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08-20-2002, 03:58 PM
I am in Caddo MIlls, TX. About 40 miles east of Dallas. Email Nicholsons_Discus@yahoo.com
If you are in the area let me know. I know a few other discus breeders in the area. SO if you make a road trip let me know about it.


08-20-2002, 05:19 PM
Hello All,

My name is Tim Ellis. I am in Leander Texas, about 20 miles north of Austin. I breed discus on a small scale and would like to hook up with anybody in the area to discuss our little round friends, and trade,buy or sell them. I am in this hobby for the pure enjoyment of it, and would like to meet others with the same interest........or shall I say addiction. You can reach me at timellis@ev1.net

Happy Discus,

08-21-2002, 06:49 PM
Tim glad to see your post. When you decide to do some more trading let me know. I kind of wished I had some of those goldens that I traded to you last time.


08-22-2002, 11:45 AM
Hi everyone! My name is Gary Strader. I also live in Leander, TX (just north of Austin). I happen to live right around the corner from Tim (he has a nice setup going)! :) I've kept discus for many years, but just starting to get serious about breeding them. I'm always anxious to learn and share experiences. My email is gstrader28@yahoo.com, drop me a line if you are in the area or would like to chat more.


08-24-2002, 07:38 PM
Hello all. My name is Richard Davis. I live in Texarkana. Just a couple hours up the road from you, John. I was just down in Greenville last weekend. Was into breeding South and Central Americans back in the 80's. Out of the hobby for over ten years and started back this spring. Trying discus for the first time and having very good luck so far. This area is discus poor. Don't think our lfs's have any luck with them and don't care to take the time to learn. Maybe I can change that someday. I know most of them from the past and we have a pretty good working relationship. If I ever get the chance to get down there to Caddo Mills, I'd like to see what you have, John.

08-29-2002, 06:45 PM
Next time you head my way please let me know. I love to talk fish.


10-04-2002, 06:57 PM
Just a note to let ya'll know that the TCA will be having a fish show and auction on Oct. 19th and 20th. If you need info just let me know.


10-17-2002, 02:38 PM
Hi All

I live here in mesquite. I would like to go to the TCA show an auction this weekend. I would like to meet up with a few of you discus folk here in texas.

I want a couple discus. My new tanks ready an the show this weekend is just in time.

11-03-2002, 01:10 PM
Hey everyone,
Peter Smith here, I'm in Austin, Texas.

11-24-2002, 05:12 AM
Hi all. I live in Austin. I just started keeping discus last year but I've got my first pair already. I use to keep a lot of Africans but I'm really liking these fish.

John R

11-24-2002, 01:01 PM
hi, names craig grimmer. i live in lake jackson texas, i know, why???
i keep discus and have been breeding with the help of a few notables, thanks john n., and everybody else. i have given many away to friends or traded. have almost all original i bought this time, i have 5 marlboro and 3 red royal blue from cary, 6 red spotted green and 5 red royal green from mike wells, 4 wattley corulean, 2 cobalts, and a red turq from john n., and a few red royal blue babies , so 25 discus, and a few babies.
always looking for another fish, or usefull info
cg ccgrimm@swbell.net

01-03-2003, 09:49 AM
Hello everyone my name is Tony Serna I have just started keeping Discus again, currently only have 1 Heckel and would love to start keeping more. I have 1 100 gal. tank and just the Heckel in there now, can't wait to see that tank filled with other beautiful Discus.

01-06-2003, 01:25 AM
Add me to the Austin area bunch....Lakeway to be exact. I've kept discus before, but haven't had any fish for 1/2 decade (finished school & all). I recently got an awesome deal on a 135 gallon and have decided to keep discus again (hopefully in a planted tank).

I've been fortunate enough to visit Tim's place & look forward to checking out any other local breeder setups. It's exciting to see all the new color strains available since I last left the hobby - Pete Nguyen - chirohorn@yahoo.com.

