View Full Version : THE GREAT ICE STORM OF 2002 IN NC - How I almost quit keeping discus

12-07-2002, 06:47 PM
We got hit in NC with the worst ice storm in couple of years. I lost power for two days and the temp was dropping into the low 20s. This would not be so bad but I have a 75 gal fish tank with 6 discus!!!! The tank temp got down to about 50°F - rather cool for discus. Surprisingly after getting power back all the discus so far are alive. They just started eating after warming the tank back to about 82°F overnight and a 100% water change!!! Luckily the tank was fully planted and the O2 always stays above saturation (pearling of plants). Without the plants the discus would surely have been doomed. Even the wild discus are beginning to come back. Who ever said that discus were delicate fish?!?!?!

Is there anything I should be concerned with in the next few days with the discus?
ICK has not been seen yet - I know it is likely soon, but what is the best treatment?
Any other treatments I should consider?

I would have quit this hobby if the fish had died!!!

12-07-2002, 08:15 PM
Hey Chavez...

Many congrats on your survival there..... Sounds like things are progressing towards a warm up..... I can relate, as I am from Minnesota and have been thru many a storms, ice and all... Not to mention the power outages.

IMO yes ick is a concern but with the temps back up (where ick doesn't survive) you probably won't have to worry as much. I would just salt and watch. Depends on their symptoms at this point.

Please don't give up on the hobby, the down points are also our learning tools.

Keep us posted..... :thumbsup:

Julz :)

12-08-2002, 10:10 AM
Hey everyone...

I moved this thread from Talking for a bit more exposure. I am sure Chavez is open for some more comments.

Julz :)

12-08-2002, 10:27 AM

Good to hear that your fish survived and seem to be doing well! My entire inventory of fish died off about 10 years ago after a 3 day outage where the temps dipped into the 50s. I didn't have plants in any of those tanks, so maybe they are the difference maker after all!

I bought a generator that summer...


12-08-2002, 12:53 PM
I agree with John,even out here in Ca. the power goes out frequently and I have used my generator many a time and it's definately worth the money,and the peace of mind.
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

Paul :guitarist:

12-08-2002, 01:12 PM
I live in Charlotte, where are you?


12-08-2002, 05:34 PM
Brad - In the cold as hell University Area off of Harris BLVD

OK and update - The Wilds have stopped eating and are turning a solid black!! Think I should be worried???

12-08-2002, 06:46 PM
I'm outside of Raleigh, NC. I had to go through two nights without power (yes, I know that I am one of the "lucky ones"). When the power came back on Friday morning at 9:30am, the room temp was 57F and the aquarium tanks were 60-62F. I drained out some water from my largest tank into a rubbermaid tub (just deep enough to cover the tallest discus), added my spare Hagen 250 watt heater, and an airstone, then moved my 6 discus + 1 zebra pl*co in, hooked everything up and watched the fish warm up. I also did some water changes (only about 10-20% - didn't want to shock the remaining inhabitants) on the aquarium tanks, to help them warm up faster (I don't care what people say, Ebo Jaggers worked for me that day!!!!).

Initially, one of my discus was dark, fins clamped, and barely breathing - my zebra pl*co was barely moving too - once the temp in the rubbermaid tub reached the 70'sF, all of the fish were definitely happier!

Later when the temp reached the low 80's F , my discus were starting to peck at each other and 3 hours later, when the tanks were back to the 84F mark, I moved the discus back in. Initially, even the gravel in the tanks was cold!

No problem with lack of oxygen - I was concerned, but I stock my tanks lightly and as mentioned, the plants bubble up enough surplus to help. Also no bacteria bloom, etc... If you checked up on my tanks today, you'd never know anything happened. No ick (not even on the clown loaches) - some people think ick will stick around and lay dormant until the fish are stressed out then attack the fish, but no white ick spots so far....

I think I will go out and buy some UPS (uninterruptible power supply) to keep on hand in case this sort of thing happens again. Since I moved here in 1988, I've seen been through a tornado that literally squashed a K-Mart, been through multiple hurricanes - Hugo, Fran, Floyd, etc..., been in a couple of ice storms (counting this year), and in the last two Januarys, been through two winter blizzards which resulted in snow 2 feet deep in one day (snow isn't bad, but the lack of snow removal can be a royal pain)! And some people LIKE the weather down here?!?!?!?!?! :o :o


P.S. - I still don't have a stable internet connection, so I can't upload the updates to my website. :( But I'm not complaining - I have running drinkable water, electricity, and working phones.

12-08-2002, 07:04 PM
Hey Chavez,

I'm down on Rea road off Highway 51... Where did you get your discus from? I curently have 33 discus with more coming just after the new year.


12-08-2002, 07:12 PM
wow walter..no wonder you havent blessed us with your presence on chat.
glad all went well. i started thinking of that today when i heard about pat. though....hmmmhavent seen walter for a bit...wonder if he lost his power also.

12-08-2002, 08:38 PM
Wahter - Was supposed to go to my first CAPE meeting up there in Raliegh with Phil E. (Biotypical). Cancelled I guess because none of us had power. In fact I have some of your plants - Micro Tennellus. It is doing great. Will they be having another meeting soon? Would like to come and visit your set-up!! Paul

Brad - Got some from Fintastics - Red/Turq and Wilds from a breeder in GA. Got any extra discus you need to get off your hands? PM me - looking for some wild browns or alenquers. Should be ready for some discus in the next few weeks when my tanks get back in shape!

Wild Discus are still looking terrible!! Anybody have any suggestions?

12-09-2002, 11:11 AM
Hi Chavez, nice to know that Phil has passed my extra plants around (even better to know that they are thriving). He told me the micro red tenellus swords which he kept for himself had died, so I am planning to give him some more. They are originally from Neil Frank. I think they are trying to move the CAPE (Carolina Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts) meeting to this weekend, but the host's (Tom) house still is without electricity! I think he has natural gas for his water heater and maybe for his heat (I think he said he's hooked the blower fan to a generator). We'll have to see what happens.

Well, at least they don't have earthquakes nor volcanic eruptions here in North Carolina (everything else though!).


12-09-2002, 11:26 AM
Our local TV station's website has some interesting reading about the ice storm:



Walter :scared:

12-09-2002, 11:49 AM
has anyone found Pat? Pat......you out there?
hope you have power again!!

12-09-2002, 11:57 AM

Glad to hear you made it through the storm okay. Nothing like one of those early season ice storms to mess things up. My mom sold her house last Friday - that same storm came through here and brought down at least 20 trees on her property and she was without power for 3 days. I kept thanking God that I don't live in the same part of the state as her!


12-12-2002, 11:20 PM

OK - Here is the tank five days after the ice storm. Yes - I am one of the Dark Siders. Anyway the link above will get you to more pics of the discus and tanks.

Kinda suprised by the results - Thought I would have a bigger mess!!


12-13-2002, 09:14 AM

Great to hear things are progressing toward the positive. :thumbsup:

Very nice pictures. Love your planted tank.

Julz :)