View Full Version : Plants in discus aquarium and deworming discus

11-25-2022, 01:38 PM
Most keep barebottom aquarium for easy cleaning discus fish aquarium. My question is do discus fish show better coloration of their body with live plants in aquarium. Secondly if an adult discus group is fully dewormed using say metrogyl tablets will it be the end of deworming forever or is it necessary to keep deworming discus every few months or so. If after deworming we stop live worm feeds and heart mix and feed only dry fish food would the discus which were dewormed again get worms in their intestines and stomach. Where from do these worms get into discus fish.

11-25-2022, 02:41 PM
Plants are your preference. I don’t believe there are many plants from where their ancestors :eek:came from. Next the way they’re bred they never see plants. So it’s what you like :). As to deworming. For me I’ve never dewormed my fish.

11-26-2022, 10:57 AM
Sometimes a tank without plants show off a better color in discus. In a discus tank plants are generally used for eye candy for people. I think discus would be more at home in wood branches than plants. Metrogyl might get some parasites but won't work on worms; it generally takes a least two treatments about a week apart, I would do three treatments with a dewormer and vacuuming the substrate if it were me. Once the worms are eradicated there gone. I don't think they need drugs on a monthly regular basis. Discus can get worms from water already infested with eggs or from animals that have infected the water such as hatcheries with open holding tanks. Depends on where you obtain your live food.

11-26-2022, 01:26 PM
Thanks yes I understand that source of discus is important