01-15-2003, 03:35 AM
Howdy Ya'll,
Lance Krueger here in the Edinburg/McAllen, Texas area. I'm four hours due south of San Antonio, and an hour west of Brownsville. I live only 8 minutes from Mexico, in the middle of nowhere. I only know of one other discus friend down here, and he and I have been both successful at breeding discus, though we kill a lot more than we raise. But still trying to learn. We babysit each other's fish when one of us is out of town.
I've got about 40 discus, not counting babies, and about 800 gallons of tanks. Got most all of my fish from Mike Wells. I travel throughout Texas quite a bit, so I'll look some of you up some day and see what your setup is like.
Lance Krueger

02-18-2003, 02:12 AM
hello all I'm chris and I live over in Houston and just recently moved back (navy took me all over the world) I have been in the hobby for about a year now and although I had to start all over with my last move(connecticut to texas)I have had some beautiful fish my favorite was a wild green blue diamond cross that I got for keystonediscus up in new york and now just looking for someone to talk with and maybe trade with down the line thank you

02-18-2003, 08:35 PM
;D Hi everyone,

My name is Dennis and I am in Houston, Tx. I have had fish most of my life. My fish interest over the past decade has been reef keeping and some african cichlid keeping. I have finally decided to add discus to the collection. Looking for all the info I can find and any local breeders. I would love to see some of your set ups and get suggestions on mine.

02-19-2003, 07:40 PM
Dennis I live about 40 miles East of Dallas. I have a small hatchery running and it seems I know just about everyone. You are welcome to visit at any time. The Texas Cichlid Society will be having a meeting at my house on 3/15. Everyone is invited and I may offer some special prices for new members. If you need anymore info please ask.


02-20-2003, 12:33 AM
Thanks for the response John.

I will let you know if I can make it up for the meeting. Looks like the 15th is on a Saturday and I have a few friends in the Dallas area that have been after me to visit.

07-08-2003, 06:37 PM
Anyone else new from Texas???


07-08-2003, 07:55 PM
Hello everyone, we are from Houston Texas. My husband and I are huge discus nuts! We currently have 25, various kinds, with 3 pairs learning how to breed lol. I myself am getting into wilds and my husband is looking for interesting hybrids:) We would love to connect with other texas discus keepers to chat and trade/buy.

Rain, Todd and Iris

07-09-2003, 12:43 AM
Welcome to the Texas portion of the board! If you ever head to Austin, you guys are welcome to visit me. Tim Ellis' place is always open to discus nuts as well. Dallas has John Nicholson & Danny Ng. I've never met him, but Tony Serna is in SA. So we've got discus folks scattered across the state. :D

07-09-2003, 01:37 PM
Any of you texans have blue pandas? Just saw those on the jack wattley site and WOW!

07-10-2003, 08:09 AM
Welcome fellow Texans! Looks like Houston is up and comming with discus folk. I think the jury is still out on just what IS a blue panda. I am pretty much just growing out new stock for future breeding, super angel blue diamonds from Wayne Ng, red snakeskin from How Ng, some nice golden pigeons from John Nicholson, and some red turks from some of my pairs that originated from Team Discus, but no Wattley's. I am also currently involved with the test/analyzing some of Wayne Ng's violet reflections from Danny at discus fantasy.


07-11-2003, 12:06 AM
Busy man Tim! Sounds like you've got some great fish growing out.

07-14-2003, 02:29 PM
Well, don't know how I missed this. But, Houston here. Just growing out juvies right now (VRs and SADs from Danny, and Goldens and Spotteds from Hepner).

And I managed to start another quarantine tank <LOL> this weekend - I'm guessing it'll be occupied soon as my fish like to expand to use all available water <LOL>.

Love to talk fish any time, and I have a pair of very clean goldens spawning on a seven day cycle. As soon as the male matures I look forward to trading some, so ...


07-14-2003, 09:29 PM
With this many texan discus lovers i wonder why there is no tx discus club/society/org./etc! Would be nice to get togther and chat, hear speakers, give advice,trade fish, etc. From what I've heard the TCA doesn't have a lot of discus at their meetings or auctions.
<hint hint> Maybe one of you long time discus people should look into starting one LOL

07-16-2003, 12:02 PM

ROTFLMAO. You must be from one a dem little states <smile>. If you've ever heard the phrase everything is bigger in TX, you may not have realized it is because we've got more room to grow'm bigger.

That said, I will enthusiastically host/organize a Houston get together. Problem is, I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a lot to offer the hobby yet.

