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11-13-2002, 03:38 PM
Hi all..

Just wanted to show you this 5 second video of the fry I took this am. It's a bigger view of the video. Pretty good close up of the fry together on the leaf.

It's 2.7 MB quicktime video. Might be better to use a faster internet connection for this one...


Another video of the same clip, it's 236 KB, and it's smaller veiw for slower internet connection.....


I'll try to keep posting the video daily. I'm also making a little video of a time elasp video of it as the time goes on to the point when they get big. That's going to be interesting to see how that goes.

Enjoy! ;)


11-14-2002, 01:10 AM
Pretty cute Marc,

Keep up the great work.

Its strange Marc, but I am able to view your videos successfully at home but at work, I get a blank screen...strange indeeed...oh well.

