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View Full Version : How long to starve?

Tin Pusher
11-09-2002, 11:44 PM
My new Discus have been with me a week now and will only eat frozen bloobworms. At first they would go after Tetra color bits and spit them out. I assume they were because they were the color and had the sink rate of the bloodworms. They are no longer fooled and will simply watch the color bits sink to the bottom. I have followed the advice on this forum and am feeding only flake food, color bits and even other Hikari frozen foods (Krill & Brine shrimp). Well tonight is evening number 2 of my fishes hunger strike. When should I cave and give them their bloodworms. When should I try the alternate foods again. All suggestions welcome.

11-10-2002, 12:07 AM
You have time.....sometimes new fish won't eat for a while. If you want them to eat other foods you have to be persistent. I would give it up to a week. If they still don't eat then give them some worm and then try it again. I had one fish not eat for a month, and he looked fine. He finally started a few days after I put him in a tank by himself. I don't like that he went that long......but I have read that in the wild, it does happen during food shortages. You could try raising the temp as well, this will raise there metabolism and get them hungry, but I would wait for week two for that.......

11-10-2002, 12:30 AM
I do not see any need in starving them. Try putting just a touch of bloodworms with the tetra bits, and they will eventually eat the bits as a feeding frenzy gets going. Remember when you were a kid. The spinach was not so bad when you also had a bit of steak on the plate! Frank ;)

Tin Pusher
11-10-2002, 12:31 AM
You had steak..........I only had spinach and I learned to love it. :D

11-10-2002, 12:47 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D