View Full Version : Compiling Info

10-30-2002, 06:25 PM
I have been gathering info particularly about meds and dosages from this site. I thought Id post it for critic and additional info.

Here it is:

***Skin/Gill Flukes and internal worms (nematodes)

******Dosage ***** *- 1/4teaspoon/20g every 2nd day for 21 days
******Temperature ******- 82F
******Water changes ***- 50% water change everyday
******Medicated Food***- 200mg per 100gr of beefheart

***Will not harm the biofilter. Cannot mix with Metronidazole

***Internal flagellate protozoans Hexamita and Spironucleus

******Dosage********* - 400mg/10g every 8 hours for 3 days
******Temperature******- 94F for 10 days
******Water changes***-
******Medicated Food***- 250mg per 100gr of beefheart
***Will not harm the biofilter. Cannot mix with Flubendazole

***Antibiotic of choice for most bacterial problems such as cloudy eyes, eroding fins and tails, external bacterial infections, and minor abrasions and wounds ***

******Dosage********* - 50mg/1g every 2nd day for 7 days (4 treatments max.)
******Temperature****** - Normal
******Water Changes***- 25% water change between dosages
******Medicated Food***- .05mg per 1gr of food twice a day for 9 days

***Will not harm the biofilter

***Used for Flukes and tapeworms. Does not inhibit nitrifying bacteria

******Dosage********* - 100mg/10g every 2nd day for 21 days
******Temperature****** - Normal
******Water Changes***- %50 water change everyday
******Medicated Food***-

***Will not harm the biofilter. Can be used with Flubendazole

37% formaldehyde
***Gill Flukes. Will kill most adult flukes but 21 day treatment needed to rid ***fish/tank of eggs

******Dosage********* - 1-2 drops/1g 30minute bath with aeration (or unless fish shows signs of stress)
******Temperature******- Below 87F
******Water Changes***-
***Will harm the biofilter

Salt Dips
***Skin and Gill Flukes, Fungus, Chilodonella, Costia
******Dosage*********- 7.5 tablespoons/1g until fish ‘rolls’ over then transfer to clean water

***Use separate container or tank

***Cloudy Eye, Bloat, Mild Fin/Tail Rot, Fungus, Ich
******Dosage ****** - 1 to 2 tablespoons/10g
******Temperature******- Normal******
******Water changes*** ***- Normal

***Will not harm the biofilter

Panacur (fenbendazole)
***Internal nematodes and giardia

******Dosage******** *-
******Temperature****** -
******Water changes*****-
******Medicated Food***- 1gr per 113gr of food, 3-4days, repeat after 3 weeks


Malachite Green
***Ich, fungus, oodinium (velvet), mouth fungus and some fungus eggs

******- zinc-free grade must be used
******- will then keep indefinitely. reported to be toxic to tetras, catfish and loaches and small marine fish
******- de-activated by light

Methylene Blue
***Fungus on eggs, Ich, fungus and some bacteria. Effective in gill disease. Transports oxygen. Some protozoa, sliminess of the skin and oodinium.

High Temperature
***Costia – 92F for 4 days
***Chilodonella – over 86F more than 5 days
***Oodinium Parasite, Velvet – 93F for 3 days

I also hope this will prove valuable for newbies like myself! ;)

PS-I did not include PP as most of the info I read stated PP being a last resort and not normally recommended to use.

10-30-2002, 06:29 PM
hehe Great minds thinks alike.

Hey Ronrca, I too am compiling info I've found useful on Simply in MS Word. Your list is more complete than mind. Hope you don't mind but I'll be stealing some info and incorporate it to my list ;D



10-30-2002, 06:34 PM
Please read the fine print on the bottom. It says its copywrighted! ;D

Please keep track of the amount of info you copy and send discus to me! :bounce2:

Everyone is welcom to add info particularly about different names used for the meds or even if these meds listed are used in meds found in petstores like clout! 8)

O and special thanks to Al, Ardan, Dave_C and many others for their initial posts. :-* (PS-That is a virtual :-*! get your own :-* somewhere else) :bounce: :thumbsup: :wave:

10-30-2002, 06:54 PM
Too late already added. ;D

I'll be mixing them with my current info sometime this weekend and will be more than happy to email anyone the whole Word doc upon request, including u Ronrca ;)



10-30-2002, 07:04 PM
Thanks Chi!
Actually I have put this into Word to be begin with for the last couple of days along with QT methods described by Al and Brad (Cary). I print them out and put them in my 'fish room' (which is the spare bedroom also) for quick reference. This way I dont have to search for this and that. The worst is of course if its late at night or early in the morning and something happens. You should see the number of articles I have on my hard drive already.

10-30-2002, 07:37 PM
You guy's and Gal's are working to hard. Go to www.fishyfarmacy.com
They list there medications and dosages. And if you do a little reading in the symptoms area you might find the problem you are haveing with your fish. They will even send you a free 2002 catalog of Medications and price list just for the asking. It may not have every medication you need but most of them are available thru them. If any of you have a business license and can prove you are a licensed hatchery, fish farmer, or aquatic wholesaler, you can get ChemAqua's catalog also. It won't be as easy as asking Fishy Farmacy, trust me I have it and did all the paper work. But I now get all my Meds wholesale and in bulk.

10-30-2002, 07:51 PM
Thanks George!
As I was compiling, I did visit fishfarmacy and did include some info from there however the only thing about fishfarmacy is that they have soooo many meds, which are good, which are not, which are recommended, which are not kind of thing. I also wanted a little more info than they had. ;) Other than that, I like their disease finder webpage.

10-31-2002, 12:16 PM
Thats great work ! sites you should take a look at...



as well,

just one one request, always site your sources, and get permission if you are copying. Most sites out there will gladly share their information...some however do not.

keep up the good work!

10-31-2002, 01:09 PM
Again, thanks Al! Thanks for the warning also. 99% of the info I took from this site and only if I did not have much info did I check out some other sites. If it is a problem, I will certainly do what is nesseccary however one would think that info like this could be share but one never knows! :P

The first link is a cool site!

04-25-2003, 09:22 AM
Could I translate into Polish information about med and dosages from your site and put it on my site?

Would you mind?


04-25-2003, 06:50 PM
I think it will be fine, but you should IM or email board administrators Al Sabetta (Brewmaster15) or Ryan Smith