That said, anybody have any information about the Houston Aquarium Society? To date I've had a conflict with every meeting, but I do look forward to schmoozing. I might be more motivated if I knew there were discus types lurking in the club.


07-16-2003, 12:09 PM
LoL, I WAS born and bred in one of dem thar lil states (IN) But Ive been transplanted to north Houston for quite a few years. Even went so far as to pick up a bit of a drawl.
I have contacted the Houston Aquarium Society a few times about joining but never got a single reply. Finally gave up and resigned myself to discussing fish on line or only with my husband lol. And well we spend most of our time debating whos right, which is of course ME!
We don't have a lot to offer the hobby either. However if enthusiasm counts for anything, well we have tons! I think it would be great to just meet fellow hobbyists, have someone to share this fish love with. All the people we know pretty much look at us like we are ill when we start rambling about fish:D
If you decide to organize a get together please let me know!

07-16-2003, 12:40 PM
For the Austin folks: I attended the organizational meeting of the Capital Aquarium Society yesterday. A total of 10 fish people attended. 4 of us keep/had kept discus! Most were also into planted tanks which is good for me as I'm looking for a cheap source of cuttings.

There's also a DIYer who wants to make a huge acrylic tank & is into woodworking. It was an interesting & friendly experience. Next meeting is August 5 (1st Tuesday of every month) at Jim's house. IM me if anyone needs directions - Pete.

07-16-2003, 12:46 PM

What was acomplished last night? What kind of structure is going to form as far as mission statement, officer nomination/election, you know what I mean. Sorry I did not make it. Daughter had a church function. Hopefully next meeting.


07-16-2003, 01:09 PM
What was acomplished last night? What kind of structure is going to form as far as mission statement, officer nomination/election, you know what I mean.

Tim, the structure is pretty loose as it's just a bunch of laid back folks. The CAS has been dormant for ~7 years and 2 couples decided to get it going again. This time, w/o the politics (I'm not exactly what problems they encountered before). Both of the organizers have been in other aquarium societies where they resided before & seem to know what they're doing.

Official officers weren't discussed much. We'll try to use any membership dues towards a regular meeting facility. They didn't want to align the club w/any particular fish stores at this point. Folks like to sqabble over the AquaTek vs. Amazonia debate. Dues will also help w/getting a fish convention to come to Austin.

The mission is to basically get together 1x/month, discuss aquariums, have a speaker present a topic, & finish off w/a mini auction. Next month, Donald Davis will talk about digital photography (I'm bringing my 3M multimedia projector). Try to make the next one & bring something to sell...it'll be fun.

07-16-2003, 04:23 PM
I was planning on being there as well but it turned out that there was a keg with my name on it (but thats a different story). I'll definatley try to make it to the next one. Its good to know that there will be other discus keepers involved. ;)

07-16-2003, 04:42 PM
Pete, there was an employee of AquaTek there. You didn't represent Amazonia. :P

Here's a link to one of the member's (Donald Davis) fish website:

07-16-2003, 04:50 PM
Who from Aquatek showed up? Mark? By the way, hows that daphania doing? Let me know if you need any food for em. Got a whole bag just sitting here.


07-16-2003, 04:58 PM
It was the female employee...Denise? The one that breeds/shows bettas. She is currently 4th in the international betta standings. Did you know that show pairs can go for hundreds?

My daphnia bit the dust. I'm guessing they were overcrowded as they were packed pretty tight or the food wasn't eaten & spoiled. ??? Thanks for the food offer though.

07-16-2003, 08:14 PM
oh yea, i remember seeing that tank in the aga showcase. very nice. buy the way guys, i just got a shipment in from cary, hopefully i will have something to trade in the near future :)

07-16-2003, 10:06 PM
Hi y'all, glad to read that there are other discus fans from Houston! I've had discus for 5 years but never raised any fry for lack of time (and probably commitment). Now I am seriously getting back into the hobby and would like to get in touch with any breeders/hobbyists. So, if anyone is interested in hosting a get together, count me in. :) Also, since there are several good discus sources in the Dallas area, would anyone be interested in a carpool to Dallas one of these weekends?

