View Full Version : Recently acquired discus

03-25-2023, 12:21 AM
I bought these guys 1 month ago. Local store I bought from before. 4 discus. 134958All came from different tanks. All discus in store in their own color separated tank. Got home put them all in 3og qt tank. Within 2 weeks I’ve got a cross contamination in the tank. 3 out of 4 are sick. Realize it a cc so add salt and rid-ich. Go the 14 days and all but 1 get through it. One I believe got to skitish and crashed into the side of the tank.
So got them better and decide to throw another med at them just to make sure nothing else is present. It’s a 3day med than change water and retreat. All looking great I change water retreat and the next day the tanks at 72 degrees. Great I forgot to plug in the heater. Plug it back in and wait it out. 2 out of 3 look good but red cover is showing slime coat on both sides. Give them the 3 days and it’s looking better. So change water and retreat for third and last time. And just to keep thing on par forget the heater again:eek:. All look good but the red cover is again showing slime coat. Put up a sign for heater!! Finish the third day and it’s looking better but still signs of slime coat. So give them 3 days with daily 80% water changes and all looking better. Red still. Showing slime coat but eating great and no bad signs. Forth day I change water and add salt and rid-ich. 3 days of this and reds looking much better but still signs. Other 2 look great and all 3 fighting for food. Red still has some signs showing but all in all much better. Will continue for at least another week. But not sure now if it will ever fully recover.134959. Pics of the others134960134961134962

03-25-2023, 06:03 AM
I remember the slime thing happened to my discus when I fed a lot of beefheart, the water went cloudy and I didn't change the water for a week. Luckily, after doing multiple water changes, the slime coat returned to normal.

03-25-2023, 09:44 AM
Wow, kind of a rocky road. Good job on rehab. Hope they stay strong. Keep us posted please, learning.
I thought I was in the clear but now I have issues. Will make a new thread.

03-27-2023, 10:36 AM
Hey Tom, Just saw this thread, How are the fish today, those last sets of photos they look much better than the initial ones but their fins look a tad cloudy still. I'd be really careful at this point of your other tanks.


03-27-2023, 01:14 PM
Yes been taking care of what I do. I do anything in that tank by itself. Been changing 80% daily. But I havnt made it easy on these fish. Forgot the heater twice and once forgot the prime. So hopefully this will make them stronger:D.134986. The red cover showed it the worst. But is looking much better. It’s a dark red color. Had it for a month already and hasn’t lost its color but when stressed with the prime incident it had 5 thick black lines. I’ve never seen lines this thick. Wish I’d got a pic. 134987

03-27-2023, 08:42 PM
Yes been taking care of what I do. I do anything in that tank by itself. Been changing 80% daily. But I havnt made it easy on these fish. Forgot the heater twice and once forgot the prime. So hopefully this will make them stronger:D.. The red cover showed it the worst. But is looking much better. It’s a dark red color. Had it for a month already and hasn’t lost its color but when stressed with the prime incident it had 5 thick black lines. I’ve never seen lines this thick. Wish I’d got a pic.
Wow, he's really red, that's really neat!

03-29-2023, 01:02 PM
Yes I’m mpressed with the color!! It also has what looks like a halo. So does the turq. So now I’ll keep them in qt and change a lot of water and hope they continue growing.135012135013135014135015.

03-29-2023, 01:38 PM
The red cover is a very impressive fish.

04-27-2023, 07:11 PM
Well they made it into the main tank!135174135175135176135177

04-27-2023, 08:59 PM
I missed this guy135178135179135180

04-28-2023, 07:58 AM
Coming along nicely!!! Thanks for the update.
The red cover keeps enhancing colors. What a great-looking group of discus.