View Full Version : Nitrate reducing plants above water column

05-05-2023, 08:38 AM
I read that pothos, peace lily,spider plant,monstera plant species,etc etc could reduce nitrates. Has anybody used these and which plant in particular absorb nitrates best and is it better tying them to driftwood which are above water surface or put them in top filters

05-05-2023, 08:52 AM
Pothos and philodendron vines are very good. Pothos is among the best. You just need to cut the vines tie them.in a bunch and stick them into the tank water a few inches.. periodically trim roots as these can grow very fast.

Note.. pothos is not a direct sun plant.. bright indirect light is best.

See this thread..



05-05-2023, 09:50 AM
Hoya Wax Plant is also a good one for a vine plant that grows out of the tank.

If you want to create shade spots in the tank water hyacinth is a good pond plant that will bloom. It floats on the water and eats nitrate.
I have Hoya Wax Plant and Pothos by my HOB filter so it can grow across the tank, and I have Water Hyacinth and floating red root (yes that is the name of the plant) floating in the tank, and I also have a variety of Anubias on a stump in the tank.

I can sell the Anubias and Water Hyacinth as i get pieces that break off the Anubias and babies on the Water Hyacinth.

05-05-2023, 10:49 AM
Common name, Water Sprite there are two genus of this plant. Both will can float or can be planted. Low or medium light. Fast grower = great nitrate sponge.

05-05-2023, 11:07 AM
Very useful information thanks

05-05-2023, 12:57 PM
I never thought water hyacinth could be kept in a discus fish aquarium. To me it is a huge plant

05-05-2023, 01:07 PM
Water hyacinth is excellent at sucking up toxins and heavy metals also..its used in cleaning up contaminated ground..

I have had it in my pond here but could never keep it alive when I brought it in for the winter.. I think the change in light levels shocked it or I waited too long to bring it in.


05-05-2023, 02:37 PM
Water hyacinth is excellent at sucking up toxins and heavy metals also..its used in cleaning up contaminated ground..

I have had it in my pond here but could never keep it alive when I brought it in for the winter.. I think the change in light levels shocked it or I waited too long to bring it in.


I am running two Fluval plant lights on my 75 gallon. One old style with manual switch, and one with the app that I can set for times to be on and times to turn to moonlight. I am seeing about four babies now on different Water Hyacinth plants. The tank also is by a window that gets east lighting