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04-24-2002, 12:45 PM
Hi all
I wanted to let you know that Jim is very ill. i heard from Jane his wife that he had a abdominal aortic rupture and is in the hospital.

Your thought and prayers would be apreciated for him and his family in this time of need!!


04-24-2002, 12:53 PM
Thanks  for the  information  Chad.   If anyone is tough enough to pull thru this , Jim is .

I'd really appreciate  if you could let us know if you hear anything  else.


04-24-2002, 01:15 PM
Thanks Chad:

I'd just noticed yesterday that I hadn't seen a post from him on DAAH in a week or so and wondered what he was up to. . .  this sound pretty serious.  Please keep us updated.

Carol :heart1:

04-24-2002, 01:29 PM
Hey Chad!!

Thanks for the update on JEQ.  As a physician, I know how serious this condition is and I know all of our thoughts and prayers are with him and the Quarles family.  Although, JEQ may not know this but he was the first to introduce me to his Discus forum and have learned so much in the last four months from him and all of you Discus lovers on this an various other forums.

My Best Wishes for a speedy recovery;

04-24-2002, 01:29 PM
I don't really know Jim, except by reputation, but I'll be sure to throw in a prayer for him this evening!


04-24-2002, 02:09 PM
I am very sorry to hear this.  I would encourage everyone to flood his board with well wishes.  I believe him to be a lover of discus and a good man!  Everyone visit his site and wish him well!


04-24-2002, 02:18 PM
His site is ...


take care,

04-24-2002, 04:40 PM
i too give my best wishes. He has a kind heart under all that gruff exterior ..I can see that. Ive heard hes a wonderful host when you visit and bends over backwards to help discus folks. i hope all is well.  :'(

04-24-2002, 06:25 PM
Hey Jim I what to wish you all the best and hope you have a speedy recovery and get back to being your nasty old self  ;D ;D ;D just kidding Karin

04-24-2002, 06:38 PM
Hey Jim, My friend and neighbor had the same problem last year and he is up and running fine and I am sure you will be to you sound like a tough old bird. ;D ;D Take care Harry :)

04-24-2002, 08:46 PM
My Best Wishes for a speedy recovery.


04-24-2002, 09:22 PM
i'd like to send my best wishes for jim's speedy recovery as well. he is gruff, but first to help if he hears of someone having a problem.


04-25-2002, 05:17 AM
I do not know Jim but it is not hard to send out a prayer and well wishes for a good soul. Be well.


04-25-2002, 05:22 AM
I tried registering at Jim's board to post my best wishes, but it kept telling me that my registration was invalid.

At any rate, I don't know Jim, but I do know of him, and the man knows his discus. Here's hoping he makes a quick recovery and is back on his feet in no time.


04-25-2002, 05:34 AM
My prayers and thougths are with Jim and family.  I can't even count the times I've taken the advice from the articles he has written that I have read, re-read and read again on discus.  Here's to a speedy and full recovery.


04-25-2002, 07:19 PM
This is what I have read from his forum posted by his son nathan.

Hello, my name is Nathan and I'm Jim's son. I am sorry to report Jim passed away this afternoon. We all thought Jim was going to recover, but he had some ups and downs over this last week. Yesterday, some internal organs started to fail and the outlook was poor. It became apparent that Jim would not survive and we made the difficult decision to turn off the respirator. He then passed peacefully with his family present.

Nathan Quarles

My condolences to his family. :(

04-25-2002, 07:28 PM
Im speachless.....he always rubbed me the wrong way...but my heart just sank.....the discus community will have large void for a long...long time....
Condolences to the Quarles family......


04-25-2002, 07:30 PM
Yes it is true i spoke to Nathan in chat on ICQ and Jim passed away this afternoon. He will be sadley missed by all who knew him.
Paul Burney

04-25-2002, 08:03 PM
I don't know what to say. ....  He was someone I always thought  would be around forever.  This is a very sad day  for  many of us.   We lost a friend  today.


04-25-2002, 08:17 PM
This leaves my heart heavy.  I am so very sorry for the Quarles family.  
I think we as a discus loving community need to find a way to pool something together to send to his family, to show how much he was appreciated and how important he was to the Discus community.  Let's all think about this and come up with some ideas.


