View Full Version : Some Folks have it in their heads Discus are weak...

10-27-2023, 05:49 PM
Some Folks have it in there heads Discus are weak...

Lets talk about that ( TOM) ;)

Are discus a weak fish? My views, and I have kept everything from Marine to africans besides Discus. They are not a weak fish. As a matter of a fact, their biology gives them an edge, Elsewhere on the forum A comment was made about discus being weak because they need their parents? (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?140115-8-day-old-fry!-Some-questions):evilgrin::evilgrin::evilgrin: Hard to fathom that being a weakness, its an evolutionary survival trait that propelled mammals to the top. But lets look at Discus Fry needing their parents? Why would they? Its not because they are weak its because it increases their odds of surviving. Not only are they able to get a safe food source but the slime coat they eat actually has antibodies in it and is more than just "slime" , Theres a reason why early Discus keepers called it "milk" There is also this notion that fry need to eat from their parents. They don't. Thats why we can artificially raise them. They need a food source small enough to eat, like all baby fish. In the wild any micro-organisms that can be eaten are, including algae and invertebrates, In our tanks we supplement with baby brine.

Discus Evolved in waters thats are in the low 5's in pH , Heckels in the Low 4's. Lets see an african cichlid or even a marine species survive in that and thrive. and yet we expect our discus to thrive in waters that are 6, 7, 8 pH? Seriously! and guess what, they do! Thats not the mark of a weak fish. Its the mark of a highly adaptable strong one.

Lets see , a wild discus is caught miles and miles away, is floated down to an export point, sent to a wholesaler, sent to a retailer, then to the hobbyist. The process may take months. In the process they are exposed to god only knows how many pathogens and varying water qualities. And yet they survive and then often survive for months under all the wrong care before dying and earning the misnomer "weak"

How about this nonsense that they die without an insane amount of water changes...surely a sign of weakness? What fish needs 100% water changes a day? Discus don't need it, 50% a day, they don't need it, 30 % a day, they don't need it. Sure they like it. but people often do water changes with out even thinking about the tanks stocking density, foods fed and filtration. I have seen people with a ton of fish in a small tank.They want every color of the rainbow and only have one tank and they can't spare the time to give an appropriate amount of water changes,Obviously if the tanks over stocked and poorly kept the fish will get sick...any fish will. You do need to do water changes, but how much isn't written in stone, its a matter of science and trial and error for some, for successful hobbyists its often just plain common sense. That goes for every aquatic organism we keep.

I'm going to be flat out honest... Its not the discus that are weak. Its the hobbyists that don't take the time to understand the fish that are weak.Their knowledge of what Discus need is weak, and their commitment to proper care is weak. Every species of fish has certain requirements that need to be met. Proper care needs to be taken when raising any animal. Keep it outside those parameters and they are prone to illness and death. If you leave a dog in a hot car or frigid winter and it dies, is it the fault of the dog? was it weak or was the owners care and commitment to taking care of that poor animal weak?

I'm blown away by the rampant use of hormones, caustic chemicals, prophylactic antibiotics, purely anecdotal and unproven treatments and just total bunk done to Discus. And yet even then this "weak fish" can take months to waste away and die. Weak? Hardly!

Its Funny how with a only a handful of simple guidelines Discus thrive and can live years and years. Yet some folks want to call them weak.
1) good clean water
2) good nutritious food
3) appropriate Temperatures (82-86F for discus)
4) healthy starting stock

Whats even more absurd is those same simple guidelines work for all fish. Who would have thought it?!

Discus that get sick and die don't do it because they a weak species. It happens because of their care in most cases. 99% of sick fish we see on the forum are because somewhere along the line the fish were not kept as they should be. People buy their fish from questionable sources, they follow bad advice, They don't quarantine, they mix their discus with inappropriate species, they feed the wrong foods, they keep them at the wrong temperatures, they crowd the tank , they don't take the time to learn how to spot runts and culls. They over medicate and incorrectly medicate . A huge number of these sick fish cases could have been completely avoided if the keeper actually took the time to research the fish and to use good solid information as put out on SimplyDiscus. I do realize that will rub some people the wrong way, but hey, I think after a few decades of disease board here on Simply I am a fairly good reference on this.

