View Full Version : 75 Gallon greenhouse tank

10-08-2023, 09:42 AM
Not really sure what to call it but to me its pretty much a greenhouse tank. I decided I wanted to add some potted plants to a few tanks here. Mostly non discus tanks, though when I am done with growing what wanted I will turn this 75 gal into a planted retirement home for my old discus that still look good.

The plants were received and potted yesterday. Plants came from Marcustanks. All in all I was pretty happy with what was sent. Everything was individually packed and bagged. It only took a few days to ship and receive.



After potting.. tanks a bit cloudy from the laterite...it will clear.







There were a few plants sent that I was dissapointed in. I got java moss and christmas moss for my shrimp.. it was more bits and pieces . It will grow quick but still. The other item that was not really great was the Javafern. I wss expecting a single rhizome.. i got a bunch of pieces threaded together..


Just makes it harder to use. Other than that I was happy. I would buy from them again.

Decided to go with what I know here and have used. The pots have gravel bottom layer of about 1" then a layer of 50-50% sand and milled canadian peat moss.. laterite on top. For laterite..I used seachems flourite since the one I used to use is not made anymore. Rinsed the heck out it but its still dusty.

For lighting I am using a cheap aquaneat 36" full spectrum that I had here already.


I will try that for a bit then if need be I will upgrade to the hygger one Tom recommended...

Just thought I would document what I was doing..what worked and what didn't.


10-08-2023, 10:19 AM
Other plants received were some hortwort and elodea

Using that for a few other projects. One is a 1 gallon shrimpery . My daughter is a 7th grade science teacher now.. trying out a few things she can use in the classroom


And some other stuff using java moss,christmas moss and hornwort.





10-08-2023, 10:28 AM
What is there web site? That is exactly what I'm thinking of doing minus the laterite .
I want to put then in the discus tank and I don't think they would like that laterite floating
I have a 48" lite fixture with 2 full spectrum lites.
Also, did you quarantine the plants and if so what did you use?

10-08-2023, 10:36 AM
Hi Jay..

The laterite will be fine for a discus tank.. its kind of like a. Light gravel... good source of iron for the plants.


The whole tank is a quarantine tank. I did rinse the all very good under running water before potting...

I figured it was easier this way. Im sure there will be snails still...


10-08-2023, 12:56 PM
I just caught something you said when I Read your post a second time.
That your daughter is a seventh grade science teacher!. You've got to be kidding.
When I first met you she was about 4 or5 and your son was about 2.
What year was that? It seems like just the other day.
But anyway thanks for the info.

10-08-2023, 01:26 PM
I just caught something you said when I Read your post a second time.
That your daughter is a seventh grade science teacher!. You've got to be kidding.
When I first met you she was about 4 or5 and your son was about 2.
What year was that? It seems like just the other day.
But anyway thanks for the info.

Time flys huh? Yep. Becky graduated this year and got a job in town here as a science teacher. My son is a junior in college now.. I remember announcing his birth here on Simply.

Long time Jay..long time:)

10-10-2023, 03:50 PM
Good luck with your green thumbs Al.
I would put a co2 injection in here, to maximize the plant growth, since is fishless QT tank.
Sugar and yeast would be the cheapest fertiliser if you don't have a co2 cylinder.

10-10-2023, 04:17 PM
Good luck with your green thumbs Al.
I would put a co2 injection in here, to maximize the plant growth, since is fishless QT tank.
Sugar and yeast would be the cheapest fertiliser if you don't have a co2 cylinder.

Thanks Filip! I gave away all my CO2 stuff a few years ago.. maybe I will brew a batch of beer or mead and run that co2 into the tank... talk about killing 2 birds with one stone!


10-11-2023, 11:40 AM
Lol very nice! I look at co2 like you look at pp. just no need for it. Funny you say laterite. I do Romberg this stuff. It was type of clay used for kitty litter or soaking up spilt oil. Been years since I’ve used it. Tractor supply does still carry. That seachem stuff was a waste. Used it in a 90 with eco-completely useless. Lasted about 3 years and I tried everything. Only tank I had that refused to grow plants. What I’m using now is the fluval aquasoil. But only in pots. I put a few tablespoons on the bottom of the pots. Gravel on top. Plants are doing good.
Problem with these online plant shops is they all sell plants that are grown emersed. Roots in water tops out. That’s the round leaves on the swords. Once submerged they will die off.
Yeah I’d complain about the Java moss. It’s like they gave you all the leftover pieces.

If looking for plants I have giant hygro,hornwort and Suswasertang. Probably some westeria and pearlweed too.

10-11-2023, 11:51 AM
Thanks Tom..

Im sure I will be tapping you here .. the seachem stuff is messy.. never used it before.. but its supposed to be similar to laterite and that worked well with the sand and milled peat so we will see how this does. Nothing in the tank is very demanding at this point so im hopefull it grows .. time will tell.lol


10-11-2023, 11:56 AM
As an add on thought.. Im thinking maybe I will move my Rams to this tank to liven it up...hmmm

10-11-2023, 12:17 PM
If looking for plants I have giant hygro,hornwort and Suswasertang. Probably some westeria and pearlweed too.

Where did you buy the hygro that you gave me way back. In any of the LI shops. I am sure going to do some shopping when I go at the end of the month.

10-11-2023, 01:21 PM
Yes I got it at south shore tropicals. But havnt seen it lately. I bought it a few years ago. Stuff grows like crazy. Let me know I will have some for you.

10-11-2023, 01:45 PM
Yes I got it at south shore tropicals. But havnt seen it lately. I bought it a few years ago. Stuff grows like crazy. Let me know I will have some for you.

I will look in South Shore Topicals but yes I will take some of the Hygro. I did not get much growth from the ones that you gave me originally but I still a few branches are alive. I changed fertilizer to Aquarium Co-ops and it's all starting to look better.

10-12-2023, 01:40 AM
Hi Al

How goes the tank

10-12-2023, 11:49 AM
Hi Al

How goes the tank

Thanks for Asking Jason. So far its doing well.. cleared up quite a bit and starting to get some tannins in the water.


10-26-2023, 07:21 AM
Going to close this thread out here. If You want to follow it further its been modified as a grow out tank.. journal is here...


11-23-2023, 10:37 AM
Well I am going to re-open the thread I guess.I didnt like using the tank for growing out the fry.. too hard to keep as clean as I wanted ..

Returned to a greenhouse tank for a bit..


11-24-2023, 09:53 PM
I love the idea of a retirement home for old discus. Be aware you'll need a hospice tank in the near future.

02-01-2024, 01:49 PM
Al I have a question, did your plants come that big on your original post from Marcus Plants. They look huge compared to mine from Team Buce Plant. Jim

02-01-2024, 03:29 PM
Al I have a question, did your plants come that big on your original post from Marcus Plants. They look huge compared to mine from Team Buce Plant. Jim

Jim yes they did.... I planted them and posted pics the same day. I was pretty happy with what I got.

I've moved abunch around to other tanks but heres some crypts and swords in my "micro" 29g



02-12-2024, 11:45 AM
Al are you keeping at room temperature? My basement get down to 60. I was thinking moving the stock from my 75 to the 90 and keeping the 75 as a plants only. Just a thought. I can use the HOB and get rid of the FX4 that is there now.

02-13-2024, 10:12 AM
Chuck I am running that tank at 77-78f. The 29g has a cheapo aqueon preset heater that has worked remarkably well for me. Im only using 2 hydro sponges on it.

The 75 also just air driven when it was running.
