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View Full Version : rising conductivity

11-13-2002, 09:56 PM
My conductivity doubles after three days from 150 to 300. The KH stays the same. I have driftwood, and peat/silica sand substrate. No rocks. All evaporation top off is with RO (conductivity of 30.) After reaching 300 the conductivity stays there. I can't understand what would cause this?

11-13-2002, 11:37 PM
Hi all,
Regal, that is an interesting happening. I will ask our resident R/O water plant expert(Ex-University Chemistry professor for 20 years) at my work tomorrow about this. He will probably be able to point me in the right direction, as he usually does.


11-14-2002, 11:48 AM
I'm not sure this is correct but I was told by a breeder friend that the rise in conductivity is attributed to the feedings and the resultant wastes. He told me that he was skeptical about all the water changes until he had noticed the 'unexplained' rise and the resultant hatch problems.


11-14-2002, 12:24 PM
I'd agree with John,
as things (food waste niterates ect...) are added to the water the conductivity will rise that why we do massive water changes.

11-14-2002, 09:20 PM
I don't think that is it, my nitrates never climb over 5ppm because I have a Pothos and Spathy sump. I think peat may be raising the conductivity (tannic acid)?

11-16-2002, 04:43 AM
Hi all,
OK Regal, here are a few possibilities. The Tannic/humic/fulvic acids are definitely CONTRIBUTING to it, but probably not ALL of it. Silica CAN contribute to conductance, depending on the particle size in the water(these would be so small, a human would never see them)....also, they can break down, depending on acid present(pH)and what kind, as far as I understood this Chem. dude. Anything else soluable you put in the water will add to conductance. Have you calibrated your meter lately? It could be malfunctioning if it goes from 150 to 300 EVERYTIME!


11-16-2002, 11:02 AM
Yes Steve hit it right on the head. ANYTHING you put in your tank, Food, fish waste, Additives, etc will cause the conductivity to rise.