So if anyone want to talk about how weak Discus are, I'll be the first one to have the King's Back here. :) I've made this fish a huge part of my life for a reason, and it ain't because they are weak fish. Discus are an incredibly beautiful and amazing fish, unique in some regards. They are not a fish for everyone. They do require some care, probably less time a day than most people spend on their coffee break at work. But for most people, they can be easily managed and with the right care, they will thrive.


10-27-2023, 07:38 PM
Well said.

10-27-2023, 08:51 PM
Great expose Al, couldn't of said it better myself because I couldn't say it like that ever. You have been around my friend glad I have had this opportunity to be on this one of a kind web forum with you as Owner and administrator. Jim in Ohio

10-27-2023, 09:38 PM
Ok I hear you! But the problem is the fish being brought up on hormones and chemicals and all that other stuff I have no clue what they are :)!! You got to see these are the fish we are buying. I’ve bought fish from many of our sponsored suppliers. Many just weren’t what I expected. Many to most. The only seller here whose fish have far surpassed the rest is Dennis Discus. 3.5” fish that all grew to the biggest discus I’ve ever had. They’ve got everything all the others got. But they persist. Not the colors I had bought or expected but to me perfect fish that are my favorite. Yes I’d say strong fish. Every other seller has been hit or miss. One all 3 died after an 8 week qt. Went down hill after entering the main tank. Stress of the other fish brought on hidden things they had. All 3 died but none of the fish already in the tank. Honestly I’ve never had another type of fish do something like this. These discus were fine before entering. They were also introduced to 3 other discus I bought locally. All 6 were introduced together. The other 3 are all fine. Before they died they were removed and treated. They had white poo and were treated with metro. All refused food and passed. Yes they lived for a few months but died. Next another. I bought 4 discus at 3.5”. 2 grew to 5.5 and 6”. These 2 bred from about 6 months till they passed. The other 2 never reached the color or size they were advertised to. We’re both skitish fish that never grew. Same tank same food same surroundings. Why? That really is the question. One of the first discus I bought was from Uncle Sams. Still have it. It survived the cross contamination that pretty much killed all my discus. Even looks the same. Why? I’ve got no clue? Just lost an expensive fish I bought this past summer. Treated it with different things. Never showed any sign of getting better. I’ve got 10yr old other fish that you would never guess they were that old. Never seen any meds and besides ich were never sick. Why? Are discus weak? In my opinion yes! If a butterfly farts in California one of my discus may have a heart attack or decide to never eat again :). This just doesn’t happen with other fish.
I kept these fish in the 80s to early 2000’s. Some as long as 8 years. Once I stopped feeding live black worms they were fine. Never medicated them. Changed water once a week. Moved twice with the same fish. Todays discus just don’t survive. The breeders in Asia are just breeding to move fish. Grow them big as quick as they can,make them as colorful as they can with no care towards longevity. Hey not making money to people who’s fish live forever. It’s marketing.

10-27-2023, 11:29 PM
Ok I hear you! But the problem is the fish being brought up on hormones and chemicals and all that other stuff I have no clue what they are :)!! You got to see these are the fish we are buying. I’ve bought fish from many of our sponsored suppliers. Many just weren’t what I expected. Many to most. The only seller here whose fish have far surpassed the rest is Dennis Discus. 3.5” fish that all grew to the biggest discus I’ve ever had. They’ve got everything all the others got. But they persist. Not the colors I had bought or expected but to me perfect fish that are my favorite. Yes I’d say strong fish. Every other seller has been hit or miss. One all 3 died after an 8 week qt. Went down hill after entering the main tank. Stress of the other fish brought on hidden things they had. All 3 died but none of the fish already in the tank. Honestly I’ve never had another type of fish do something like this. These discus were fine before entering. They were also introduced to 3 other discus I bought locally. All 6 were introduced together. The other 3 are all fine. Before they died they were removed and treated. They had white poo and were treated with metro. All refused food and passed. Yes they lived for a few months but died. Next another. I bought 4 discus at 3.5”. 2 grew to 5.5 and 6”. These 2 bred from about 6 months till they passed. The other 2 never reached the color or size they were advertised to. We’re both skitish fish that never grew. Same tank same food same surroundings. Why? That really is the question. One of the first discus I bought was from Uncle Sams. Still have it. It survived the cross contamination that pretty much killed all my discus. Even looks the same. Why? I’ve got no clue? Just lost an expensive fish I bought this past summer. Treated it with different things. Never showed any sign of getting better. I’ve got 10yr old other fish that you would never guess they were that old. Never seen any meds and besides ich were never sick. Why? Are discus weak? In my opinion yes! If a butterfly farts in California one of my discus may have a heart attack or decide to never eat again :). This just doesn’t happen with other fish.
I kept these fish in the 80s to early 2000’s. Some as long as 8 years. Once I stopped feeding live black worms they were fine. Never medicated them. Changed water once a week. Moved twice with the same fish. Todays discus just don’t survive. The breeders in Asia are just breeding to move fish. Grow them big as quick as they can,make them as colorful as they can with no care towards longevity. Hey not making money to people who’s fish live forever. It’s marketing.
Tom I'm sorry your luck with discus hasn't been great. I have probably raised thousands of them over the last 30 Years. I brought in and sold wilds. I've supplied several of our contests with fry that were raised here on the forum and documented. .Im also one of the few members that regularly breeds and raises my fish to adult and breeds those and documents it here. I literally have 30 adult discus right now that ages 6-8 years old. These are some...