07-17-2003, 12:49 AM
Any Austinite know of a local turtle breeder? My 4 yr. old wants to set up a vivarium w/Red Ear Sliders. They're around $10 at the LPS, but I'd rather support an individual breeder.

Pete, post some pics. What strains did you get?

07-17-2003, 02:21 AM
Hmm...never heard of any turtle breeders around here.

I got 6 marlboro Reds, I'll probably post pics next week or so when they're all settled in.

07-17-2003, 10:57 AM
I need to checkout this thread more often...LOL. The TCA is starting to get a few more discus people. I make a point of almost always taking some to the auctions. I am doing my best to "grow" a discus interest in the club, but it sure would help if some of ya'll would join up. We have a great time!

I will be leaving to go to the ACA in less hten a week, but if the Texas folks (or any other states for that matter) want to have a get together I will offer up my place and will cook a brisket. It would be a great time. Nothing better then sitting around talking fish.


07-17-2003, 02:04 PM
We are thinking about going to Dallas aroud August 23. Not sure a car pool with us would be a good thing though lol, got a 2month old:D However if anyone else is heading up there at the same time perhaps we could all tour the dallas discus breeders/keepers places together.

Milton, we've got 3 people so far wanting to get together in Houston:) So where we havin this gathering at and whos bringing the BBQ! lol

07-17-2003, 02:08 PM
When a decision is made on the exact date I will setup some tours. We can start with my hatchery and then car pool to a couple of more sites. I will funish the briskets and cokes.


07-25-2003, 12:41 PM

We're a go just about anytime from this side of Houston. But, I just let my brother talk me out of my pit, so dunno about BBQ till I get around to building the in ground pit to replace it <doh>. But, I'm good at making time for discus <smile>. Local ... I do a sorta informal LFS tour most weekends ... whatcha got cool to visit over on the north side of town (it's 40 miles for you non Texans wonder'n why I'm ask'n).

I'm slapping August 23 onto my calendar. I'll prolly want to drive too, I love 2 year olds ... but, I suck as a passenger <LOL>. My car is a 2 seater, so ...

John, thanks loads. I look forward to see'n your operation sometime soon.

BTW, I'd swear I posted this days ago, but ...

07-25-2003, 03:06 PM
LFS wise its decent this way. I will list some that we visit at end of post, w/ description ;)
We could pre-bbq and bring over but thats not very texan lol!
I'm not picky, if theres a fast food place w/in 10 miles I think we will all be set ;D So any sat or sun sounds good. Now how to find all the discus nuts............

ABC Pets: some fish, occasional dicus, more birds than tanks

Ultimate Fish: Quite a few discus, no wilds. Lots of africans, especially harder to find ones

Fish R Us: Medium sized selection of wild and tank bred discus. Exotic plecos, africans, and other harder to find things

Sunnys Fish: Occasional discus, lots of standard tank fish i.e. guppies, sometimes has great plants and quite cheap.

Village Tropical Fish: Occasional discus, variety of interesting plants, lots of harder to find fish

Aquarium World:Im sure everyones been there LOL

Pet City: Occasional discus, standard tank fish, occasional plants.

There were some other great ones, but they closed. So I think thats it.

07-25-2003, 11:47 PM
She forgot Petsmart and Petco, lol.

07-30-2003, 10:55 AM
If we are serious about this get together lets set a date and get some commitments. I will try to arrange some site seeing but first I need to know how many folks will be coming. Please email me at Nicholsons_Discus@yahoo.com or send me a IM over on www.daah.info It should be a great time so lets make it a big blowout.


08-07-2003, 11:12 AM
Due to lack of response I assume that this is a dead issue.


10-15-2003, 04:25 PM
Wanted to let everyone know that the TCA will be having our workshop 10/18 - 10/19. For details checkout www.texascichlid.org We will be having another one in 6 months.


10-17-2003, 02:18 PM
I'll be there John, hope to see you. ;D

01-07-2004, 09:08 PM
Any breeders in the Texas area able/willing to sale 50 to 100 discus per month at a decent price?

01-08-2004, 12:11 PM
That depends on alot of variables.
1. Size
2. Color Form
3. Grade quality
4. And definition of "Decent Price"

Among other things.


01-08-2004, 01:42 PM
1. 2"- 3"
2. Almost Any
3. B
4. Common types(BD,MR) 10.00
More exotic types(RRB,RL) 20.00

Within driving range of Houston a +.

