View Full Version : The best things you have gotten out of this board?

12-05-2002, 02:16 PM
Hi all,
This board went online less than a year ago, and since then has really taken off. Its hard to believe that so much time, but so little relative to other boards has gone by. In less than a month we will be in the New year.

As is often the custom for people around this time of year, I thought it'd be fun to hear from you what you have gotten out of SimplyDiscus this past year....

.... disease help, free contest stuff, Friends, a cool place to hang out? etc.

For me I have to say its been the friends. I never thought when we started this that it would lead to so many friendships.. but it has, and as we go into the new year I go thankful for the friendships.

take care,

12-05-2002, 02:20 PM
The only reason I am still involved with discus is this board. I had major problems with discus when I got back into the hobby last November but with the help of yourself and others I am still here and thourougly enjoying the hobby.

Thanks : Jim

12-05-2002, 02:23 PM
Friends, laughs, new ideas about things to try, knowing you have a safety net if anything goes wrong...

I value all of these things!

Thanks, all!


12-05-2002, 02:23 PM
Well I am gunna stick with the single most important for me.

It indeed is the friendship that keeps me here. Growing up as an Airforce Brat I have met many people, but never as GREAT as the bond I have formed here on Simply. (Julz gives Weezy a :thumbsup:) The Discus knowledge/experience is just an added bonus.

Thanks everyone.... ;)

Forever Simply..... :)

Just had to add this.... I think it is a good place for it....

This time of year, we can get awfully wrapped up the wrong stuff, here's some enlightenment


The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.

Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary.

After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready.

As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window.

"I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.

"Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait."

"That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied.

"Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.

Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged... it's how I arrange my mind.

I already decided to love it ...

"It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no
longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do."

"Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away ... just for this time in my life."

Old age is like a bank account ... you withdraw from what you've put in ..

So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories

Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

12-05-2002, 02:24 PM
A brand new car.

I wish!! ;D

I have gain a better understanding to raising and keeping discus, the importance of regular WC and about treatment to the various disease.

But most importantly, I have to say the people. Met some really neat and kind people.

Thanks Simply!!



PS: Speaking of the wonderful people of Simply. I should also like to take this opportunity to thanks all of them for their help when I needed it. There is still hope for this newbie after all.

So thanks!!! :thumbsup:

12-05-2002, 02:32 PM
Julz : I'm with ya!

Jim :thumbsup:

12-05-2002, 02:39 PM
Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge.
Sharing your techiques, secrets, sources, pictures, laughter, international participation......... I could go on.

Some information in books go out of date so quickly. This forum is a source of information that could never be captured in a single book.

May we all have many successful discus spawns in the new year!
Thank you for all the positive feedback

12-05-2002, 02:39 PM
I think Julz has it.

The crowd here for the most part has been great.

IMO the knowledge gained is just a pure bonus :)


12-05-2002, 02:44 PM
I have to go along with Jim. If it wasn't for the people on this board I would be out of discus. I learn something new here everyday!! I can't say that I have met anyone personally, but I feel I have made some friends along the way!! ;D ;D

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could have a convention of Simply member's somewhere,someday? Just a thought.

12-05-2002, 02:49 PM
Friendship and meeting others with the same hobby is wonderful, but I'd have to say KNOWLEDGE is what I most value from Simply.

There is a wealth of experienced discus keepers posting here. I know I can ask a question and within a few hours have the answer - even in the middle of the night. I have learned so much and I'm still learning things everyday!

Carol :heart1:

Barb Newell
12-05-2002, 03:03 PM
Hi :)

The best things about the board..... well....

Friendship has to be the first. I have met so many kind, helpful, warm people on this board. Actually, believe it or not, this board has helped to restore a lot of my faith in people! In the midst of all of the destruction and rotten people in this world who make our lives miserable, there are still good ones! They're here on Simply!!!!

I've learned so much and still need to learn so much more. I've felt very supported, when my fish are doing tailspins and jumping out of the tank and I'm in the midst of a cardiac arrest, you guys are there, you help. Thankyou.

When I have a million questions, I never feel stupid for asking on Simply. Al, you have always been very honest and I have a lot of respect for you and what you've worked towards, which I believe is making this board, helpful, informative, warm, safe, friendly, fun..... You have helped me countless times, thank you.


PS As I type this... Cary keeps coming to mind. I lost all of my fish and was ready to give up on discus, Cary jumped in and sent me some beautiful, healthy, spunky fish just to make sure I didn't quit. Thanks Cary!

