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View Full Version : No KH or GH out of the tap

02-15-2023, 08:33 AM
Hey all! Well, I’ve had my discus now for almost 7 weeks and everything is going great. But, my KH and GH are non-existent from the tap…measures as 0 with my test kits. My pH was slowly dropping, so I recently started mixing in some baking soda to provide a buffer, and I’ve successfully been keeping my pH around 6.5 and my KH around 1.

Thinking about the future and when they get into the bigger tank, it might be more cost effective and easier to just have a bag of crushed coral in the sump. What are you thoughts on this?



02-15-2023, 08:45 AM
Hi Greg,
Im not sure its possible to have 0 kh and gh out of the tap.. maybe theres something wrong with your test kits.. and if true you would see pH fall very fast.

Using baking soda is a quick fix.. definitely not long term. It causes alot of pH swings if you are not careful. I have a very low KH here and when I want to buffer my water and add some minerals I use crushed coral or oyster shells (much cheaper from a poultry supply house) in a nylon stocking. I do this regularly here for my fry grow out tanks.It works great and lasts forever.


02-15-2023, 08:55 AM
What is your WC routine? Al is correct about both the baking soda and 0 kh and gH. Even if your readings are correct, water always contains trace amounts of both. Having once raised a spawn from egg to adult size with 100% RO I can had no problems with pH dropping, but I did WC every day.

02-15-2023, 04:45 PM
Hi Greg,
Im not sure its possible to have 0 kh and gh out of the tap.. maybe theres something wrong with your test kits.. and if true you would see pH fall very fast.

Using baking soda is a quick fix.. definitely not long term. It causes alot of pH swings if you are not careful. I have a very low KH here and when I want to buffer my water and add some minerals I use crushed coral or oyster shells (much cheaper from a poultry supply house) in a nylon stocking. I do this regularly here for my fry grow out tanks.It works great and lasts forever.


Hi Al. if there is a trace, it’s minuscule, because the kit tests at 0. When I add a shot of basking soda to the test water, there is an immediate change, so I know the test kits works. How well, that’s another question. I’m using the Sera Test kits, as it’s the only thing I can get here in Japan.

02-15-2023, 05:00 PM
What is your WC routine? Al is correct about both the baking soda and 0 kh and gH. Even if your readings are correct, water always contains trace amounts of both. Having once raised a spawn from egg to adult size with 100% RO I can had no problems with pH dropping, but I did WC every day.

Hi Liz. I started with 90-95% in the beginning every day. Remember I’m using the prime/stability method. When I detected nitrites, I lowered the WC to 75%, twice a day. I get up at 5am to do my first water change before work and then the 2nd WC around 5pm. Waiting for nitrates to show up. I may have stalled the cycle a bit initially with too much water changes and sponges filter wring-outs in the beginning. Still saw the pH dropping during the day some. In the last few weeks, it was dropping about .1-.2 a day. That’s when I started adding baking soda to keep it around the 6.5 mark

02-15-2023, 05:04 PM
BTW, I’m using this Fukurow pH meter. Japanese reviews shows it as being a good unit


02-15-2023, 05:19 PM
So, crushed coral it is. Now it’s just a matter of figuring out how much I need. Crushed coral will raise both KH and GH, is that right?

02-15-2023, 05:42 PM
It will raise the KH but depending on minerals in it..GH as well...

My advice is start with about 1-2cups of crushed coral in a nylon stocking ..add to the filter.... I use that on my 75 gal tanks and in my water it keeps the pH in the low 7 s. Granted my water isnt yours...its just a starting point.

On your water tests.. you must be on municipal water since you add prime. It may be worth contacting them to find out how they treat the water.. they may also have the water report on the web. I have to wonder if they are putting something in the water thats lowering your test kits sensitivity.


02-15-2023, 05:53 PM
Do as Al suggested. When I used straight RO, I didn't even take readings. I just watched the fish. They told me how they were feeling. I guess not everyone can do it the way i did it.

02-15-2023, 06:13 PM
Do you have a TDS meter? That might help see if something is hiding.

02-15-2023, 06:26 PM
I do. It's a medium priced Hanna one. I don't have a pH meter, though. l don't find one to be necessary since my pH is always been the same. I've confirmed at my LFS.

02-16-2023, 04:17 AM
Do you have a TDS meter? That might help see if something is hiding.

I do. My TDS out of the tap is 32ppm. That’s not a mistype. The water here is VERY soft.

02-16-2023, 04:21 AM
It will raise the KH but depending on minerals in it..GH as well...

My advice is start with about 1-2cups of crushed coral in a nylon stocking ..add to the filter.... I use that on my 75 gal tanks and in my water it keeps the pH in the low 7 s. Granted my water isnt yours...its just a starting point.

On your water tests.. you must be on municipal water since you add prime. It may be worth contacting them to find out how they treat the water.. they may also have the water report on the web. I have to wonder if they are putting something in the water thats lowering your test kits sensitivity.


yes, municipal. I can smell the chlorine what I fill my water change bucket.

I’m gonna try to find out what they put in water, but my wife will have to make the call. I can’t speak Japanese. The first thing I have to do is make my wife realize finding out is important to me. If she doesn’t feel it’s necessary, no matter how I put it, she won’t do it

02-16-2023, 06:22 AM
yes, municipal. I can smell the chlorine what I fill my water change bucket.

I’m gonna try to find out what they put in water, but my wife will have to make the call. I can’t speak Japanese. The first thing I have to do is make my wife realize finding out is important to me. If she doesn’t feel it’s necessary, no matter how I put it, she won’t do it

Hmmm.. maybe try explaining to her that its important you know whats in the water that you drink and bath in?


02-17-2023, 03:46 AM
Hmmm.. maybe try explaining to her that its important you know whats in the water that you drink and bath in?


Well, Japan’s water is known as one of the world’s cleanest. Anyway, I have oyster shells on the way. Ordered from a LFS. That should stabilize everything. Thanks for the help

02-18-2023, 08:02 AM
BTW, I forgot to ask…how much of a rise in pH and KH should I expect to see? I just recently added an air pump with bubbler (in my grow out tank) just to ensure I have enough oxygen in there, because I’m running my temp at 30C/86F. Well, I came down this morning to my pH around 6.8-6.9. Went out and came home late in the evening and my pH was down to 6.2.

02-18-2023, 03:06 PM
BTW, I forgot to ask…how much of a rise in pH and KH should I expect to see? I just recently added an air pump with bubbler (in my grow out tank) just to ensure I have enough oxygen in there, because I’m running my temp at 30C/86F. Well, I came down this morning to my pH around 6.8-6.9. Went out and came home late in the evening and my pH was down to 6.2.

Apparently you probably need more! it should definitely be moving up, not down! How much are you using and how?


02-18-2023, 07:54 PM
Apparently you probably need more! it should definitely be moving up, not down! How much are you using and how?


I just put the shells in yesterday so no change due to that yet. The swing happened before that. I was using baking soda. Maybe I just put in too much. After my water change, I didn’t see a change in the pH, so I added more…maybe too much. Anyway. I have the shells in now, stopping the baking soda. I will monitor it closely and see how it goes. Woke up to the pH at 6.5. If I can get it to stabilize there, I’d be ecstatic. Good thing is, the fish don’t seem to be stressing.