01-08-2004, 04:15 PM
There are quite a few of us here in Tx that are breeding. Myself in Austin, A few in Dallas (John N.) and maybe a few around Houston(Craig G). I doubt that anyone could keep you supplied by themselves, but hey, make a few road trips and you are bound to find multiple breeders that can supply you with what you want. If you make it to Austin, give me a call, and your welcome to see what I have going. IM a few people from this topic and see what they have going. HTH


01-10-2004, 03:38 PM
Thanks for the tour, and for sharing your experiences Tim. You have some beautiful fish, and an interesting setup. Can't wait to get some of your babies. ;D

02-20-2004, 11:55 PM
Hi all,

I am Houston-based and just getting started in fish again (and going 100% discus this time), and just found this thread (I have been posting here for about a week now.)

Getting the discus tank started this weekend and will be ready for fish in mid-April I expect. Planning on cobalts or blue snakeskins- going to raise 6 or so to size and take it from there.

So, not totally there yet, but definitely up for meeting other discus folks as I get back into this again!

02-26-2004, 04:34 PM
Welcome! I "happen" to have some Blue Snakeskins including a pair I might part with :)


02-26-2004, 05:07 PM
John K, got blue ss? Awesome...what size & how much? Pics?

03-06-2004, 11:16 PM
Hello everyone, Im Pete Blanco and from San Antonio, origanlly from Brownsville. Been in the discus hooby for about 3 years in Brownsville, moved to S.A. for school and just started up again. I have a 55 palnted with 1 R&B turq, 1 High fin blue diamond, 1 tangerine, 1 Blue ghost. Always interested in pruchasing new friends from breeders around Texas! Please don't hesitate to contact me with info on discus for sale. Thanks -Pete

03-07-2004, 09:26 PM
Always good to have more hobbyists close by. I live in Austin and there are a few of us here.

Carolina discus
03-09-2004, 12:14 AM
All my Texas Discus Brothers and Sisters!!!

The Southern Discus Workshop is being held in Atlanta on April 3 & 4. We want you there!!!!

Airtran has a great sale:
DFW to Atlanta $79 each way
Houston to Atlanta $79 each way

How bout checking it out

Let me know if anyone is interested...

06-06-2004, 06:38 PM
Just wanted to post a note for anyone who hasn't been up to see the discus people in Dallas.

You just HAVE to go!!!

We had a wonderful time seeing the stunning fish and awesome set up at Dallas Discus. Picked up some lovely red turqs, and will be going back soon for more (need more tanks must get more tanks buy more tanks)

John N. has these darn fish that make me swoon. John, be sure that we will come back as soon as the lil fry are old enough to be sold. I will toss out my couch for a tank for them! <<<<thats not a joke either:D

Dallas is a great city to stay a couple nights in. And if you get fish on your first day and stay a second....dont worry lol. The fish we got from John N. and Dallas Discus did very well in our aired/heated buckets. All of them came home happy and swimming about wondering what we feed here:) Good discus!!!!

06-08-2004, 01:55 PM
Glad to hear that it would out well. Let me know the next time that you head this way.


06-08-2004, 09:56 PM
Hey John, do you have website?

06-09-2004, 09:11 AM
Well not really. There is still an old one out there somewhere but I don't even remember where it is at. You can also find me over at www.daah.info


07-16-2004, 11:06 PM
I lived in Austin, TX and I just joined this forum. I would like to find out if there is any meeting and event around here. I am new to having discus and I still have a lot of thing to learn about discus.


08-07-2004, 04:26 PM

I also live in Austin and co-op with another person who lives around here when ordering food, supplies and fish thus cutting down the shipping costs etc.

If you have an interest in ordering some fish or supplies toeather let me know. Am always interested in getting to know locals who enjoy the hobby.

Hope to hear from you.


08-07-2004, 05:22 PM
I tihnk it would be fun to get all the Austin area hobbyists together, seems like we are getting a few around here now.

08-08-2004, 11:04 AM
Sure, that sounds good. I would be interested to get some supply together. I have been looking around for a few good discus book.
Do they still have the monthly wednesday meeting any more? May be we can meet at one of those meeting also.
It is great to know we have some Hobbyist in the areas.


