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11-16-2002, 11:27 PM
My poor discus is now swimming upside down and I just wondered if the medicine really helped? I was concened if this medicine really helped. :'( :'( :'( :'( I am really worried about him. :'( I think he is going to go to the discus heaven and I am so sad :'( Karin

11-17-2002, 01:06 AM
sorry to hear karin. i have one i just adoped who was sick....i tried some meds but he lays on the bottom. still breathes and fine.but cant stay up. cant very well eat lying down....so dont think he will make it either. sad....but we cant save them all .
hes a very nice wild green.

11-17-2002, 09:51 AM
:o April, do you think the swim bladder is involved? Have you tried lowering the water level treatment in addition to meds? ( Robin Futrell @ DPH) Karin sorry to hear your discus is so sick, what meds were you using & how did this start? Don't know if yours is a swim bladder problem as well, but April is right, can't save them all, hang in there, Dottie :'( :'(

11-17-2002, 11:25 AM
Hi Dottie, I am medicating my sick discus with Kanacyn which April and Carol recommend. It might be a swim bladder problem I just don't know. ??? I wormed three of my Discus and this is what happened afterword his eyes got really pouched out and under his belly he is all swelled up. :( So don't know what the problem is he is the only one that this happened to the other two are fine. Have any suggestions? Have a good day Karin.

11-17-2002, 11:44 AM
hi. yes dottie...might be my fishes swim bladder. but i am also trying kanacyn . and i do have the water level lowered.
Karin yours does sound bacterial if the eyes were bulged...and the stomach. not sure what else you can do.
I also had one wild for a long time had a bulged stomach. figured he had a blockage..but then one day it ended up with bulging eyes . and he unfortuneately didnt make it.

11-17-2002, 11:50 AM
very sorry to hear about the discus, but you can try your best to save it. all the best.


11-17-2002, 08:49 PM
Hi Karen & April,

While Kanacyn is a great med, I've found that Ampicillix or was that Amoxicillix, works better for any swim bladder related infections. It's made by the same company that makes the Hexamit caps. I don't have the box anymore so I can't remember exactly the name of the stuff. Three days treatment and the fish was swimming fine again. I also added epsom salts and lowered water. He was in real bad shape so I can attest to the effectiveness of the med.


11-17-2002, 09:23 PM
Hello I had a fish with a similair problem it was not a Discus.I tried Epsom salts Lowering the water level.Eventually contacted the vet.Living in the UKyou cant buy Antibiotics over the counter.He gave me Antibiotics to try made a little difference but the fish still could not keep its balance for long.Contacted him again he told me to bring the fish down and he would inject the Swimbladder which he did but it made no difference.The fish died shortly after that.It was heart breaking because the fish fought so hard to get better.Thats my sad story but I wish you both the best of luck with your fish because sometimes they can beat the odds.

11-20-2002, 10:08 PM
Well my sick Discus went to Discus heaven and could do nothing else to help. This was a Discus that I had traded with Elaine it was a chekerboard from Mike Wells. I really don,t know what happened to him. ??? Well better go now and take care of the other tanks. ;D Have a good one Karin

11-20-2002, 10:34 PM
Sorry to hear that Karen, I'm sure you gave it your best shot. Can't cure 'em all though.....


11-21-2002, 05:46 AM
Hello Karen I was sad to hear the news about your Discus.When a fish has this problem it is so hard to cure it. :'(