12-05-2002, 03:10 PM
Ok everyone....................Barb needs a GROUP HUG.......... :heart1:


12-05-2002, 03:11 PM
Barb : I forgot to tell you..................I got your pictures...............they are awesome...............how old are they?


12-05-2002, 03:12 PM
Friendships, Knowledge from others, worry free when something goes wrong cuz there is always someone to help you out, easy to find topics, everything you're little heart so desires regarding discus!!!! I am with Julz :thumbsup: .....

12-05-2002, 03:12 PM
For me this is an easy question. I have only been keeping discus for a year and for the first 9 months I had a REALLY hard time. Killed several. :(

I found this site about 3 months ago and have learned TONS and continue to learn every day I come here. I have also met several people around my area who I would never have met without this board.

My LFS sells discus occasionally but they are lower quality and they offer little or no help in keeping them happy and healthy let alone breeding.

Thank you Al, and EVERYONE else who contributes. This community has a weath of knowledge and experience and I look forward to learning more from each of you.


Barb Newell
12-05-2002, 03:21 PM



12-05-2002, 04:28 PM
;D Hey Everyone,

Being new to not only this forum but discus keeping I have found this Forum amazing, I have spent many hours reading past posts and everyday I check the new posts, not only have I learned so much, I have enjoyed learning so much.
I dont think I can specify the one best thing that I have learned , but I can say that everything I have learned has steered me in the right direction..........................and I have stopped killing my Discus!!!!!

Keep up the good work guys

Jared :)

12-05-2002, 04:35 PM

Welcome, though it sounds like you've been lurking for quite a while! Don't be a stranger and post some more!



12-05-2002, 04:40 PM
The best thing I have gotten out of this board are the friends I have met. There are wonderful people here, and the sense of community is wonderful to be a part of. Thanks to all for that. ;D
The knowledge I have been able to gain from this board has been tremendous. I tend to be a collector of books, magazines, and other "facts" related to my interests, and this board has proven to be the best overall source of information for me!

Don ;D

12-05-2002, 04:59 PM
Hard to know what to say really, there is so much.

Guess I will just say Don Lee has expressed myself perfectly,

and add the almost total lack of abusive comment & invective makes this a great place to visit.

12-05-2002, 06:12 PM
MEATLOAF<MEATLOAF !!!! Thats what I want out of this board>>>> Just a little inside joke :D 8) 8).
Like most everyone else has stated,KNOWLEDGE..that is the best thing to get out of any forum..next best thing is friends,I have made lots of good friends and met lots of others that will become friends...I just wish there were more discus people around my area,but maybe that will happen..
My thanks to Al,John,Ryan and the scores of others who take the time out of thier busy days to keep this board running as smoothly as it has.Here's wishing for Simply to be around helping discus"nuts for a long,long time to come....


12-05-2002, 07:41 PM
The best thing Ive gotten out of this board??.... A handful of damn good friends.....(from well before this board actually)

Specifically...April, Al and Cary....All three have helped myself and another mutual friend :gorgeous: through some pretty shitty times :-\ We've also had alot of damn good laughs ;D

A guy cant ask much more than that.....a personal thanks to the three of you for all youve done, it means alot to me.


12-05-2002, 08:04 PM
The most for me has got to be the people here who all love Discus. Even if I been doing it for a while I still do learn as most people do when they all have the love for one common thing. DISCUS I enjoy reading the question's asked and the answers that follow. Sometime I can reply to there question and sometimes I don't have an answer because I never ran into their situation. When you can learn how to do something different and know it's works for someone and then to try it has been enlighting. The people here have been great even if I haven't met any of you, I feel like I know you.

Thank you all for sharing and I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas :santa:, Happy New Year :hat:, Chanukah and the many holidays celebrated of different faiths.

Hug for Barb :heart2:

12-05-2002, 09:14 PM
I've learned there are many kind and helpful people from all over the world who are involved in a hobby I never should have gotten out of in the first place.

20 years later, here I am again...

Thanks to all!!!

12-05-2002, 10:12 PM
Knowledge!! Knowledge!!! Knowledge!! Not just about discus. The knowledge about raising the king helps us all be better aquarists. I remember breeding and raising South Americans back in the 80's and pretty well at it. At least sold and traded enough to support my habit. But there were some problems I never solved. Had a pair of Chocolate Cichlids that spawned many times and went crazy trying to get them past wigglers. Never could. Bet I could now. Friendship. And the feeling of never being alone when we have a problem we can't solve. Someone will have the answer.
I can only think of one bad thing I have gained from this forum. My trigger finger is always stiff from clicking this damn mouse!

