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View Full Version : Where are all the males?

07-06-2002, 10:47 PM
I've been keeping discus for a long time. My first were from Fairy Lake Discus Palace in SF, about 15 yrs ago.
Never been interested in breeding before but now decided to give it a try... over the last two yrs I've gone thru about 30 diff strains. So far I've had all females and only two males. Almost every female I've had have laid eggs and the males eat immediately. Presently have some goldens. One tank seems like male and female, she laying and he's eating. Another tank two females, protecting eggs like crazy but of course no wrigglers.
The golden male is young so will give him some time. Just have to find a couple of mature males one of these days.... Sorry this is so long, just had to vent.
Thx for listening, Dave..

07-07-2002, 08:52 AM
Hiya Dave,

I know what you mean. I've got 5 females in my community tank and only one male who is now paired to yet another female. Same as with humans, girls out number the guys.

Have you tried a smooth wire or plastic mesh covering over the cone to keep the male from egg eating? That will usually help.


07-07-2002, 09:03 AM
Hey Joan,
screen wouldn't help yet, he's not making any passes eats right from the tube.
I guess I'll just have to look around for more males.
I told my youngest daughter who's about to be 27 this and she said me too!! ;D


07-07-2002, 10:28 AM
Good males are hard to find. Just ask Maria Cruz. Right, Beth? lol


07-10-2002, 08:11 AM
what you do find is yes males is scarce  :-/...but when your male is eating your eggs it could be the water chemistry or something related to the environment...try right after they spawned to seperate the male let the female take control over the brood ...let the male in after a couple of hrs or even the next day...he should by now have realised his wrong doing...i find discus to be really "finniki" about water conditions...oops i know it`s a bit to long...cheers i hope you find a solution...


07-10-2002, 08:21 AM
LoL..... Larry.....LOL

Ain't that the truth  ;D


07-10-2002, 08:29 AM
Beth ,

I knew the ladies would agree...lol... ;D

Braco ::)URL :fish:

12-07-2002, 11:39 PM
Intresting topic. I have some males, what do you want? I would be glad to get more females. I have been lucky at picking fish at a young age, but it seems that I get alot of males in my hatches. I keep 8 to 10 from each to look at them for prospects for the future, little ones big ones and in between, alsa a lot more males. I have wondered if it is water tempeture that produces more males. I have heard that could be it. I hatch in 86 degree water. When I buy fish to add to the stock I look at them for awhile as I am usually good at picking even at the 3 inch size. I have bought from several sources over the net and seem to get more males than needed. Perhaps we should buy fish for each other. Oh and by the way Ladies, we are hard to find because we have allready been taken. Just kidding now, I wouldnt want that remark to get out of hand. I am intrested to know if anyone else feels that water tempeture plays a part in sex of the young ( fish that is). K.

12-08-2002, 01:13 AM
know what, i'll think i'll let this one be lol