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View Full Version : Links for planted discus tanks

11-21-2002, 12:19 AM
Mench suggested that we have a list of links here on the forum. It's a great idea so I thought we would get one going here on our favorite planted tank websites (doesn't even have to be discus).

I'll go ahead and start it. This isn't necessarily my favorite (it's too short) but it has a great picture of an Amano discus tank (that you all may have seen already). It has a couple of paragraphs of info on five general subjects or so.


Feel free to post a link or two, it doesn't have to be an endorsement of everything on that site, just anything that you think others might be interested in. And if you have your own website on planted tanks, post that too. And if you can, add a short description of the site, it might help somebody searching for specific info.

There is a web ring on aquascaping, does anyone have a link to one of the ring sites?

11-21-2002, 12:30 AM
This one talks about some of the myths of discus in planted tanks (low lighting, BB, etc). It's a little dated maybe, she warns of feeding blackworms to your fish, from the times when it was dangerous.


11-21-2002, 12:39 AM
I want to do just one more. This one gives an honest appraisal of the pluses and minuses of planted discus tanks, by someone that has bred and raised discus in planted tanks.


11-22-2002, 03:40 PM
This guy is Norwegian, take a look, some nice pics on here. Discus too. In planted tanks!!

01-14-2003, 12:32 AM
Here is a link to a site for natural aquariums (no filter) by Rhonda Wilson (who actually lives kind of near to me). Probably not practical for discus, (though if you are doing 50% WCs per day, maybe it is) but interesting for planted tank theorists. My 10 gal natural tank is still in the planning stages.
