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11-14-2002, 01:35 AM
I had carpenters working in the house over the week end. They had to move the aquariums out from the wall. No sweat, I just coordinated the moving of the tanks with a LARGE water change :). What I didn't find out until tonight is that they screwed around with what was plugged into where as well. So when the timer shut off the lights it was also shutting off the heaters and filter :o. Not only that, there is something wrong with my furnace. It was pretty nippy this morning! This evening I have the wood stove going. I can't believe that my poor fishies have been going through this since Saturday and they show no sign of stress! How long does it take ich to show up. And why do you figure the good bacteria in my fluval didn't die and get tossed back into the tank and kill the fish. Boy, am I ever thankful :angel:


11-14-2002, 02:25 AM
Oh boy, Liz, I'm glad you caught this. It would be easy not to with the lights off. How many days did they spend with out filteration and heat at night? I'm worried about the Fluvals pumping out dead bvacteria too. Keep a close eye on your discus, not so much for ick, but to make sure they keep eating and don't show signs of stress.
Carol :heart1:

11-14-2002, 02:29 AM
And.... May I add? Lotsa W/C's.......... I am still trying to recover from a dead fluval. Discus seem to be fine tho.

Good Luck Liz.


11-14-2002, 09:25 AM
It was 4 nights, Carol. It didn't turn cold here in Mississippi 'till Monday night, though. They're still swimming around happy as ever and eating like pigs. I do change a ton of water every day, Julz. This is the 4th time I've tried to kill these fish in less than a year. Bless their poor little fishy hearts :)

11-14-2002, 09:48 AM

Whew! Nice catch! It's good to hear when these things turn out well as opposed to the other way!


11-14-2002, 09:52 AM
Discus throw surpises to me all the time. That's why I find them challenging. I had some 1" culls dumped into the Flowerhorn tank at room temp.as food. It gets as cold as 65 degree in the morning before the furnace kicks in and also The vivious Flowerhorn attacks anything that can move. He constantly attacking the Rocks in his tank. I found a few culls surviving the ordeal and happily swimming around him. I rescued them and they showed no sign of sickness. Even from 65 degree to 86 tank. Some tough babies. Anyhow, they are the smallest of the brood. I still have to cull them. I'll let them live for another month and see if they grow. Just give them a second chance.


11-14-2002, 07:21 PM
I had a thought while at work today...I wonder if my UV sterilizer could have saved the day? With all the mishaps these fish have been through they have never shown any indication of disease. Whadda y'all think?


11-14-2002, 07:28 PM
Ive had it happen twice in my grow out that I forgot to plug the heater back in during wc! The temp dropped to room temp but the discus were totally skittish! No disease either. I did treat with salt for 5 days though just in case!

Happy for you Liz that nothing happened! ;)

11-16-2002, 11:36 PM
Liz, as a simple precaution kick the temp up to 90 for a week and you shouldn't have any problems(ick and quite a few other nasties can't live above 86-88)
Good luck ;)