12-05-2002, 10:36 PM
healthier, higher quality fish


12-05-2002, 10:38 PM
The best thing that I got out of this board was the same thing I got from taking a chance and going to the ACA 2002...

I got to and get to exchange ideas with great people who's knowledge about discus no amount of books could ever come close to...

I thank Willie, Mench, Cary, Al, Danny and everyone who was in 1304 for telling me about SimplyDiscus.com and sharing there knowledge with me...

I hope that through the ups and downs the collection of information stored here will serve to inform hobbiest new and old world wide...

And to the people who's time is always spread to thin but at the 25th our of the day manage to make time to reply to questions know that your efforts do not go un-noticed... Keep giving with an open heart and an open mind...


12-05-2002, 11:09 PM
Good Advice, truckloads of information, support and sympathy when things go wrong, the occasional much-needed laugh, and most of all - new-found confidence to try my hand at keeping these fish. This was not the case not too long ago, back in the days when the breeders kept everything a secret. I'll bet even the most experienced breeders have learned something from this forum, even if it isn't Discus-related ;)

Keep up the great work everybody!

12-05-2002, 11:34 PM
A tremendous amount of unbiased, helpful information from others who like myself simply enjoy raising discus and the friendships that we develop because of that.
For those of you who keep this site up and running I can only tell you a sincere thank you for all the time, work and effort that you put into that task. Those of us who benefit from your work are very appreciative of all that you do.
To all, have a safe and happy holiday season.


12-05-2002, 11:49 PM
theres no place like home......theres no place like home...
ok simply is my home..and im proud of it ..and i have many very special friends that i look for everyday on here and in chat.
thanks....tony.by the way. ;D im around whenever..not far from the puter. besides...your my news source. lol
and i honestly can say ive met some great people and also some new ones who have become great friends..and they make me smile all day while i work..thinking about the laughts we've had.
but i have also learnt a ton of info...and im amazed everyday of a new thing i learn.
and i love...hearing about where everyone lives and what jobs they do...and about different parts of the world. and love seeing all everyones pics..of them and their fish etc. like travelling places without going far. saves on gas and car repairs. lol.

12-06-2002, 12:50 AM
Mostly just people to talk Discus with who do not look at me funny or start to yawn! Frank :D

12-06-2002, 01:01 AM
Frank - you've got to go to a discus get-together with a bunch of people who want to talk about nothing but discus. I have never had so much fun. What part of the country are you in?

Carol :heart1:

12-06-2002, 01:05 AM
Long Island. I was thinking of asking Chuck and Richie and John-Boxerdad and some others to start a Discus lovers poker game! ;D Frank

12-06-2002, 02:02 AM
The best thing about this place is the all of the wisdom here!!! Those that have years of experience, and the newbies that see things with a fresh perspective...all contribute!!

I also enjoy the many friends here too!!!

Frank!!!...discus-lover poker? I can imagine lots of fry being wagered and lost!

12-06-2002, 02:31 AM
I love this place. I have made several friends all over the world. The info is great and I have a great time in chat. I look forward to the end of the day when everything settles down and I can get on chat and relax. TV who watches it anymore? The collective knowledge on this board is awesome!!! ;)

12-06-2002, 12:08 PM
What can I say, the invaluable advice. Special thanks on my part to the two Al's. You both know that I and my discus probably couldn't have survived without you. And of course I have to thank Simply Discus and Rocky Mountain Discus for my new discus which I won in the last contest. They are beautiful and thanks to the wonderful advice I have received are doing well and growing like weeds. Can't imagine having a day go by that I don't check in and read all the new postings. You can never learn too much. And I love checking out the pictures. Have to admit, you've got my full attention, I no longer even check out the other forums. Thank you for making this past year for me and I look forward to many more with you.

12-06-2002, 12:41 PM
I would have to say a wealth of information and advice as well as a heck of a nice group of people. I have met some really good people because of this forum. ;D


12-06-2002, 02:19 PM
just starting to keep discus ,would not have atempted but for you people.great help reading the topics, have books but your forum as helped me to feel confident ,my tanks are set up now 4 weeks ,for rearing tank ph 6.8 ,gh 1. kh ,3 ,amonia 0, nitrate 0 temp 82f,breeding taNK PH,6 ,KH 1, GH1 AMONIA 0 ,NITRATE 0 TEMP 84F, FISH READY TO PICK UP IN 2 WEEKS ,is my set up ok ..many thanks and keep up the good work

12-06-2002, 06:12 PM
The best things I've gained from Simply, in no particular order, are:

Meeting Cary, Al, and all the other great helpers here that provide 24/7 support in case of a problem, which really helps in the beginnning.

Learning of the evil ways of the LFS and not to listen to them telling me that 3 WCs a week is way too many...lol

Diseases and medication....very important IMO because we all get them at some point

and finally, going BB, as it's soooo much easier and the fish are happier.

I'd just like to sincerely thank Al for all that he's done and I hope you can gain some of your investment back through the upcoming auctions!


12-06-2002, 07:45 PM
Hi guys & gals :wave:

First of all, I want to thank Al & Ryan for creating Simply Discus :bounce:

I've found everything a hobbyist wants to find in a forum, I mean, Nice People, great help, even nice fights LOL, (believe it or not I've learned from them too ;) )

Mods, Geez you all are great people :drummer:

Of course, "Da Man", Mike Wells and the other breeders, a very nice group of people.

I want to say thanks to everyone, and say CONGRATS to everyone for posting/living in Simplyville !!!!


Bill :guitarist:

12-06-2002, 08:49 PM
I love this forum and I plan to get more involved no matter what my wife thinks. I have a beautiful tank full of Red Turks I grew out thanks to the help I got reading this board. :) :) :)

12-07-2002, 07:28 PM
It's all been covered. Friends, comforters, cheerleaders, mentors, advisors, teachers, veterans, newbies, wannabees, lurkers, loudmouths; they all make up Simply. I'm proud to be part of this forum. Thanks to all. Just to add a side note I would add that I appreciate the work of the moderators that keep us from doing stupid things in front of other people.


12-08-2002, 10:20 PM
Just to add a side note I would add that I appreciate the work of the moderators that keep us from doing stupid things in front of other people.

Yep... Thank god for our Mods... without thier support and advice I'd make a heck of a lot more stupid blunders than I do already! LOL ;D


12-08-2002, 10:23 PM

My hat's off to you! This forum has changed my entire outlook on the hobby and most people seem to reflect my opinion. What's the best thing I got out of Simply? Is the friends. They fall into three categories:

Friends in Minnesota - I thought I knew everyone who kept discus around here. With all the new people I met on Simply, we have a solid core of people for our local club meetings. Its a blast everytime we get together.

Greats and Near Greats - Meeting Cary, Mike, Gabe, Samson, Joe and others who don't see you as a potential customer, but as a fellow hobbyist who like to talk discus.

Internet Friends - Who could have imagined making friends in Malaysia, Australia, U.K., India and even Rumania? And I got to meet some of them in person, like April.

You and your group of moderators have done a wonderful thing and you should be awfully proud.

Best wishes to everyone on Simply!


12-09-2002, 07:16 PM
Hello I think it is a great board.Very friendly and excellent advice.As a beginner to Discus this is the place to learn.

12-12-2002, 11:27 PM
very accurate answers too very specific questions - especially helpfull too new discus lovers. i know the answers are accurate when there are so many knowledgeable (sp) discus lovers that are answering/watching other's answers too put in their knowledge too further a discussion. an inaccurate answer would be pointed out/corrected right away by someone else with the correct answer (if there is a right/wrong answer). non right/wrong questions get lots of different feedback too let the questioner make their own final decision.

i find this interaction too be irreplaceable(sp)



12-13-2002, 12:26 AM
Meeting some nice people, with alot of knowledge. And just having fun.


12-17-2002, 03:35 PM
My fish are still alive. Without a doubt would have lost a few if not for quick and friendly help from folks on this board.

12-17-2002, 03:57 PM
After keeping the same fish for five years, I now have the confidence to move on to discus - something I have wanted to do for a while! :D And with plants too ;D

I have discovered a place with a breadth and depth of knowledge and a willingness (or is it compulsion 8) ) to share and a whole slew of great places to get high quality fish without having to rely on the LFS. (now there is some twitchy grammar for you!)

Not to mention it's nice to know who in my area is interested/knowledable abour discus. I'm also in NY (Rochester) and would be interested in getting together with others in the area.

Thanks to all the admins., mods., and members!!


12-24-2002, 11:01 AM
The collective knowledge is awesome! This board allowed me as a discus newbie to gain years worth of experience in just a few short months.

The recognition that there are other people in this world and even close by that have also become obsessed with these beautiful fish.

The understanding that keeping and breeding discus is not extremely difficult, one Simply needs to understand the needs of these fish.

Most of all, the dedication, caring and giving nature of everyone who contributes to this board and especially the wonderful moderators.


12-29-2002, 01:51 AM
I have learned a ton here at simply, met some very knowledgeable people that do not laugh at my sometimes silly questions.........well at least when I am not looking. ;D

I salute all the moderators and other members for an excellent job at helping out people like myself that are just starting at discus it means a lot! Thank you Don and Jeff for the help you have given me and steering me in the right direction. I really look forward to the future when I can post pics of my fish and (hopefully) add to a long line on success stories that have been made possible by this site...........my hat is off to you all!

Have a safe holidays!

12-29-2002, 09:50 AM
1.Well certainly at the top of the list is meeting some new friends and wonderful people! 8) 8) 8)
2. Being able to meet and communicate with people all over the world is also a great thing!

3.The sharing of knowledge and information and learning new things.

4.Being able to laugh once in a while. ;D

Thank You!!!


01-30-2003, 08:24 PM
hello,my name is tom and i have been interested and reading about discus for about 8 years and have yet to set up tank because last few years have been planning on moving.should be ready for discus around june and the wait is killing me,just found this board last week and i think its better than any book.everything you need to know is here.just thought id say somthing,thanks.

01-30-2003, 11:55 PM
welcome tom


02-21-2003, 01:47 PM
I'm very new to this forum too, but already I feel so welcome :D

I have voyeured/lurked around on other boards, but not actually posted things. This is easy and fun! :-* to the mods, Al, Ryan and all who are posting!! Everyone is so supportive and inspirational. I'm thinking about digital cameras now etc....

I just feel real sorry for those who come into this two years from now. Already, there's so much to read and learn---can u imagine what it will be like in a couple years!!!!

May as well just camp-out by the computer for days on end!
Hey, I got a family (But I also have CA black worms in our fridge!?)

My ONLY improvement would be spellcheck on these message areas. I really need that little tool. ;D Jen K.

03-28-2003, 08:29 PM
Simple :o
Friendship ::)
Education ???
Entertainment :D
Fisheyes( :o)

04-04-2003, 04:35 AM
New professional friend that I can learn many usefull things from them :)
Realy thanks from all of them :)

08-10-2003, 12:12 AM
The beSt thing I have gotten out of this ---

Helping others >

Learning fom others >

Meeting others >

Lively discussions >

Hoping to meet a naieve women. hehehhe. Wait - No; really.

SWM- respondsible, loves fish, does w/c's.

Ahh , right - only in someones dreams!


PS -I owe'n my own tanks !!!

Jimmy, Al, Devin - forget it .. you already have someone to do your w/c's.


REALLY, send resumes.

08-10-2003, 12:47 AM
lol, smokey your killing me,

i'm first, oh wait, how about this, the younger US. chicks can come to me and the older conuck women can be sent your way, lol

a women to help with wc's, hmmmm naked ;D oh wait, hey, mayb that would get them breeding more, lol.

anyway, simply has been priceless, taught me what real medicines are, and when to do what, saved many fish of mine and taught me quartentine precedures.

i'd say i have 18 2 month old discus to contribute to simply and a batch of 40 or so that are 5 days old.

like i said, simply has been priceless to me.


08-10-2003, 08:09 PM
Mike ------- ONLY IN YOUR DREAMS, FELLOW !!!!!!!!

Hehe; hahahahahha lmaorotf, .....

Over the years - time traviling, you might say - you have no hope in h#*l. The beautiful female I would like to commit to would have little to do with the looks of someone from from the back country LOL.


Ahhh , only in Canada. EH !!!
Hockey puck that one. buddy....


08-10-2003, 09:23 PM
I got my groove back. After years of making excuses with home remodels and work/school, I've gotten back into the hobby. Am really enjoying it.

08-11-2003, 12:40 AM

I do under- stand - YOU ; are - not - happy - with -your- your - present - habitat !
That ; - in your imagination / sense of the "MALE" inner Knowledge --- I WISH I WAS; - - - Has been granted.
By the power - intrusted to " me: ---

This special award - is only achknolweledeged [ wow - that is one big word".] - By the absoulate Power:
THE / YOUR .............................
wife !

Good luck ; buddy.


08-11-2003, 01:06 AM
he best things " I " have gotton ou'ta S/D ... Friendship!

Everything aside, good humor and laughs; the TIME SPENT Carring for DISCUS ...... is a "DEDICATION" ; a DISIPLINE; A TRUE Love!!!
Not Many have the " time " .
Not Many have the " understanding "
Not mant have the " Patientce '.


DISCUS - are easy to keep; AS EAsY AS CHILdren. Only LOVE, FEEDING, CHANGIN THE DIAPERS [ w/c's]; forgiving - their personal out-bursts; The look of " LOVE " in their eyes. .

As " KEEPERS " { Hmmm a better word might be " Intrusted"}. : Discus people/persons, are a " BREED - ABOVE - OTHERS " .


09-12-2003, 01:26 AM
The saying that comes to mind is: "Misery Loves Company". ;D

Being out of the hobby for almost 10 years had me a little worried about keeping Discus again. Reading and reviewing all the posts made it very easy to get back into the swing of things.

It's amazing how a round fish has brought people from all walks of life together to open up and share their lives with one another...Pretty Cool.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!


10-02-2003, 12:39 PM
the best things i have gotten is friends - maybe friends i may never meet in person - but friends - true blue (aussie slang for REAL) ;)

But im getting a bit of jet lag jumping from oz to US to canuckland, plus my passport is invalid so i could be pinched. (aussie for ARRESTED)

Kerry :o

10-11-2003, 01:37 PM
Kerry, the ring is in the shop.


01-04-2004, 01:06 AM
I may be a little late in posting here, but what's new :-)

The board and the members have made all the difference in my getting back into the hobby. Special thanks to RandalB, he and Butch have gone out of their way to helping me get up and going.

To Carol Roberts (who I have not had the pleasure of meeting face to face), thank you for the many responses to my questions. We may not always agree, but she gets me thinking and even has gotten me to change my opinions :-)

There are certainly others. . . thank you for putting up with my sometimes off-beat comments (I always wanted to be the class clown :-).

I may not always be posting, but I know where to go (no not there!) when I need to find something out or just don't know what to do with myself late at night. . . THANKS!!!

02-01-2004, 04:32 AM
hi all, i've been lurking for some time, and i've posted a little. for me the best thing about s/d has to be the amount of information, and the advantage of being able to access the experience of all of the knowledgealbe discus keepers who always seem glad to help. it is scary to think back and remember some of the advice that i have got in the past from some of the local fish stores employees before i found s/d. i really haven't posted enough to make friends yet, but i already feel like i know some of you from reading your posts. i look foward to participating more in the future, and hopefully i can help someone else the same way some of you have helped me in the past. i still have alot to learn, and my inetrest is still growing after about 3 years of keeping discus, so i'll be around for a long time. thanks, jason patterson ( cincinnati, ohio) USA

03-22-2004, 08:29 PM
For me?

Information, Information, INformation!
w/o you all, I'd be aimlessly seaching the web and/or killing my first fish by now!

A way to occupy my weeknights...

I hope the friends are soon to come; I see this growing on me.


04-11-2004, 05:51 AM
I know, I don't post that much, but I have read and learned alot. I have been one of those Angel fish people now for sometime, and have just recently started the discus thing, I had tried them many years ago with out success. I Work nights, so when I am not busy with work, I sit and read read read. There is so much information, and yes I do use alot of it when it comes to different foods, filters, and water changing ideas, I really enjoy the information that I find on here.


07-14-2004, 01:20 AM
Hi everyone,
The best thing i have gotten out of this board is INFORMATION and the ability to talk to others about discus.I had a terrible failure with discus 2 yrs ago and now that i'm a part of this board , it helps out so much and makes it easier to keep them healthy.
You can get answers without critisism . The members here are great and are always willing to help.
Thank you Giniel

11-19-2004, 04:08 PM
The Best thing i got out of this board?

Many Many New Friends

07-07-2005, 07:50 PM
It's the only place I can regurly converse with other fish freaks, maybe you have notice non-fish freinds and family tend to get a glossed over look when I go on and on about my fish.

So my input would be the people, other fish freaks like me :D

Dirk :D

02-18-2006, 12:15 PM
Simply Discus is great! First and foremost I have gotten so much un-judgemental help from the members here. I have been on quite a lot of forums. A LOT, and there really aren't that many out there where the people are friendly and helpful to newcomers. I love how accepting and friendly all the simply people are, which leads to making friends on here. Although I've never met any of you in RL, I consider you friends.

Simplydiscus is just one of the best dang forums I've been on, fish related or not.

:heart2:Wub you guys and your :crazy:ness!

02-18-2006, 10:43 PM
Help on a wonderful hobby. First found Simply trying to find some help when Sampson was a baby, ate too much and got bloat! (His eyes were always bigger than his stomach as a baby). Then with much help I got wrigglers and free swimmers from another pair :). I've also gained the friendship and knowledge of a lot of great people here on the board :).


02-19-2006, 10:09 AM
Thank you Tina and Amber! we try!:)


02-19-2006, 11:04 AM
Uhm... " The best things I have gotten out of this board "
I will have to say "Everything" , well just about everything . This is my first year keeping discus and from my stand construction , filtration, tank size for load, fishless cycling, water quality maintenance, discipline on daily maintenance keeping the fish,the patiente needed, (I hate to say the "bare tank approach " ), etc..etc.. most of the information have come from this Forum.
Thanks Al, Ryan for the Forum and thanks to all the moderators for a Great Job.


02-19-2006, 11:19 AM
Yes Thank you Tina, Amber and Roberto.
There are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly people here.
It starts at the top with Al and Ryan and goes all the way to the members.:) :) Very helpful and friendly people from all over the world.:)

02-20-2006, 11:49 AM
It does start at the top with Ryan and Al but let us not forget the middle, Ardan. You. The Moderator~

The Simply Discus Team is the glue which holds this place together at times IMO. It takes a special person to play on that team and play fair~ while no particular person has to be Captain...as Armstrong & Getty say: "there is no "I" in team~

They never get the recognition they deserve nor do they complain about it~~ They just scamper off to help someone else....another day, another problem, quite often the same problem repeating itself day after day, week after week~

Al we need a Mod Appreciation Week thingy! lol! Ya think?
The Best Things I have gotten from Simply? I could not possibly count what they all consist of~

New Friends all over the globe, new fish, so much I have learned and some of which was not an easy lesson make no mistake about that~ but....knowledge is power, so they say~ Power....funny thing about that is everyone wants it, no one really has it, and those who do, do not even know it~

Ryan, Al, you guys have created a very unique place here unlike any other and I hope we can all help you guys keep it the way you two strive on a daily basis to achieve~ ( does that make sense?)

Simplydiscus.....I will never forget my first day here....

Marie~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

02-20-2006, 08:02 PM
Wow! Thank you Marie.:)
I hope I have been able to help and when I help someone, then they can learn and help another.
I must share that credit also with many that have helped and taught me, the list is very very long. But especially Al and Ryan and my fellow mods and also Cary has spent a lot of time with me. Sometimes they don't help me straight out, but I learn from them helping others. And this goes for everyone that shares their problems, solutions and information. I learn and everyone learns. Some lessons are difficult to get through. That is really what makes it a special place and to have all the special people from all over the world cooperating and sharing!:)
Its very thoughtful of you to mention me, I only did a little to help.:) :) I know there are many others too.:)

Thank You
Anytime, anyone, I will try my best, although I am still learning a lot too and don't know it all:)


02-20-2006, 08:31 PM

Kenny's Discus
02-20-2006, 09:03 PM
I also think the best thing I've ever gotten out of this board is that I got to make many new friends who happen to be discus lovers also. You don't get to meet too many ppl who are into raising discus outside of the ring IMHO.


02-21-2006, 02:38 AM
The best thing I got was the friendships. Where else can you touch so many people and put a smile on someone's face you never met from miles away. Yes we learn what we can and help other about discus, but it doesn't stop there. Friendships are made and they still continue each and everyday. People here are welcoming others to visit them just to meet the new friend they made on SimplyDiscus. Who would have ever thought that a round fish can bring so many people together ;)

White Worm
05-09-2006, 08:06 PM
Well, before I came across Simplydiscus.com, I lost about 25 discus for various reasons...mostly because of low quality stock (LFS) and lack of knowledge. Wasted $100's and was just about ready to call it quits. Then simply! Well, I have not lost one fish since I joined here which was in Oct 2005 I think, thats 8 months, wow, didnt think about it till now.
Well...... 1.......it was an angel that got sucked into the filter intake tube during cleaning when I wasnt looking. I have made good friends abroad and local who have the same passion for the hobby as I do. I have learned and gained more than I could ever express with simple words but I'll try.........
Thank you all for the help, guidance, hint, advice, tip, fish, comment, pat on the back, kick in the butt, reply, PM, method, schedule, medication, contact, procedure, rule, smiley, quote, response, info, recipe, technique, assistance, discount, sample, etc. I appreciate it all! Thanks for being friends! Mike

10-10-2007, 03:56 AM
Hi all,
Every once in a while I like to look back on threads like this... This thread goes back almost as long as the forum now and its great reading the comments of members here about the forum and what they have gotten from the site...