Discus are not weak. I would bet anything that 99% of your discus issues falls under the things in my openning thread.. probably before you even bought them.

But that doesn't mean discus are a weak fish. Thats just not been my experience.

10-27-2023, 11:39 PM
One all 3 died after an 8 week qt. Went down hill after entering the main tank. Stress of the other fish brought on hidden things they had. All 3 died but none of the fish already in the tank. Honestly I’ve never had another type of fish do something like this. These discus were fine before entering. They were also introduced to 3 other discus I bought locally. All 6 were introduced together. The other 3 are all fine. Before they died they were removed and treated. They had white poo and were treated with metro. All refused food and passed. Yes they lived for a few months but died. Next another. I bought 4 discus at 3.5”. 2 grew to 5.5 and 6”. These 2 bred from about 6 months till they passed theres another way to interpret this Tom. Sometimes the new fish are fine.. but the existing fish are asymptomatic carriers. Not saying that is what happened but I am saying that is what has an equal chance of happening when you introduce new fish.This isnt specific to discus. It happens with all animals.

10-27-2023, 11:51 PM
Im breaking this out in parts ..

One of the first discus I bought was from Uncle Sams. Still have it. It survived the cross contamination that pretty much killed all my discus. that survivor was probably a carrier. It happens very often... and obviously you cant blame the discus for cross contamination during Quarantine.

My quarantine procedure here has evolved over the years. I honestly don't know what yours has been... but.. I will throw this out there.. if You want to brain storm with me or want suggestions Id be happy to help.

What I don't want and whats really bad for the hobby is for discus to be given an undeserved bad name.

I kept marine fish at a major time of the cyanide reef poisoning period.. Before tank raised was an option.if you want to talk about weak fish.. thats a perfect example. Can't tell you how many expensive fish just up and died. .. were they weak fish ? No . Were they poisoned and treated poorly.. heck yes.

10-28-2023, 09:42 AM
Tom I just have one other point to make here. You have lost a handful of discus over the last few years... and yet..







I'm honestly not seeing weak fish as the norm even for you. I see one sick fish. I'm sure unexplainable or unexpected loses are frustrating but i think if you look at your own tanks today you will admit you aren't looking at weak sickly fish.


10-28-2023, 10:35 AM
Al I’m not here to fight or disagree with you. I’m just telling my story. I started in 19 again with discus. Before I came here. I started on another forum with about 10 other participants. The group over the years grew to 20 plus with members coming and going. All of us long time fish keepers. Me being the only one who had them before. But I knew nothing about these new discus. And as a group we helped each other with our keeping. None of them keep discus now. For most it was just the work and the lack of results. Fish just died. These are the people buying discus. Some bought locally some bought from well know supporters. Most had bad results. Many’s online buys were some very bad looking fish. This is where I heard of Dennis. One of us bought from him and was having the best luck. I had bought locally 6, Hans 6 and a few months later US 2. 14 in a fully planted 125. For me these discus did great. The US guys were fine and nothing was infected when they were added. All fish but the first local guys were qt’d. Had them for 2 years.most grew to 6”. My “I need help thread” here explains what happened to them.