04-25-2002, 08:22 PM

I think you're right. I'm with you on that. This is so terrible. I saw the "New" icon next to this thread and got a sinking feeling that something was terribly wrong. I don't know what else to say. The Quarles family are in my thoughts and prayers.


04-25-2002, 10:59 PM
Hi all,
I am sad at the news about Jim.   :'(
I had the lucky opportunity to spend some time with him one day last July chatting at his house about fish and life in general. He was a very knowledgable man and had a good heart. I think he just presented the "facade" of being tough on the boards for fun!  I will miss him and his great stories!   I wish his family well and hope they will all understand that he will be missed by all his fish friends!


04-25-2002, 11:26 PM
I was at the another forum and found out about Mr Quarles. Ok, looks like I am really dumbfounded reading all the replies by everyone!  :-X

Yup, it would be a long time till we get back to norm again!

I would like to send out my deepest condolences to the Quarles family! Be strong!


04-26-2002, 05:03 AM

I never got to meet or speak to him, but I've heard a lot and consider it my loss.

Condolences to his family and loved ones.


04-26-2002, 06:39 AM
This is very sad. I replied to the post on DAAH a couple days ago, and even joked about how soon he would be up doing fish stuff again... I feel terrible now.
I never got to meet him in person but admired his conviction to his ideas, even though there were many with which I could no agree.
I do have one of his books and I'll cherish it. I spoke with him several times recently about his Silent Giant air pump project, as I sent him one of the two pumps he received to work with.
I'll miss him and I am sure the hobby as a whole will too, even those with whom he so adamantly disagreed.
My thoughts are with his family. Francisco.

04-26-2002, 09:00 AM
Truely sad news.

I will miss you Jim!


04-26-2002, 09:02 AM
My condolences to the Quarles family.


04-26-2002, 01:29 PM
I never spoke with him personally but his forum threads could make me mad or make me laugh right out loud!  My condolences to the Quarles family.

Flying my intake prefilters at half staff...


04-26-2002, 02:11 PM
In memory of Jim E Quarles

As you know Jim has passed on. I wanted to take a moment and put some thoughts down about Jim’s death. First thing that comes to mind is how tragic life can be, how one minute we are all going about our busy life’s care free and the next moment we have this to deal with. It certainly does not seem fair sometimes. It makes me reflect on loved ones still alive and pushes me to say the kind words we normally may not. With Jims passing it makes us all reflect on how short life can be and how I need to enjoy the days that I walk this earth, knowing one day it all will come to an end, and the only thing will remain is my legacy good or bad. I can say with a huge smile that Jims legacy is probably a little of both with much more leaning to the good side. Jim was a man that was set in his ways and comfortable with those ways. We didn’t agree on politics, we didn’t agree on religion, heck we didn’t agree on much; however we did agree to be friends. Somehow that was plenty for both of us. Jim will be missed by me and hundreds of others that he touched all over the world. My prayers and thoughts go to the his wife Jane and his sons and extended family and I hope they can see what an impact he had outside their homes and on this family and in your family’s. Jim E Quarles A war hero, a husband, a father, and our friend.

Chad Bertoni

04-26-2002, 02:20 PM
I couldn't have said it better Chad. Thank you.

04-26-2002, 02:49 PM
I didn't know Jim and never even had a conversation with him.....but came to respect him for various reasons. He always spoke his mind, and for what it's worth, I respect that.  To lean on your own personal wisdom, and share it with others regardless of what they think, is a beautiful thing.


04-26-2002, 03:00 PM
VEry nicely written Chad.....as much as Jim was a tad abrasive at times.....he had a kind and helpful side to him and was good to alot of people. He definitiely had charachter....and definitely peaked peoples interests  .
I admire him most for his determination and he always had a ton of projects going and never gave up. I also got a kick out of his sky diving and ultra flight lessons. He was right ...mays well live and take risks....as you never know when it will all end. I think he thoroughly enjoyed this and gave him great satisfaction!
I got a kick out of also. too bad we didnt get to see a pic of Jim flying about !