08-24-2004, 01:28 PM
I just wanted to make a correction.....since a former partner of mine trashed the old daah site I can now be found here and at http://www.aquaforums.com/forums/


08-31-2004, 08:24 AM
Howdy Folks,
I live in Houston. If anyone is interested I have a few spawns available. Limited quantity.

Stendker MR
Red Passion
Red Leopard SS
Redspotted ss x Leopard
Golden Yellow Pigeon

Coming up within a month or so.
Red Dragon x Tomato Red
Red Passion x Tomato Red
Blue Diamond

Check out my website to see pics


09-13-2004, 10:55 AM
Hey All!

My name is John Hernandez. I guess Tony and myself are the only two in San Antonio! Wow, out of 2.5 Million here in San Antonio there are only 2 of us?

I would be interesting in meeting up sometime.

John in San Antonio....

09-21-2004, 01:45 AM
There is a cichlid day 10/23 in San antonio. I heard that a discus breeder may come to the auction also but I don't know who. May be there is a local discus breeder near by!

check the following link for detail:

Club Events

September Meeting

Date: September 26th
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Armke's Rare Aquarium Fish
1058 N. Business 35
New Braunfels, Texas
For directions, visit http://www.ohiexchange.com/armke/traveling_directions.html

Cichlid Auction Day 2004

The Hill Country Cichlid Club is proud to announce its first major event. On Saturday, October 23th, the HCCC will be hosting a fish auction. Everyone is invited, non-members are especially welcome. Hobbyists and business will be bringing many species to choose from. You just might find what you are looking for at an unbelievable price.

Please take the time to read through our Auction Rules.
Keep in mind:

There is no bidder fee
Everyone is welcome
Auction payments are cash only
No hybrids allowed (other than Discus)

Check back often as we will post more details as they become available.

Event: Cichlid Day Auction
Date: Saturday October 23, 2004
Time: 12:00pm until it's over
Location: Bracken United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
20377 FM2252
San Antonio, TX


09-21-2004, 01:27 PM
Hey Kam,

I saw that listed somewhere... I need to mark my calander for this one. As far as Discus Breeders in the San Antonio Area, if there is one I sure don't know about him/her. I think I have the most discus around here. I sure would like to meet someone who breeds in SA.


09-21-2004, 01:43 PM
Hi John,
There is a club meeting this Sunday but I can't make it. May be you can find out more if you have a chance to stop by since it is in New Braunfels, off I35. I stopped by Armke before and they are very good/big African importer and beeder. I am thinking to stop by the auction day on 10/23.

September Meeting

Date: September 26th
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Armke's Rare Aquarium Fish
1058 N. Business 35
New Braunfels, Texas
For directions, visit



09-21-2004, 01:52 PM
Yeah, Just called them up and spoke to the rep that answered the phone. No Discus. Only rare african chiclids. They have no interest in Discus.

Why do so many people shy away from Discus? Shesh this is rediculous.

I'm out!


09-21-2004, 11:02 PM
Thank you for finding this out so fast! Well, may be they will have some discus if we start asking them. I am planning to send an email to the HCCC and see if they will consider having some discus in the future. Thansk again.


09-22-2004, 07:49 AM
Hi Kam,
I have a few juveniles available. Unfotunately discus don't do very well in bags being handled all day.


09-22-2004, 09:04 AM

They said they could get them but that is not their expertise. They guy I talk to told me he could order them in upon request. But, so can we! He would have to order 36+ To save on shipping per fish cost.



09-22-2004, 09:56 AM
Here's what I have available. I only have a few left.

Stendker Malboro Red

09-22-2004, 04:46 PM
Hi John,
You are right. If we have to order them, we can order from Dan or John. I know some pet shop owner will bring some fishes over. I don't know how it will work. I assume you are not going since they don't have discus. Is it right?

Hi Dan,
Yes, I don't know how the discus will do in a bag for a day. In Hong Kong, they bags the fish up and hang them up so people just buy them. The fishes look very stress in the afternoon :( I never attend the meeting before and this is their first so I am not sure how it works. Thanks.