No I don’t believe your’s or any of the few breeders here go through what the average new discus keeper does. You guys and girls are what’s left of the real hobbiest’s. You take pride in what you have. Yours are stronger fish. Not breed in bulk for a quick sale. That’s the difference. Unfortunately your fish just arnt available to the new customer. That’s the problem. The amount of failures with new keepers is just amazing. Look how many have come and gone on this site. FB it’s 10fold more. Yes these can be strong fish. But it does take alot to get them there. Yes my tanks are at the moment doing good. But I won’t add any more. If more get added it will be a few of my fry if they survive. Even the parents I’m afraid to add to my tanks. The third I bought with them just died. No clue why. No sign of any illness. This was an expensive discus from a top seller. I’ve got a thread hear about its decline. You told me it’s probably incurable and has something to do with hormones or other things added to make it as nice as it looked. Never what somebody wants or expects to here. Nothing to do with you. Your just telling the truth. You say it’s bad luck. Like I said these are’nt my only fish. I can honestly say I’ve never medicated another type of fish. Those that made it through qt “no meds added just time” are either all still with me or they lived long lives.

10-28-2023, 10:46 AM
Al I’m not here to fight or disagree with you. I’m just telling my story. I started in 19 again with discus. Before I came here. I started on another forum with about 10 other participants. The group over the years grew to 20 plus with members coming and going. All of us long time fish keepers. Me being the only one who had them before. But I knew nothing about these new discus. And as a group we helped each other with our keeping. None of them keep discus now. For most it was just the work and the lack of results. Fish just died. These are the people buying discus. Some bought locally some bought from well know supporters. Most had bad results. Many’s online buys were some very bad looking fish. This is where I heard of Dennis. One of us bought from him and was having the best luck. I had bought locally 6, Hans 6 and a few months later US 2. 14 in a fully planted 125. For me these discus did great. The US guys were fine and nothing was infected when they were added. All fish but the first local guys were qt’d. Had them for 2 years.most grew to 6”. My “I need help thread” here explains what happened to them.

No I don’t believe your’s or any of the few breeders here go through what the average new discus keeper does. You guys and girls are what’s left of the real hobbiest’s. You take pride in what you have. Yours are stronger fish. Not breed in bulk for a quick sale. That’s the difference. Unfortunately your fish just arnt available to the new customer. That’s the problem. The amount of failures with new keepers is just amazing. Look how many have come and gone on this site. FB it’s 10fold more. Yes these can be strong fish. But it does take alot to get them there. Yes my tanks are at the moment doing good. But I won’t add any more. If more get added it will be a few of my fry if they survive. Even the parents I’m afraid to add to my tanks. The third I bought with them just died. No clue why. No sign of any illness. This was an expensive discus from a top seller. I’ve got a thread hear about its decline. You told me it’s probably incurable and has something to do with hormones or other things added to make it as nice as it looked. Never what somebody wants or expects to here. Nothing to do with you. Your just telling the truth. You say it’s bad luck. Like I said these are’nt my only fish. I can honestly say I’ve never medicated another type of fish. Those that made it through qt “no meds added just time” are either all still with me or they lived long lives.

Its not an fight or argument. Its a discussion...and a good one. Which I might add You kind of asked for.:)

We will just have to disagree,..which is fine. What I do know is that people who spend time on the forum and take in and use what they learn here consistently do better with their discus. Which goes back to what I said ...its not the fish. Its how they are cared for.

10-28-2023, 05:07 PM
On a slightly different note, Al, why are your fish behaving so well when you are feeding them black worms?! They are each waiting their turn to take a bite! How so?
When I feed the exact same food to my discus they act like that's their last feed. Fight each other to death. Anyone who sees them getting fed will think I did not feed them for a very long time.
I keep my water temp between 85& 86. Is that causing them to behave like that?

10-28-2023, 06:01 PM
On a slightly different note, Al, why are your fish behaving so well when you are feeding them black worms?! They are each waiting their turn to take a bite! How so?
When I feed the exact same food to my discus they act like that's their last feed. Fight each other to death. Anyone who sees them getting fed will think I did not feed them for a very long time.
I keep my water temp between 85& 86. Is that causing them to behave like that?

Lol..nope my tank is the same temp. When your fish are young they eat like you are seeing in your tank. Discus slow down a bit just like us as we age. :)

10-28-2023, 06:26 PM
Lol..nope my tank is the same temp. When your fish are young they eat like you are seeing in your tank. Discus slow down a bit just like us as we age. :)

Thank you Al! That's reassuring.