View Full Version : New discus aggression

01-05-2024, 09:54 AM

I have a 70 gallon tank and recently bought 5 new discus for it. All from the same breeder/tank. Initially there was a lot of aggression but that started to improve after the first few days. The issue that remains is there is one slightly smaller than the other 4 and that one is continuing to be bullied. It is still eating but tends to hide while other pack together, and seems paler but hard to tell.

At what point do I worry about the health of this smaller one? Should I take it back? Or I’ve also read sometimes getting more fish helps but I’m worried about introducing new ones when majority have just settled in.

Appreciate any advice! Thank you

01-05-2024, 10:03 AM
Welcome to the Forum!

Can you post some pics of the tank and fish so we can see the fish in question. Please see this ..https://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?126112-Camera-Phone-Users-read-this
on pic posting.

Its not uncommon for the smallest in the group to be picked on and if it is, usually adding a few more fish might help but it depends on the tank set up and size.


01-05-2024, 10:04 AM
also see here...


01-06-2024, 11:43 AM
Thank you! This morning they seem to be getting along better but still some chasing.

Tank: Waterbox CLEAR 4820 ; Dimensions (LxWxH): 1200 x 500 x 500mm (47.2"×19.7"×19.7") ; Display Volume 72.2 gals
Filtration: Marineland Cannister filter, 360
Water parameters pH 7.8; Nitrites and ammonia negative, Temp: 79-81 degrees F
Substrate: 2-5cm sand
Water changes 30-40% + siphoning on top of the sand every 7 days (tap water + de-chlorinator)

5 discus: majority 3inches, smaller one about 2.5in
3 roseline shark fish

My tank setup

Larger fish

Smaller fish

Cdr 63 corv
01-06-2024, 10:37 PM
I had a similar situation, ended up having to rearrange the tank a few times. Seemed to help for a while. Eventually added more fish and it all kind of ended. Love the look of your tank, very nice

01-09-2024, 09:26 PM
Ok great, appreciate the advice! Currently they seem to have settled in with each other with only occasional fighting with feeding. If it starts back up again though I will try to rearrange and maybe add two more.

Thanks for compliment on tank! I am very excited about it