View Full Version : flow rate and head pressure

jim LI
08-29-2023, 03:56 PM
I have a question, that I thought I had an answer for. But it may be I have been thinking about this all wrong. I have a new Oase 600 biomaster filter. I called Oase support to get the flow rate at 0 ft and the max 6.6' height. I was told that at 0', the flow rate is 350 g/p/h. but at the max height, the flow rate is 0. How can that be, if I have flow at the return nozzle? I am totally confused. I found a flow chart for the Oase flow rates. The chart states at 6.6', the flow rate is 0. What am I missing. I attached the chart the the thread. Can someone tell where I am misunderstanding?



08-29-2023, 06:10 PM
Are you sure you’re lifting 6’ or just using 6’ of hose. I’m probably using close to 6’ of hose but only lifting 4’. What’s the flow rate with media in the filter?

08-29-2023, 08:21 PM
Definitely not my area of expertise but when you say you have flow at the return at max lift .. is it as strong as at 0 feet? Is it really 6.6 feet you have there? I seem to remeber from physics that you have to account for the total length and all the rises and runs.

Alternatively.. maybe sealevel has some effect on the numbers..

https://www.absolutewaterpumps.com/blog/how-altitude-affects-water-pump/#:~:text=Specific%20gravity%20suggests%20that%20wa ter,of%2026%20feet%20or%20less.


08-29-2023, 09:13 PM
I am not an expert in this. But, I remember mws is pressure generated by 1 meter high water column. It's a unit popular in Germany.

jim LI
08-30-2023, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the replies. I didn't actually take any reading, i was just commenting on the flow chart. i took actual footage measurements. from the bottom of the filter to the top of the tank is just under 5". from the top of the filter, where the pump is, measures 3 1/2'. so, after doing some liter to gallon conversion, i am getting about 200 g/p/h. i just thought it would be a higher output.
