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View Full Version : Blue Diamond Red Eye and Amber Eye??

09-30-2002, 08:36 PM
I have a approx. 70 Blue Diamond fry that are 4 weeks old and I have a question concerning eye color.

The father has amber eyes and the mom has red eyes.

What percentage of fry would have red eyes if any at all????

Does eye color show up at 4weeks of age ????

All the fry at this time have sort of an amber color. Will this change???

Whats the going price for fry that are dime to qaurter size as I'm trying to get homes for them as soon as possible???

Thanks in advance.

09-30-2002, 10:11 PM
The few breeders around you (us) charge $10-$20 in that order....
as far as the genetics question I could not answer , It depends which color is the dominate gene . example:
female eye genes amber x amber or red x amber same for the father. I would guess 100% red eye if parents are AxA /RxR. if they are AxA/ RxA then it would be 50/50 red/ amber eyes. If my memory serves me correctly.. ;D


11-17-2002, 10:44 AM
I found BD eye color very interesting and changes all the time. Most of the juv stay red at about 2-3" then they slowly fade away and turn amber until spawning time. Most will turn red again when they breed. The only way to keep them red all the time is to color fed them with color enhenced food like color bits, Azoo. Those you find in the shops are all red and it will fade away when you get them home.


11-17-2002, 07:16 PM
BD eye color seems also to be effected by water hardness.

I had hand picked 10 Angel Diamonds from Enchanted Discus two years ago, all with red eyes. All 10 of them gradually had eyes turn amber in my water. Last month, I went to visit some babies I sold to Linda. Their eyes are red again! I spoke to Mike Wells about this a year ago, and he first suggested that eye color in BD's were sensitive to water hardness.

In most other varieties, red eye is dominant over amber eyes. Note that this does not imply only two alleles exist for eye color. Like humans, multiple alleles combine their effects to produce eye color.


11-18-2002, 12:01 AM
So Willie, do think the eyes are red in hard water or soft water?
Carol :heart1: