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View Full Version : Lighting choices

11-22-2002, 12:44 PM
There are several different companies selling aquaium lighting. Are they all about the same as far as bringing out the colors in the fish, or is there one that "shines" above the rest? Thanks for your replies!


11-22-2002, 01:12 PM
If you're looking at flourescent tubes then yes there are many choices. If you look on the package there should be a Kelvin rating (ex. 5600 k) What this means is color temperature. The lower the Kelvin is, the more red the light will have in it, the higher it is it will have more blues and whites. Personally, I don't like the pinkish lights, but they are best for plant growth. As far as for just showing fish color, I like Hagen Aqua-Glos, Power-Glos, and if you can afford it Life-Glos (they are the fancy ones with the built in reflectors.) I've also bought Plant and Aquarium bulbs from Home Depot, they are very cheap. Coralife also offers a Plant bulb, which is pink, and a 10,000 k bulb which they advertise as being blue, but I think it looks more white. ;D

11-22-2002, 01:47 PM

I'm using the coral life 50/50 and it works well except on blue fish. The 50/50 is great for reds and spotted fish. Still looking for a good bulb for the Angel Diamonds.

11-22-2002, 01:50 PM
Heavyp, I have a 65g with Blue diamonds and need 4 30 watt fluorescents. Which bulbs will enhance blue? Should I mix the bulb types? Cost isn't an issue if there truely is a difference. I've tried the Home Depot Aquarium bulbs and they were kinda harsh. Thanks for the reply.

11-22-2002, 04:38 PM
I'm tellin' ya people you have to try the GE Aqua Rays Fresh and Saltwater tubes. They are no more exspensive than regular fluorescents and the difference is amazing :o

11-22-2002, 06:17 PM
I go with regular old 4' fluorescent lights from Home Depot...at $15 apiece you can't go wrong.

11-22-2002, 06:20 PM
I have used the GE Freshwater Aqua Ray flours. lights and they work great. I put them up against three other different types of lights and the GE seemed to make the reds and blues stand out more. Good lighting does make a difference.


11-22-2002, 08:23 PM
Wait a minute ??? >:( ;) I thought I was the only one saving big bucks using the GE Aqua Rays Fresh and Saltwater lights, lol. I bought several types of 24 inch tubes and did my own comparison test. The GE was the best multi purpose light for the price. 8)

The "blue" lights do bring out more blue, so if you have predominately blue fish you may want to spend the extra money.

CArol :heart1:

11-23-2002, 03:43 AM
URI Actinic White!

11-23-2002, 04:28 AM
save a few bling$$
General Electric tri-phospher!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-23-2002, 12:54 PM
On my main tank I have one power glo and one aqua glo, this gives me a nice mix of color. Usually blue lights are better for bringing out colors other than blue. For bringing out blue, I would think that any quality cool colored bulb would work. I have an aqua rays bulb on my QT tank but the fish don't have a lot of color yet anyway so I can't tell any difference yet.

11-23-2002, 01:10 PM
Thanks for all the replys so far. It's interesting to see what different people are using. Looks like the GE bulbs are a fav so I ordered three of the GE Aqua Rays Fresh and Saltwater and one blue for my four strip fixture.

Thanks :)