. It's bizarre because when we got married she only allowed me to have one show tank and now she is a contributor to his addiction of tank after tank after tank. He definitely got my jeans but then he's even better because he can manipulate her when I can't even get her to get off a damn ipad.

Ouch! Deep breaths my friend :)

12-16-2023, 09:27 AM
Added a few more mbuna. 1 male auratus, 1 female auratus, 1 1" auratus, 2 white top afra males. There were already 6 baby auratus in there. I had to move them so 11 new 1.25-2" mbuna can grow in son's tank (4 super red hongi, 3 more white tops, and 4 Nkhomo Limes).

There are a ton

of rocks in Franken-bar-pond but can't tell in these pics due to adding more sand. The mom auratus has little ones in her mouth. Need to hurry up and multiply in order to dilute aggression.





Beach sand? Remind me whats the filtration on this tank currently Elliot?

12-16-2023, 02:47 PM
Yes, Sir... beach sand from folly beach. Meanwhile, I took an old canister filter out of storage that I used to use for my 150. I definitely need to hurry up & add more. Here are some quick shots this morning since it's cleared up.



Few random pics of an unintended, additional garage tank. My nemo koi galaxy that a guy at Petco surprised me with (knowing thats my favorite type... although only 1 scale with turquoise to qualify it with "galaxy", but I'll take it!) after giving him some java fern & some unwanted fish. He's built a 10"L x 3" W nest. I put a honey colored female in there which is derived from a hellboy pair 1.5 years ago I bred (I had 2 honey colored fry from that hellboy pair; super unexpected but that's why I LOVE genetics!)




12-16-2023, 03:25 PM
Wow... I reread some of my posts and I feel pretty dumb (... well, dumber than normal/ expected). "Jeans" instead of genes, "Heathers" instead of others (LMAO), and I'm sure there's more.

Well just remember, this is just a fun, half-arsed project; however, I want to improve it over time since it's been a neat idea. It still drives people nuts on how they can only see from the top or that single skinny side but that affords me to shove all sorts of foam and old blankets inside of it in order to insulate it without people even seeing it. It's gotten down to 33 degrees in the garage one night yet the tank retained a 78 degree temp (I also use 2" polyurethane foam to cover the porthole at night time and you can probably see the two strips that I use underneath the porthole in some of the pics). I have to work on a removable top (or a combo top). If anyone has any ideas, even if they are wild, let me know because I would love to figure out a good idea for the top. But once you keep it warm at night time during the winter but still want to view the fish when using the garage. Also need the light to still be able to light up the aquarium but I want to see them. For the time being, I have leftover pieces of plexiglass and then I threw a few random coats and boat seat cushion on top to help retain heat. In the warmer parts of the year, I won't need the top (April and November, just a top at night).

12-17-2023, 12:25 AM

Easy to cut and can be doubled up. I bought a box of it on Amazon for lids works great and insulates.

You could also use foam board for the top. .. cut a light strip in and glue a piece.of plexi glass. Instant insulated tank lid on the cheap. I use them here from time to time..
Can see it here.


Used on an outdoor qt tank this past fall.


12-18-2023, 03:33 AM
Al, I'd seriously give you a big ol' kiss with that "trick of the trade". BRILLLLLIANT!