View Full Version : Stocking question

02-05-2023, 06:08 PM
First- I’m happy to see Al active again on the forum. It’s reenergized my interest in coming to SD and seeing Al’s responses. For those who have not seen Al’s video going over discus care on YouTube it’s a must watch and definitely something I watched again and again before and after I first got into discus keeping.

So back to the question- I have a 120 gal old old oceanic with 2 big corner overflows. My sump is 29 gal. Before I knew better, I went with a local guy, and just 1 of the dozen I got wasn’t stunted. I kept that one, but my kids are attached to the others. Right now I have 9 discus in my tank- 3 in the 7-9 inch range, 2 in the 6 inch range. 2 in the in the 5+inch range and 2 in the 3-5 inch range stunted ones I have left. I’m happy to part with one in the 5 inch range but the little 3 inches is a runt with big eyes, but I just like him. If I were to rehome the 5” guy, could my tank even accommodate a big say 6-7” inch discus? It’s 4 x 2 x 2 with a shoal of cardinals (10), 3 sterbai cories, and 4 BN plecos. There are some discus for sale that really catch my eye but I think I could just accommodate one more large discus. I never paid more than 180ish for a discus, but this adult is ~280+ shipping. Ugh- it’s a lot of money and I don’t want to overcrowd my tank. Thoughts?

02-05-2023, 07:53 PM
I keep six 6-7 inch wilds in a 200gal tank. I won’t go any higher but that’s just my preference. Other keep twice as many in similar sized tank. It’s really up to you. There will always be another fish that comes along and becomes the new “must have” specimen

More fish, more waste more water changes.

02-05-2023, 08:05 PM
First- I’m happy to see Al active again on the forum. It’s reenergized my interest in coming to SD and seeing Al’s responses. For those who have not seen Al’s video going over discus care on YouTube it’s a must watch and definitely something I watched again and again before and after I first got into discus keeping.

So back to the question- I have a 120 gal old old oceanic with 2 big corner overflows. My sump is 29 gal. Before I knew better, I went with a local guy, and just 1 of the dozen I got wasn’t stunted. I kept that one, but my kids are attached to the others. Right now I have 9 discus in my tank- 3 in the 7-9 inch range, 2 in the 6 inch range. 2 in the in the 5+inch range and 2 in the 3-5 inch range stunted ones I have left. I’m happy to part with one in the 5 inch range but the little 3 inches is a runt with big eyes, but I just like him. If I were to rehome the 5” guy, could my tank even accommodate a big say 6-7” inch discus? It’s 4 x 2 x 2 with a shoal of cardinals (10), 3 sterbai cories, and 4 BN plecos. There are some discus for sale that really catch my eye but I think I could just accommodate one more large discus. I never paid more than 180ish for a discus, but this adult is ~280+ shipping. Ugh- it’s a lot of money and I don’t want to overcrowd my tank. Thoughts?

I'm Flattered Mike, Thanks.:) Given good water changes and maintaining the tank well, I think you could add another fish, but I would like to see a tank shot as you can have a big tank but it really can get crowded fast. Can you post a pic? and maybe give a little info on your water parameters and maintenance? Theres also one other note that you should consider.. are you able to quarantine? Do you have a tank to keep the new fish in for weeks?( I prefer 6+ weeks) . Your tank sounds like it is balanced and you aren't dealing with issues.. A new fish can be wonderful, but it can also be a total headache if you bring something in that either upsets the balance of the tank or introduces a pathogen.


02-05-2023, 09:18 PM
Agree- it can completely throw off the balance. I do have a QT tank and follow your/SD recs but typically only 4-5 weeks and I have a hero fish. I do twice weekly 50-70% water changes. Parameters are stable- haven’t checked in a while though as all is good. 134369 134370134370134368134371134372134373

Started a water change when I took some snaps so pls ignore the waterline. I agree- there’s always another dish!

02-06-2023, 08:01 AM
Mike the tank looks beautiful and the fish do as well. From a biological point of view you should have no problem adding another Fish. Aesthetically is where personal preferences come in here. Some people like having more room for the fish to swim about more naturally. Others want to maximize the realestate and fit as many as they can. Often times it comes down to having only a tank.

The only problem I see with trying to fit one more discus in a tank is its kind of short lasting happiness. Thats because once you do that you are back where you were. You will always want another fish.:)

Thats where the realization comes in that what you really want is another tank! And that furniture is over rated things we rarely use so why not get rid of the couch and add a tank there you ask yourself. Becareful, because oddly enough, significant others usually don't share those realizations!


02-06-2023, 10:31 AM
Ok me I’m one who had a major problem with new fish.134374. This fish pretty much wiped me out. 2 125 one cross contamination. All discus got through the cc. But after doing this for 2 years without a lose. 2 yrs after the cc I’ve lost all but 6. So with that in mind after the cc I changed the tanks around a lot. I put all the smaller guys in there own tank. Problems started right after that. Not sure if I’m humanizing this but I really set off the balance in the one tank. 4 runts came out of it. And looking back I wonder if removing those fish could have depressed the others. Cause losses started happening right after that. They just stopped eating. Was it results of the cc or depression? I’ve got no clue but I think a little of both.

So with that in mind 2 things I’d do. 1 keep the runts they may be helping the balance and 2 if getting another discus i recomend getting 2. 2 is better than one in qt for 4-6 weeks.

Yes Al’s on to something! Who need a couch? Just a nice comfy chair will do. :).

02-06-2023, 03:09 PM
Yes Al’s on to something! Who need a couch? Just a nice comfy chair will do. :).

Something you can fold up and put in the corner so it doesn't take up any tank space! :D