View Full Version : Worming Baby Discus?

12-06-2002, 05:08 PM
Hi all


well they babys are 7 weeks old now and i am going to worm them , just to make sure before i sell them
and it says on the pack DO NOT USE WITH BABY FISH
would a half does be ok? the stuff is called worm rid "Praziquantel"100mg tabs also when it says to remove activated carbon does this meen the charcol or the bio balls any help would be greatly apprecated.


12-06-2002, 06:03 PM
it means the charcoal. I don not know about using them on baby fish but i have heard that Prazi can be hard on older fish. I'll leave that question for someone else.

12-06-2002, 06:38 PM
First off they are to young to worm, you will kill them with an overdose of Prazi. Like the warning on the label say's DO NOT USE WITH BABY FISH, these are baby fish. Now why would you want to worm them anyway? Have you been feeding them Tubifex worms which is a big NO NO with me. I see no point in worming them since they are only about 4 weeks removed from theyre parents and if you been reading here for a while you are most likely feeding them Beefheart, Frozen or Live Bloodworms, or Brine Shrimp. I don't worm my Discus until they reach 6 months old and then every 6 months in case my Frozen Bloodworms had a parasite in them. I been real lucky and haven't had any worms in any of my Discus. Just sell them as they are.

12-06-2002, 08:46 PM
i agree with george, these are not puppies so just sell them as is. tapeworms should not be a problem in your fish if you have no intermediate host. prazi can be tough on young fish and if you wait until they are 6 mos, it should do them no harm.

i do not mind fish not being treated for tapes as it is inexpensive for me to treat myself($5.00 for 100 gallons) and i would be much happier if the money went to meds for flukes and hex, although i know that it works for flukes.
