View Full Version : Buying discus from different aquariums in one local fish store

05-26-2023, 02:02 PM
I was thinking is it safe to buy discus kept in different aquariums in a single pet shop. Today I saw heckel cross in one aquarium, snakeskin in another aquarium and turquoise in an another aquarium all in the same shop though. On close observation all the discus in these three aquariums were active,coming to front glass,had clear eyes and had erect fins. The shop keeper said they were from different sources. Is it alright if one buys discus from these different aquariums and put them all in one aquarium at home after quarantine offcourse. Even in quarantine is it risky quarantining them all in one quarantine aquarium

Second Hand Pat
05-27-2023, 08:31 AM
Are all the tanks in the store on a central system? If yes then all the tanks are sharing the same water so most likely all the fish have been exposed to each other.

05-27-2023, 08:45 AM
I agree with Pat that if the tanks are all on the same system its safe to assume they all have been exposed to the same things.

Having worked in a few Petshop in the past and having spent many hours in them as a customer and window shopper I also think its pretty fair to assume even if they are not on the same system they have been cross contaminated by nets, hoses, hands and arms, aquatic plants and splashing water.

A lesson in this is if you see a tank of sick fish in a petshop.. either avoid purchasing that day or be super careful with qt. Fish do not show symptoms of illness right away.


05-27-2023, 09:26 AM
Ok this happened to me earlier this year. Bought 3 discus from Monster aquarium. I’ve bought from them before without a problem. Added all 3 together into qt tank and within 3 days had a cross contamination. 2 of the 3 went black showing body slime. Treated with rid-ich and salt and they recovered quickly. So it can happen. All discus tanks have their own system and a numbered net for each tank. Only one guy in the store removes discus. Thing is they do get their discus in at the same time but they come come different breeders. So another reason to qt all new fish.

05-28-2023, 11:59 AM
Very risky, you don't know what you don't know ?

05-28-2023, 12:16 PM
I think now after all the replies the benefits are far fewer and risks are higher. Thanks everyone for the replies