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View Full Version : Lip Locking

11-15-2002, 04:04 AM
I got some serious lip locking between two discus that I seperated and placed in 29g. They were originaly three in the tank but two kept picking on one and making that one retreat into a corner. So I took the odd one out and thats when it all started. First it was the jiggles and wiggles but I didnt get to excited cuz all the others do the same thing... But now its excalated to some serious lip tugging... and its mutual they both go after each other then the rest and swim and bow... All I am doing differently is using colder water when making my daily 50% water change... since then things have really picked up...

Any advice, comments or suggestions appreciated...


11-15-2002, 10:48 AM

Sounds to me like you have a boy and a girl and they are thinking about making babies!

The bowing and shaking sounds like courtship and I've seen enough lip locking in other cichlids to tell you that 75% of the time it's a pre mating ritual.

Of course they could also be of the same sex and trying to be determining dominance...

Keep a careful eye on them and make sure neither is taking a beating. But let them do their thing...


11-20-2002, 08:20 PM
thats interesting.
i thought it was 2 males setting down rules... but i have a third fish that always goes between my breeding pair. the pair swim side by side and he constantly swims thru them.
now,the pair dont hang out as much and the intruder swim along side the male.......
could be a female wanting this male for herself. :o.cheely thing!