View Full Version : Red Ica's from Pingco's

10-25-2023, 02:59 PM
I received these two beautiful fish On October 4th from Ping at Pingco's ,Seems that we have a possible pair yesterday was their second spawn , first time they didn't have the right water , just straight tap water. now the water is not ideal but they seem to be holding well , no white eggs day 2. They are not that big specially the female she is just under 5" but they are beautiful anyway.

10-25-2023, 03:13 PM
lovely. I adore the brown based reds. Nice pair!

10-25-2023, 04:28 PM
Thanks Liz

10-25-2023, 06:25 PM
I was hoping someone here got some Julian. Glad it was You! Those are some really nice fishes!

10-25-2023, 06:26 PM
I see so many that are obviously color fed. These are much nicer!!

10-25-2023, 07:06 PM
Nice looking discus.

10-25-2023, 10:50 PM
I received these two beautiful fish On October 4th from Ping at Pingco's ,Seems that we have a possible pair yesterday was their second spawn , first time they didn't have the right water , just straight tap water. now the water is not ideal but they seem to be holding well , no white eggs day 2. They are not that big specially the female she is just under 5" but they are beautiful anyway.

How beautiful. One day I will have a fully planted tank with 4-6 of these.

10-25-2023, 11:04 PM
I was hoping someone here got some Julian. Glad it was You! Those are some really nice fishes!

Thanks Al, The only thing they are spoiled, They don't want to any commercial food yet, they are addicted to your FDBW lol.
I do love them as their red brownish is subtle and very wild look alike.

10-25-2023, 11:15 PM
I see so many that are obviously color fed. These are much nicer!!

Yep in my search for this type or Red Ica's wild look alike got hand of one here locally and it was like a Red Cover with a nice central bar very nice looking, once the carophyl pink wear out , it turn out to be a very fade it wash out red. more like a light rose red kind of looking fish.

10-26-2023, 08:06 AM
I'm a sucker for brown-based reds, and those look great. Excited to see how their spawn turns out.

10-26-2023, 11:42 AM
Very well match mated pair, love the color. Please keep us posted on their progress and congratulations.


Discus Fever
10-26-2023, 04:11 PM
Very nice looking discus I love the color that they are showing, I will be the first one to put up dibs and 6 of those offspring when they decide to have babies. :D

10-27-2023, 08:31 PM
Well day 3 , and all eggs of the second spawn turn out white , water TDS was 120, no perfect but not that bad IMHE , I will keep working lowering to see which number is their sweet spot, their cousins Red Melons and Alenquer Cross was 90 TDS. Also I did a water change and scrub/brush the hell out the drift wood as it has some dark growth on it, these guys prefer drift wood and ignore the cone, guess taking on having the wild close.

11-11-2023, 11:08 PM
This hobby will humble anybody , So I moved them to a 29 gallons , like all my breeders tank are. As I rarely keep soft water in my display a 150 gallons too much RO water to mix. Well they lost the magic and they are having some pretty domestic violence going on even with the best of water parameters , So it seems like is going to take sometime for them to acclimate to it. I have seem this happens with wilds before as they prefer big tanks , drift wood over the cone , competition from other fish, etc. I guess there is a good component of wild genes in this cross.

11-12-2023, 12:39 PM
This hobby will humble anybody Amen! Aint that the truth. Everytime you feel on top of your game it reminds you that the challenge is still there.

Can you screen the pair on one side of the 29 gal and put another discus in on the other side. It sometimes works if the pair has a common enemy.. not always though.. I recently had a pair form between the new comer and one of the pair.. it was like watching a prison scene where they are on different sides of the bars. Go figure.

11-12-2023, 10:45 PM
Amen! Aint that the truth. Everytime you feel on top of your game it reminds you that the challenge is still there.

Can you screen the pair on one side of the 29 gal and put another discus in on the other side. It sometimes works if the pair has a common enemy.. not always though.. I recently had a pair form between the new comer and one of the pair.. it was like watching a prison scene where they are on different sides of the bars. Go figure.

Thanks Al
I will definitely do that , have a perfect piece of plexiglass with one inch wholes for circulation that should do the trick.

11-13-2023, 03:22 PM
Beautiful Discus!

12-09-2023, 06:55 PM
Well I thought will give an update on this young possible pair , they have been a few more spawns, now they become eggs eaters an also think the prospective male is not doing his job , not completely discourage yet as I have seen this happens on proven pair that have raised fry, sometimes the male is not in the mood as the female spawns to frequently. So anyway I will let nature take his course and focus more in my other two pairs,
Here are some pics from the couple of failed spawns.
First one I follow Al's advice about the partition and common enemy , that is when they decide to start eating caviar.
Here with egg protection not fertilize eggs this time . They did have a couple more spawn after but I playing the I don't care with them they eat the eggs ussually the second day before the could be any wrigglers If they were fertile of course, now I just want them to do it natural if is going to be , is going to be.

Red Eye.
12-18-2023, 06:18 AM
I received these two beautiful fish On October 4th from Ping at Pingco's ,Seems that we have a possible pair yesterday was their second spawn , first time they didn't have the right water , just straight tap water. now the water is not ideal but they seem to be holding well , no white eggs day 2. They are not that big specially the female she is just under 5" but they are beautiful anyway.

Is the female in the front?.In front pic.

01-01-2024, 07:20 PM
In the first post, first pic , yes she is.