09-23-2004, 10:57 AM
If you don't feed the fish for a couple of days and bag them with O2 in nice sized bags they will do fine.


09-23-2004, 08:49 PM

I may go out there. It seems like fun. It all really depends if I can get a tee time to play golf on Saturday. But so far no one I play with can make it so I will probably come to the event.


09-24-2004, 10:18 AM
Hi John H,
Just to make sure, the there is a HCCC meeting this Sunday 9/26 2:00 PM in Armkes. The fish auction is on Sat Oct 23 at 12:00PM in a church. It is not this Sat. I am sorry for the confusion.



09-24-2004, 11:43 AM
Oh, I thought It was this Saturday! I think there South Texas Chiclid is meeting this weekend. Hrmm, I'm gonna check on that.



09-24-2004, 11:46 AM
There is a cichlid day 10/23 in San antonio. I heard that a discus breeder may come to the auction also but I don't know who. May be there is a local discus breeder near by!

check the following link for detail:

Club Events

September Meeting

Date: September 26th
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Armke's Rare Aquarium Fish
1058 N. Business 35
New Braunfels, Texas
For directions, visit http://www.ohiexchange.com/armke/traveling_directions.html

Cichlid Auction Day 2004

The Hill Country Cichlid Club is proud to announce its first major event. On Saturday, October 23th, the HCCC will be hosting a fish auction. Everyone is invited, non-members are especially welcome. Hobbyists and business will be bringing many species to choose from. You just might find what you are looking for at an unbelievable price.

Please take the time to read through our Auction Rules.
Keep in mind:

There is no bidder fee
Everyone is welcome
Auction payments are cash only
No hybrids allowed (other than Discus)

Check back often as we will post more details as they become available.

Event: Cichlid Day Auction
Date: Saturday October 23, 2004
Time: 12:00pm until it's over
Location: Bracken United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
20377 FM2252
San Antonio, TX


Kam, it said here Sept 26th? Now I'm all confused! :-\

09-24-2004, 03:15 PM
Hi John H,
There is a fine print near the bottom that talks about the auction day and the location. 10/23


10-08-2004, 09:27 AM
Hey John are you going to the auction here in SA? hopefully I can make it.

10-12-2004, 01:40 PM
I'll be there with bells on......


10-12-2004, 04:12 PM
Are you bring discus to the auction or just to check out the auction?


10-12-2004, 05:47 PM
I will probably bring down a few.


10-24-2004, 07:19 PM
Did anyone go to the HCCC austion day on Sat near San Antonio? How was it? I am sorry that I couldn't make it.


10-24-2004, 08:42 PM
I went but only for a little while, I had to get home since the family and friends were waiting for me to have lunch, I just went long enough to pick up some RT fry that John N. brought for me. from what I saw it was a huge turn out. I have never had any interest in Cichlids but after seiing all those different species I might just have to make a cichlid tank in the future.

04-18-2005, 11:35 PM
Here is another auction from the HCCC on 4/24/2005:


HCCC Spring 2005 Auction


Location: American Legion Travis Post No 76
2201 W Cesar Chavez St
Austin, TX
Auction map and directions (http://www.xdeleon.com/hccc/auction/maps.php)

Doors open at 11:30 and the auction begins at noon.

11-23-2005, 04:50 PM
where are all the Texans at??????????

Basset Hound
11-25-2005, 10:07 AM
Hey Tony,

Were still here, I think. Did you see the SS that Nicholson has? I am tempted to make a little road trip.


11-27-2005, 11:18 AM
Yeah I would be too but this time of the year it's hard....

12-03-2005, 06:33 AM
hi guys am in el paso tx. But i go up to lubbock and austin very often,and so does my little brother he going to texas tech. Am always looking for discus so on the next trip if u guys in austin dont mind I can visiting and buy some discus from you guys here and there. I use to be stationed in san fran, And let me tell you so easy to get any discus you want but in texas its tough.I was also stationed in phoenix and i was always getting fish from discusgeo. He a good friend.But back at home in good old el paso where i have to get my fish shipped lol........;p You texans have a nice one.

12-03-2005, 08:02 AM
where are all the Texans at??????????

most of them are in Texas

12-03-2005, 07:45 PM
yup all stuck in texas.......lol

12-05-2005, 05:01 PM
I may be a lot more quite nowadays but I will always be around.....