Looking thru the posts...theres a bunch here that have pretty much been with this forum since they began their hobby ... talk about growth and development...its nice to see... so often you hear of members leaving the hobby... I see alot still that have not only stayed...but grown immensely! Way to go!!!

ANY HOW...I thought I'd bring this up to the forefront again and ask you all...

What are the best things you have gotten out of this board?


10-10-2007, 12:07 PM
I am quite sure that if I had not found this site, when I was first looking into the possibility of keeping Discus I would not be keeping them now. I was immediately befriended by forum members as well as Al himself. I was given very sound advice on what I should change about my current set up to best keep Discus. AL extended an invitation to visit himself and his fish, an act that made quite an impression on me then and still does now, as I was a complete stranger to him.

I continue to read the site on a daily basis, and everything I know about the Discus hobby is directly attributed to this Forum and Al.

Thanks Al
Thanks All

10-10-2007, 06:31 PM
How a fish can bring so many together ~ I have met many here in the two years I have been a member of Simply... Steve & Anna from England, Amber from VA, Mike, Tina, Kenny and Lewis, Jack, Roberto, Andrew Soh...Frank ( not really but it seems that way! )

And I will meet Liz in February:) I am going to learn so much from this lady ~ I will be right up there with her:D:D

I have talked on the phone to many more as well! Some of my closest friends are on this site ~ is that strange? Don't answer that:p I want to meet April so much ~ and Barb ~ and def Paul:), Andrew and Angela, Tony and Beth ~

When I pass by the lottery billboards here, I think to myself FIRST, " okay, a million to Simply ....and....." I swear! That would be the least I could do for any and all headaches I have caused Al and Ryan over the last two years!:D

I have learn much, shared more, and lost some ~ but I know that Discus will always be a part of me....

So will Simply:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

Darren's Discus
10-10-2007, 07:27 PM
AS so many have said,great how a fish can bring so many people from so many walks of life together, i have met some truly great people on this site and learnt more than all the discus books i own put together,so for this i truly thank Al and Ryan for putting this site together and all the hobbyist that make this site what it is AWESOME.


10-10-2007, 10:13 PM
This is a great run board, with a core group of really great people.
I am having a wonderful time sharing my passion with other people who don't think I'm crazy. Every day I learn something new.
My favorite section is the breeding thread.


10-13-2007, 11:28 AM
I've only been around for a couple of months, but have been all over this board. I would say that the people here are fantastic. They are very kind, quick to help, and overall genuine. I haven't been here long enough to form relationships with many, but in reading the boards, you can see the respect people have for one another and their willingness to help out. This is truly my favorite board and I am here multiple times a day.

5 years with a forum like this and still growing, that is an outstanding accomplishment. Most boards come and go. This in itself is a huge statement about the people behind the scenes and even the members browsing the board. It takes both to have a successful forum.

Al and team, thank you for maintaining a wonderful board for us newbies to learn from. I truly understand what it takes to keep one of these forums up and running, and it is not easy by any means.

Forum members, thank you for continuing to be so open and willing to help the newbs. It is truly a breath of fresh air!

Kevin Trimble
Discus Lover from Indiana

10-18-2007, 10:51 PM
When I pass by the lottery billboards here, I think to myself FIRST, " okay, a million to Simply ....and....." I swear! That would be the least I could do for any and all headaches I have caused Al and Ryan over the last two years!:D

I can hear Al an Ryan now..."Marie ya need to buy more lotto tickets!!"

More than 10,000 people here sharing a love for the same hobby. The comraderie here at "SD" is second to none. From the top all the way down to the newest member, an no fights! :) Put 100 people together in an unorganized enviroment, an a brawl will insue at some point. Thats a huge reflection on the team that runs this place! Hats off to the admin, SD team an mods! :thumbsup:

I dont think its a matter of what is the best thing I have gotten from this board, but what I will continue to get from this board!

Oh yeah... I just happen to live real close to brewmaster15! :D ;)


10-19-2007, 08:14 AM
I can hear Al an Ryan now..."Marie ya need to buy more lotto tickets!!"

Funny, Mark! And Ya know, I never have played the lotto once either ~ only the little tickets for a dollar and I won $50.:)

Oh yeah... I just happen to live real close to brewmaster15! :D ;)

Well, Al is most certainly glad I don't live "real close", I am sure!