04-26-2002, 05:36 PM
i believe that the real jim quarles was exposed just a short while ago, in a thread on jedd's a couple of weeks ago. the question was 'Mentors' anyone got one? among the responses were:

Hi Darcy,

good question... i wasnt here when it was asked but I do have a couple mentors.... I would have to say Jim Quarles would be my number one mentor.... this guy always was available when i needed help, always went the extra mile. Jim would come over help me build racks and central systems... he took me to meet all the pros like Bing Seto, Dick Au, and fairy lake discus. Took all day!!  Just wanted to share... I hope one day I will be able to return the favor to the hobby. Jim is and always will be a friend as well as a mentor.


'No matter how long you have been around someone preceeded you. My mintors were many, Jack Wattley, Dr. Axelrod, Dr. Schmit Folke, Dirk Schlingmann, Don Dewey of F.A.M.A and others.  
 I hope the ideal of having mintors will always remain for it is the golden aspect of this hobby.

  Best of luck to all. And take time today to answer a question for someone.


if there were one single attribute that i will remember jim for, it was for helping people not make the same mistakes that he had made learning to keep discus, and to show them how easy keeping discus could be. of course he couldn't spell either, but when you see something that he wrote, you KNEW if was written by him. i knew him from the forums and from e-mails that we often shared. i also knew him to have been a generous and kind person, and will remember him always. imo, the 'mentors' thread showed jim for who he always was.


04-26-2002, 10:12 PM
Hi all,
Rick, great point on your post!  We should all "pay it forward"!


04-28-2002, 01:05 PM
Just say his Name! And He will live!  


Rest In peace my friend!
Gld + family

04-28-2002, 04:06 PM
I was away when Jim passed away and just found out about it today. Even though Jim and I had our differences, I never wish bad things on people. My wife and I send our condolences to Jim's family and friends.

04-28-2002, 06:41 PM
I hadn't been reading the forums so I missed this.

I was very sorry to hear about Jim's passing. I had the good fortune to know Jim and discuss Discus with him on many an occasion.

Hearing of his passing was indeed sad news.

04-30-2002, 10:09 PM
have just returned from the hospital in tulsa to find this, as all, i am beside myself. Jim Quarles was a great help in my learning years. my most sincere condolences to his patient wife, and family.  he shall be missed, but not forgotten.
                               craig grimmer

07-02-2002, 05:31 PM
Sorry for the belatedness, I am new to discus keeping and I had just baught one of Jim's books which I thought was fantastic. I am totally beside my self. to me the man will always remain immortal in his words of wisdom and has inspired me to do better.

I am a total stranger to Jim and his family but I want to express my wife and I's sincere condolences for I lost my grandmother to a stroke late last year and the pain and emtiness one feels for a lost family member is overwhelming. The best thing to do I've found, is live on in their memory, quoting their words, heading their teachings. As long as we never forget, we make them immortal in our hearts and minds.

I for one will always see Jim as a mentor...

07-02-2004, 10:18 AM
Hi folks,

Until recently I had not been "in-the-thick" so to speak, regarding the Discus community. As time permits, I've been enjoying slowly catching up on the wealth of information available throughout this forum.

This morning when I cam upon this thread, I was quite shocked. As old as this news is, it comes to me with the same impact as if it had just taken place.

When I first began learning about Discus, I soon found myself in touch with a number of great people immersed in the hobby, some of whom are responsible for making this forum so great. One of those people was Jim Quarles.

To say that Jim was a character is an understatement. He often enjoyed goading people, laying out his bait for the unsuspecting poster. At times people took offense to his remarks, misconstrued them, and often missed his wit, while others simply took it all in stride.

From my experiences with Jim, it became obvious that he was someone with a big heart. He was a wealth of information, not only for Discus hobbyists, but in general. He was always enthusiastic, and willing to answer any of my questions. I still remember how excited I was when I mentioned I was having a hard time finding one of his books and he offered to send me one.

I always looked forward to his posts, and am saddened to hear of his passing. Best wishes to all of his family, and a final thank you to Jim. You are missed.


07-19-2004, 09:02 PM
My guess, due to recent developments, poor Jimmy is spinning like a top in his grave. A tribute dishonored. Frank :(

Dave C
07-19-2004, 10:59 PM
Classy Frank.

07-19-2004, 11:00 PM
Frank I ahte to disagree but you do not know what you speak....


07-20-2004, 12:22 PM
Whatever truth seems to float your boat John- all of us who knew Jim- know the truth. Frank

08-01-2004, 02:23 AM
I sure do really wish now that I knew the fella :-[

Jean ;D 8)