02-27-2006, 07:11 PM
How is everyone doing? There is an auction coming up in Austin at 3/11/06. Auction starts at 12:00. Bring some fishes if you have extra or come to get some great due on fishes!:)
Any questions, please let me know!

Hi John... Do you have time to come to the auction?


For more info check the following link:

================================================== ==============
Cichlid Day Auction:
Sponsored by River City Aquatics!

Date: Saturday, March 11th 2006
Time:Doors open at 10:00 a.m. Auction begins at noon.
Location: Hilton Garden Inn Austin NW/Arboretum
11617 Research Boulevard
Austin, Texas, 78759

Seller and buyer registration begins at 10:00 a.m. Auction begins promptly at noon.

Early Seller ID registration, site maps, auction rules and more are available at the Auction Information page.

Questions, please contact us here

02-27-2006, 11:13 PM
Hey everyone AJ in Dallas/Ft Worth here. Where have all these breeders been. Cool to know there are Discus folks around here.

02-28-2006, 02:34 AM
hey John
You still running your hatchery near dallas???

03-06-2006, 12:51 PM
Yes I am still "around" Dallas....that is if you consider 30 miles to the northeast close....LOL.

I would love to make the auction but cannot commit currently. If I can shake loose I will.


03-20-2006, 10:40 PM
Hi - great to see some Texans here. I am just starting my first discus tank and was told to hunt down John Nicholson as he could probably direct me to someone in the Lubbock area to buy from. I currently have a 10 that is a quarintine holding some baby bumble bee cichlids and a 29 that will be their home currently holding some other cichlids. I have had the 29 for several years and I am feeling brave and ready to try. I have always been in love with discus and I have set up a new 55 to start with and would really like to try my hand at it. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

03-20-2006, 11:16 PM
Welcome and enjoy! This site is so full of info, you'll get a brain ache! Really, just read some of the posts in the beginners section, and general info, lots of jewels in there. This place is full of people like you, starting out, some further along in the hobby, and the experts too.

03-21-2006, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the welcome wolfbane. I have been reading and you are right there is so much information that it will make your brain hurt. Look forward to being here on a regular basis.

04-14-2006, 10:06 PM
Hello Fellow Texans. I am in Leander, TX. I am plumbing up several tanks (25) this week after changing water manually over the last 6 months. I have consolidated my discus down to 4 young adults at the moment and will be looking to get several fish in the next couple weeks. Anyone looking for 4-6" discus check out Aquatek in Austin, TX. I just sold them several of my fish.

Does anyone have some:
red whites?
ocean greens?
green leopard snakeskins?
snakeskin pigeons?

I am looking for the following strains in anything from babies up to breeding pairs. <Preferrably 3"+>


04-15-2006, 09:14 PM
Hi Joseph,
I will stop by aquatek and check it out. Unfortunatly my tank is kind of full also and I need to reduce a few also. I don't have the kind that you want! :(


04-17-2006, 05:54 PM
What types are you keeping at the moment? I am looking for those strains but like many discus aficienados I will collect any discus with good color & shape.


07-05-2006, 01:26 PM
Hi Joseph,
We are try to get a group order from KC. Are you interest to join us? Please let us know.


07-07-2006, 05:42 PM
Hey tim I am located in NW Austin.
Do you have any available for sale
please reply to alfonso78758@yahoo.com
or this wbsite

07-21-2006, 12:04 PM
Sorry for the late reply. I sent you an email. Someone is moving and has some good discus for sell in Austin. Hope this work out.


07-21-2006, 04:54 PM
hello,odessa tx here. new to discus trying to learn as much as possible before purchasing any. love the fourm. working on a 125 fully planted.

07-24-2006, 12:05 PM
I am needing to get my fish out by the end of the week. Five discus total, OK quality! Two are 5", two are 4" and one is a runt. Will take $120 for them. There are two pairs laying eggs out of the group. I have two steel racks that holds six 20longs each on them for sale $75 each or $125 for all 12 tanks and both stands. Also selling a 150 gallon tank for $100, but it doesn't have a stand. It does come with glass tops!

07-24-2006, 04:56 PM
Joe, what are the measurements of this 150?